Do You Have What It Takes To Be A MIssionary?
Thursday, 07 February 2008
This article, written for a missiology class at the Church of God Theological Seminary, explores the calling of all who claim the Name of Christ to assume their role as missionaries.
To be a missionary is one of the most important callings in the ministry. It usually means the forsaking of family, friends and, sometimes, the necessities of life. It has meant, to some, even their lives. The question must be asked: Do you have what it takes to be a missionary?
I can honestly say I have never felt the call to be a missionary. However, taking a class at the Church of God Theological Seminary on world missions and evangelism has intrigued and challenged me.
The Call to Missions
This class has taught me that we are all called to be missionaries. Some have been called to the mission fields in another country and others to those in their own backyards.
Matthew 25:40 says, “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.” This is the call to all who will listen and obey. We are all called to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves.
The noble missionaries who literally risk life and limb to spread the gospel in far away lands deserve the honor we can give them. Still, I must admit I am glad it is someone else instead of me. I know the Lord has called me to be a pastor. He did not call me to leave behind my home, family, or friends to go off into another part of the world.
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<!--[endif]-->I often feel guilty because I am glad God did not call me to the foreign mission field. But how do I deal with God’s call for all of us to be missionaries? Do I just drop money in the offering plate to ease my conscience? Or, do I make a concerted effort to truly make a change?
I have found a wonderful solution to my dilemma, and perhaps yours. I am going to become a sender.
Send the Light
This brings me back to my question: Do you have what it takes to be a missionary? I know there are many who have used the same excuse as me; God has not called me to be a missionary. However, I am now faced with the realization that God has called us all to be missionaries.
Mark 16:15 says, “And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” We try to convince ourselves that the Lord is only talking to those who go into the mission fields. In
Matthew 28:19 we are told to make disciples. Just because God has not called each one of us to go to the mission fields does not release us of our duty.
I believe the answer lies in us becoming senders, helping those who are called to full-time missions. As a full-time pastor, I cannot pastor the church without receiving compensation for what I do. A love offering every six months or so will not pay my bills. Therefore, it becomes our responsibility to support men and women who are called to full-time missions. If we don’t go into the mission fields, at least let us be willing to send those who have been called to go there.
Do you have what it takes to be a missionary?
Stephen W. Moore
Pastor of Algood Church of God
Baxter, Tennessee
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