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Old 01-13-2008, 10:33 PM
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You said, "Side bar [most prophets of old begat sons who became prophets]

I'm interested in anything "new". Can you supply me with references for the sons of most prophets?
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Old 01-13-2008, 11:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Apprehended View Post
This is so true.

But, does the Evangelist or any other of the five fold ministries have as secure financial position or prospects as does the Pastor?

Never mind the calling. Who is it that has control of the PURSE?

It is very naieve of young fledgling preachers who go into the ministry so hopeful, stary-eyed and idealistic without first realizing that for the most part, it's all about MONEY.

If that is ever doubted, then shut off the stream of filthy lucre and you will see how many will remain in ministry. Shutting off the flow of cash has a mysterious way of weeding out the heirlings from the ranks of old time religion. Shut off the flow of cash will also reveal the real, the pure, the divine. It has a way of purging the threshing floor.

AMEN! The last frontier is a good place for the purging.
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Old 01-14-2008, 08:15 AM
Jann Jann is offline
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Thank you for your post.
It certainly makes clear the intent of the statement.

God Bless,
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Old 01-14-2008, 08:44 AM
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I did not hear the sermon since I was not there.

But, in context of the message, I certainly do believe in praying over your children. I did just that as my children were growing up. I would often be in prayer and then call my children to me, one by one I would then lay my hands on them praying fervently for them, sometimes followed with a prophecy. Today, all six of them are living for God as are their families too.

Heaven pays close attention to those prayers which are honored and follow them all the days into old age, unto their deaths, whether they are at last saved or not.

The power of those prayers over your children never fade or lose its power.
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Old 01-14-2008, 09:42 AM
Sarah Sarah is offline
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Originally Posted by Moe View Post
I must say...we must be scraping the bottom of the barrell to make issue with this. If you had taken the time to LISTEN to the sermon BEFORE taking the statement made out of context you would have indeed been saying AMEN instead. This is what get's us all into trouble.

I was there at BOTT and was in tears most of his sermon. It was very moving. He brought out stats on how few young people are now living for God and how we are quickly losing our kids to the world at an alarming rate. He used his grandchildren (who were absolutely precious) during his sermon as examples as he showed how on Saturday night as his church has prayer meeting his oldest grandson will tap him on the shoulder and he gathers him into his chair and begins to pray over him asking God to keep him from the world, to make him great in the kingdom of God. Then he sent him on his way and his beautiful granddaughter came up from the audience and tapped him on the shoulder (this was all pre planned) and he gathered her to him and prayed a simular prayer covering over her and then on to his youngest grandson. There was not a dry eye is the house. Then he begins to tell the congregation that we have allowed our kids to idolize pop stars and sports hero's and we have not made the ministry or people of God hero's in our children's eyes. He then asked his grandchildren to come back up and asked Bro. Becton to come up. He began to weep as he spoke to his grandchildren saying "This man is a legend. He has fought many battles for God and has been a hero in our movement" Then he had his son-in-law take of picture of Bro. Becton with his grandchildren saying we need to make men of God who has paved the way for us to be hero's in our childrens eyes. That we should make the ministry calling one of the highest positions to obtain. He spoke how his father was a drunk and never an example. No one lived for God in his family. How he wished to God he had someone to teach and instruct him and that when he had children he would do his best to train his kids in the WAY.

Side bar (most prophets of old begat sons who became prophets)

He saw great men of God have sons and daughters who lived in a Godly spiritually charged home and the annointing does run down to your children in some form or other. How can you not be affected by a Godly annointed minister father. It used to be almost absolute that ministers sons became ministers in some compacity for the most part. They live and dwell and absorb the annointing IF the minister teaches the son or daughter what they can become for God if they will allow it and for Ministry to be their hero's not the world.

It was in this context that he said...in fact if they live in that atmosphere and don't become ministers...what a waste. (I am paraphrasing but the context is correct)

he was not saying you would be a waste if you were a minister's son and did not become a minister. He was saying if you lived in that atmosphere and had the that kind of training and annointing poured into you and made annointed men of God your hero's and ate and slept (paraphrasing still) the work of God and had all this training poured into you then what a waste of ability and knowledge and potential compared to some who have not had that at all. Like a Doctor's son who worked right alongside his dad for years and had first hand knowledge of medicine and how to heal and became good at it and went through all the training yet in the end decided to become a carpenter instead. What a waste. The world needs good Doctor's! Would you belittle me for saying "What a waste?"

That is the context.

He brought out mission children onto the platform and used them for illustration. It was very moving. he then brought out all the ministers kids from PK conference and had them all file onto the platform and the front area. He had all the parents come down and begin to pray a covering and blessing over their children and to ask God to use them. It was a life changing service for most parents. I cannot begin to bring the passion and annointing that man had on him during the sermon. He was very used of God.

I know you meant no harm but I feel like we all need a check up in the check point of our consience so that it would prick us when we talk in a negative tone regarding men of God. They are my hero's and I am glad God has placed them in my life. Don't know where I would be without one.

Just trying to smooth out the rough stones here.

Lord Bless you.

Thanks for this post, Moe. I knew there was much more to that message after reading the first post of this thread. Amazing.......

I one time heard Bro Tenney say (or maybe I read it) that if a son takes over a pastorate after his father, and it's God's will, the flow of the spirit is a beautiful and wonderful thing. But if it's not the will of the Lord, it can be the worse situation imaginable.
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Old 01-14-2008, 01:59 PM
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...I have found in Pentecostal circles that pastoring is indeed a 'family business'..........good or bad...........
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Old 01-14-2008, 04:43 PM
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Originally Posted by crazyjoe View Post
...I have found in Pentecostal circles that pastoring is indeed a 'family business'..........good or bad...........
For the sake of a true statement let's take "Pentecostal" out of the mix. I can show you over and over again in most denominations where son's follow their fathers into ministry. What an awesome thing to happen no matter who it is. just like Coal miners son's usually become coal miner's. Attorney son's most likely will become attorneys. We now have a president in office who's father was our president. isn't that awesome? To see men follow their father's foot steps is a very biblical thing.

Let me give you an example.

1. God appointed Aaron but his son's were automatically given the right to take the role of Head Priest of the Tabernacle.

There might have been a more consecrated man but it was given to Aaron's seed. (Isn't that amazing)

The bible talks about how they would pour oil on the priest head and it would run down to the hem of his garment. The most powerful part of a robe was the hem. These robes were passed to the "sons" who would then have them annointed with oil. It would again run down to the hem and thus be passed from generation to generation.

Saul when he was annointed King the scripture said the oil trickled down. David was saturated with the oil and it ran down. An interesting note is that this was the line God chose His flesh to be born into.

We can make these snide desparaging remarks about father's vs son's relationship in the work of God but I feel it is a beautiful thing no matter what business you are in.

from what I have seen most churches "love" it when the baton is passed to either a physical or spiritual "son"

Some good reference material on this subject can be obtained from Mark Hanby's book "Ye have not many Father's"

I believe the prophet said....."Does Isreal have any son's?"

God want's your son's and daughter's.
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Old 01-14-2008, 04:57 PM
LaGirl LaGirl is offline

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Originally Posted by Moe View Post
I must say...we must be scraping the bottom of the barrell to make issue with this. If you had taken the time to LISTEN to the sermon BEFORE taking the statement made out of context you would have indeed been saying AMEN instead. This is what get's us all into trouble.

I was there at BOTT and was in tears most of his sermon. It was very moving. He brought out stats on how few young people are now living for God and how we are quickly losing our kids to the world at an alarming rate. He used his grandchildren (who were absolutely precious) during his sermon as examples as he showed how on Saturday night as his church has prayer meeting his oldest grandson will tap him on the shoulder and he gathers him into his chair and begins to pray over him asking God to keep him from the world, to make him great in the kingdom of God. Then he sent him on his way and his beautiful granddaughter came up from the audience and tapped him on the shoulder (this was all pre planned) and he gathered her to him and prayed a simular prayer covering over her and then on to his youngest grandson. There was not a dry eye is the house. Then he begins to tell the congregation that we have allowed our kids to idolize pop stars and sports hero's and we have not made the ministry or people of God hero's in our children's eyes. He then asked his grandchildren to come back up and asked Bro. Becton to come up. He began to weep as he spoke to his grandchildren saying "This man is a legend. He has fought many battles for God and has been a hero in our movement" Then he had his son-in-law take of picture of Bro. Becton with his grandchildren saying we need to make men of God who has paved the way for us to be hero's in our childrens eyes. That we should make the ministry calling one of the highest positions to obtain. He spoke how his father was a drunk and never an example. No one lived for God in his family. How he wished to God he had someone to teach and instruct him and that when he had children he would do his best to train his kids in the WAY.

Side bar (most prophets of old begat sons who became prophets)

He saw great men of God have sons and daughters who lived in a Godly spiritually charged home and the annointing does run down to your children in some form or other. How can you not be affected by a Godly annointed minister father. It used to be almost absolute that ministers sons became ministers in some compacity for the most part. They live and dwell and absorb the annointing IF the minister teaches the son or daughter what they can become for God if they will allow it and for Ministry to be their hero's not the world.

It was in this context that he said...in fact if they live in that atmosphere and don't become ministers...what a waste. (I am paraphrasing but the context is correct)

he was not saying you would be a waste if you were a minister's son and did not become a minister. He was saying if you lived in that atmosphere and had the that kind of training and annointing poured into you and made annointed men of God your hero's and ate and slept (paraphrasing still) the work of God and had all this training poured into you then what a waste of ability and knowledge and potential compared to some who have not had that at all. Like a Doctor's son who worked right alongside his dad for years and had first hand knowledge of medicine and how to heal and became good at it and went through all the training yet in the end decided to become a carpenter instead. What a waste. The world needs good Doctor's! Would you belittle me for saying "What a waste?"

That is the context.

He brought out mission children onto the platform and used them for illustration. It was very moving. he then brought out all the ministers kids from PK conference and had them all file onto the platform and the front area. He had all the parents come down and begin to pray a covering and blessing over their children and to ask God to use them. It was a life changing service for most parents. I cannot begin to bring the passion and annointing that man had on him during the sermon. He was very used of God.

I know you meant no harm but I feel like we all need a check up in the check point of our consience so that it would prick us when we talk in a negative tone regarding men of God. They are my hero's and I am glad God has placed them in my life. Don't know where I would be without one.

Just trying to smooth out the rough stones here.

Lord Bless you.

i was just about to post what the sermon was about. I heard it too. no need to explain now...you did a GREAT JOB OF IT!!!!!
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Old 01-14-2008, 09:41 PM
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Thumbs up

Thanks LaGirl.....We enjoyed the conference so much. POA members are sooooooo hospitible. We try to make it each year.
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Old 01-14-2008, 09:44 PM
Moe Moe is offline
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Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
Thanks for this post, Moe. I knew there was much more to that message after reading the first post of this thread. Amazing.......

I one time heard Bro Tenney say (or maybe I read it) that if a son takes over a pastorate after his father, and it's God's will, the flow of the spirit is a beautiful and wonderful thing. But if it's not the will of the Lord, it can be the worse situation imaginable.
You are absolutely correct. I too believe that. Bro. Tenney has always been very good at dealing with these situations (the bad ones that is...LOL)
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