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Old 01-05-2008, 05:17 PM
John Atkinson John Atkinson is offline

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what we need is a king. Forget this circus we go through every 4 years, give us a king. Case in point: Richard I Plantagenet, AKA Lionheart. When he did the "war in the middle east" thing at least he had the decency to go there and fight it himself, leaving his silly brother in charge who signed the magna carta. Worked out great for everyone.

We need a king

Iwould be a good king.



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Old 01-05-2008, 05:19 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Do you believe that things that offend sensibilities are in any way comparable to actions which threaten, harm or end human life?
Atheistic writings are the philosophical heart of the holocausts in NAZI Germany, the Soviet Union, Vietnam, and Communist China.

Back to my question,

Do you believe that atheistic writings should be banned?
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Old 01-05-2008, 05:22 PM

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Originally Posted by Aquila View Post

Actually I think the facts are contrary to what you're saying. Today the abortion rate in the United States is lower than it was when it was illegal. In the late 90's abortion rates in the US hit a 30 year all time low. And that's in the wake of more liberal abortion laws. Activism does work. As we speak up against the moral evil of abortion more and more women choose life even if abortion is legal.

Where do you get your statistics? According to the historical abortion rates by country, the US didn't have a 30 year low in the late 1990's. I would like you to post your source. Did you study this subject or you basing your statement off of what you heard somebody tell you?

What should be the penalty for an abortion? A fine? Loss of license? Jail? I'm courious because it will set a legal standard for the value of life. If it's just a fine and maybe jail time life is reduced to the value of outstanding parking tickets. Only outright prosecution for MURDER will provide legal justice. Since there isn't a statute of limitations on murder, even women who are walking around today who have procured abortions should be prosecuted, even if they're attending church and now living Christian lives.

I know a pastor's wife who before they were saved had an abortion. If abortion is legally addressed as murder, which would be the only moral legal response, then she would have to face charges for murder. Remember, murder has no statute of limitations. If it was done 80 years ago it doesn't matter, a woman should be prosecuted. If one says they are prolife and disagrees...they're obviously not as prolife as they claim to be. However, again, this is why many are realizing that government and laws aren't capable of addressing this issue. It's a heneous moral act that is murderous...but it's so complex government would only make it worse. Thank about it this way...government waged a war on poverty and we have more poverty. Government waged a war on illiteracy and we have more illiteracy, government waged a war on drugs and we have more drugs. Government waged a war on terror and we have more terror. Do you really want the government to wage a war on abortion? Trust me...if the government get's involved it will only make matters worse.
What do you think abortion is? Do you think it's the taking of a life?
Do you think the fetus is a living person? Do you believe God gave them a soul? Do you think it is murder?

How is killing a living person not murder? Of course it is murder!

Most abortions are done FOR SELFISH reasons because they don't want to sacrifice their body, or their time, etc. They say they can't afford them. Right, well, you can't afford to have SEX then. Sometimes in life there are consequences for our actions and killing a baby shouldn't be a solution.

You say it's an abomination, yet you seem to support it.

We should be supporting Rite to Life campaigns and giving money to the girls who desire to keep their children. Don't let them talk to the abortionists. Heck, they want their money anyway. They might as well be their pimp.

Dr. Pimp is what I should call those 'doctors'. They don't recall the oath to do no harm. The only thing they do take away life and make big money by the way doing it.

I couldn't imagine being in that room when the spread your legs and shove a knife up and rip away at the flesh of the baby and suck out it's brains, heart, and flesh.
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Old 01-05-2008, 05:23 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Originally Posted by John Atkinson View Post
what we need is a king. Forget this circus we go through every 4 years, give us a king. Case in point: Richard I Plantagenet, AKA Lionheart. When he did the "war in the middle east" thing at least he had the decency to go there and fight it himself, leaving his silly brother in charge who signed the magna carta. Worked out great for everyone.

We need a king

Iwould be a good king.


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Old 01-05-2008, 05:29 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Originally Posted by Walkbyfaith7 View Post
What do you think abortion is? Do you think it's the taking of a life?
Do you think the fetus is a living person? Do you believe God gave them a soul? Do you think it is murder?

How is killing a living person not murder? Of course it is murder!

You say it's an abomination, yet you seem to support it.
Yes I believe abortion is the taking of a human life. Yes I believe that morally it is murder. Yes I believe it is an abomination. I DON'T support abortion. I'm highly offended that you would think such a thing. I clearly said that I would never advise a woman to have an abortion and that I teach it's a grave sin against God. Did you not read that part?

You say it's murder and for that reason should be legally addressed as such. I know a woman who is a pastor's wife. Years ago before she was even a Christian she had an abortion. If you really believe that abortion is legally murder as strongly as you let on, would you argue that first she be disqualified from operating in any ministerial fashion and second that she be brought up on charges for murder should abortion be banned?

Don't dodge these questions. They are the logical outcome of the logic you're judging me and others with. My point isn't that abortion is acceptable. My point is that government cannot adequately address the issue. It's an evil every society has wrestled with and in most societies they ultimately decide to place the ultimate responsibility in the hands of individual women.

I've answered your questions. I await your answers.
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Old 01-05-2008, 05:33 PM
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Originally Posted by ChristopherHall View Post
With all the threads supporting right-wing politics and politically conservative notions I thought it would be only fair to step up to the plate and create a thread where those few who are politically moderate, centrist, or progressive can feel free to talk about politics and political developments. Sure, our conservative brothers and sisters are welcome here, but this is a place were we can talk about the issues, our opinions, and the role of our Christian faith in progressive and centrist politics.

What are some of your thoughts on the political developments in Iowa?
Hilarious! Only the moderate is progresive?
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Old 01-05-2008, 05:41 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Originally Posted by rrford View Post
Hilarious! Only the moderate is progresive?
Actually, you should read it again,

those few who are politically moderate, centrist, or progressive
There are moderates, centrists, and progressives. This doesn't say that only moderates are progressive.

I was taken aback because he left out Libertarians.
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Old 01-05-2008, 05:47 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Let's face it, the Republicans have the Christian vote because they are Prolife. Nothing else matters. They could support moving all American jobs to foreign lands, invade other countries without just cause, allow health care costs to skyrocket until your family can't afford it, allow preditory home loan tactics that leave thousands of Christian families living under bridges...but by golly...we're not voting for a prochoice candidate!

No single prochoice candidate has forced a woman to have an abortion. The choice is strictly on individual women. Maybe we choose to take out our frustration on prochoice candidates because it's easier to take it out on a politician than to cast murderous women out of our churches.
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Old 01-05-2008, 05:47 PM

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Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Yes I believe abortion is the taking of a human life. Yes I believe that morally it is murder. Yes I believe it is an abomination. I DON'T support abortion. I'm highly offended that you would think such a thing. I clearly said that I would never advise a woman to have an abortion and that I teach it's a grave sin against God. Did you not read that part?

Ok I think we understand each other on this.

You say it's murder and for that reason should be legally addressed as such. I know a woman who is a pastor's wife. Years ago before she was even a Christian she had an abortion. If you really believe that abortion is legally murder as strongly as you let on, would you argue that first she be disqualified from operating in any ministerial fashion and second that she be brought up on charges for murder should abortion be banned?

All previous abortions would be grandfathered in as legal as such the law at the time. All future abortions could be penalized by law if abortion was illegal.
Doesn't seem like a hard fix here bro.

Don't dodge these questions. They are the logical outcome of the logic you're judging me and others with. My point isn't that abortion is acceptable. My point is that government cannot adequately address the issue. It's an evil every society has wrestled with and in most societies they ultimately decide to place the ultimate responsibility in the hands of individual women.

I've answered your questions. I await your answers.
In the hands of a woman? Sorry, I don't think a 15 year old is a woman!
I have two girls- do you?
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Old 01-05-2008, 05:48 PM
John Atkinson John Atkinson is offline

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Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Actually, you should read it again,

There are moderates, centrists, and progressives. This doesn't say that only moderates are progressive.

I was taken aback because he left out Libertarians.
Does the fact that I think we need a king make me regressive?

My Countdown Counting down to: End of the World
It's all over, fat lady done sang...
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