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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 01-04-2008, 06:59 PM
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I don't really know much about Bro. Haney. I certainly would not judge his character, his sincerity or his experience with Jesus. What I am saying is not meant to be critical nor judgmental.

I think one of the purposes of his letter is for "damage control". He's trying to assure ministers in the fellowship that the UPC is alive and well and going on. He uses "numbers" to show that the organization is actually growing. Only 27 (or whatever the number was) have left but over 100 have joined. But the number of those who have left are (I would suppose) those who have sent in their licenses. It does not take into account those who will not renew (nobody knows at this time what that number will be). So, by putting out the letter now he does not have to consider or count those who will not renew. This is not being dishonest, but in a way it is.

He does not want to appear disturbed or afraid. I hope it's not like the captain of the Titanic trying to calm frightened passengers by assuring them that "there is no reason for panic, we've just stopped to take on a little ice."
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Old 01-04-2008, 07:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Sam View Post
I don't really know much about Bro. Haney. I certainly would not judge his character, his sincerity or his experience with Jesus. What I am saying is not meant to be critical nor judgmental.

I think one of the purposes of his letter is for "damage control". He's trying to assure ministers in the fellowship that the UPC is alive and well and going on. He uses "numbers" to show that the organization is actually growing. Only 27 (or whatever the number was) have left but over 100 have joined. But the number of those who have left are (I would suppose) those who have sent in their licenses. It does not take into account those who will not renew (nobody knows at this time what that number will be). So, by putting out the letter now he does not have to consider or count those who will not renew. This is not being dishonest, but in a way it is.

He does not want to appear disturbed or afraid. I hope it's not like the captain of the Titanic trying to calm frightened passengers by assuring them that "there is no reason for panic, we've just stopped to take on a little ice."

Sounds right, why else would he have written the letter? I don't think the UPC is going down they are much too big for that. But, Bro. Haney can't win in this situation because after almost 100 years of being in existence the UPC will split on his watch.
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Old 01-04-2008, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by philjones View Post
I am posting a letter from Bro. Haney by permission. I received the letter from a recipient in email.

Subject: Letter from Brother Haney
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2008 14:51:33 -0600

January 4, 2008

Dear brethren,

I want to thank you for all that you have done and are doing for the Kingdom. As a movement ordained of God, we have been in the midst of the storm, but I can assure you that the storm is ABATING. As Moses, Caleb, Joshua, Nehemiah and numerous others of God’s Generals have stood at the forefront of an emotional storm; when a handful of voices among them sought to bring division, they as God’s Generals, spoke with Authority & Assurance! God was with them, and the storm passed over; thus, it will be the same with us.

I have been to a number of meetings in the last month and a half, and my heart has been greatly warmed by the host of ministers who have come to me personally to assure me of their loyalty and that they were in much prayer. They could not understand why men would conduct themselves in this manner. This is the feeling of most of the UPCI. I was moved by their love and prayerfulness for God’s work, and my heart was touched by their spirit. I felt that we, as God’s leaders, need to seize the moment and speak calm to the storm, and also discourage any of our brethren from going to the Tulsa event. No good would come from their going - only that they would be used. At this point, it is time for the Generals to forcefully and clearly—without hesitation—strengthen the hands of God’s people.

There is no panic or fear, but only concern that some precious ministers may be isolated for some reason or other from the main stream of the Fellowship. It could be by distance or lack of closeness to fellow ministers, and all they know is what they read on some web site or what comes in the mail. Neither of these gives the true picture. Several men, whose names were listed in the items being mailed out and distributed, contacted me and were greatly concerned that their names had been included. In some cases, men said they had not given their consent; in other cases, that they called or notified whomever was in charge and told them NOT to list their names, but they were listed in spite of their protest.

The brethren of our Districts must be assured that the church, the United Pentecostal Church International, is blessed of God and stands staunch as a Holiness movement, a revival movement, and a doctrinally sound movement, and that there is no compromise. As a matter of fact, we have history, as an organization, to prove this. Each generation in times of crisis has risen to the challenge; therefore, we will, and have done so also.

From my experience in traveling the length and breadth of our Fellowship, it is my opinion that we are as solid, strong, and as passionate as we have ever been. Any new group attempting to start will do so without history or track record, and it is yet to be proven what they would really do in the midst of crisis. In the history of the UPCI, there have been other groups who have attempted to do this also, but have failed to rally to the challenges, and thus came to naught.

In the final analysis and when the dust settles, we will be a stronger organization and a more passionate movement. We will be more united against worldliness and more united for the cause of World Evangelism - proclaiming the unadulterated Gospel of the New Testament as we impact this world for the cause of the Kingdom. The United Pentecostal Church is growing rapidly. New churches and daughter works are being planted each day, and a host of new ministers are being added to the already great number. For instance, our General Secretary, Brother Jones, just spoke to me and said that since General Conference, we have lost 27 ministers due to the passing of the resolution. In the same period of time, we have licensed 128 new ministers. The church is strong and will not, and must not, be distracted from our real mission: to reach our cities, states, and the nations of the world with TRUTH and an uncompromising message.

In conclusion, in reminiscing over my life, I have found that each trial and each valley I have journeyed through, that AFTER the trial, I have been much stronger and more blessed. I do believe that there is a great deal of good that will be achieved as a movement when we pass to the other side of this storm, and we will be bonded closer together and our purpose will have greater clarity.

For a United Church and respectfully yours,

Kenneth F. Haney


There you have it. Thank you Bro. Baughman!
ChicagoPastor needs to set Haney straight....he didn't mention one thing about the post counts of Dan or Thad HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
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Old 01-04-2008, 07:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Walkbyfaith7 View Post
Does anyone have the exact language for the TV resolution that passed?

Might I ask are you UPC and what exactly would be the purpose of receiving the TV resoslution other than?????
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Old 01-04-2008, 07:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Moe View Post
Keep in mind that the former PSR conference had around 5,000 in attendance. So............2,000 is really no big deal.
that included saints.

The meeting in Tulsa is supposed to be for ministers only, I thought...i might be wrong
UPC or bust
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Old 01-04-2008, 07:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Rev View Post
Sounds right, why else would he have written the letter? I don't think the UPC is going down they are much too big for that. But, Bro. Haney can't win in this situation because after almost 100 years of being in existence the UPC will split on his watch.
The UPC will NOT split.

some will leave but I don't know if it can be called a split
UPC or bust
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Old 01-04-2008, 07:35 PM
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Originally Posted by ChicagoPastor View Post
The UPC will NOT split.

some will leave but I don't know if it can be called a split

I don't think it can really be called a split either. It is not his fault if it does. He should not be held responsible for it.
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Old 01-04-2008, 08:11 PM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Split or not?????????

How many would have to leave to make it a split?
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Old 01-04-2008, 08:13 PM
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Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
How many would have to leave to make it a split?
I guess what constitutes a split vs just a few upset preachers leaving is in the eye of the beholder
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  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 01-04-2008, 08:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Sam View Post
I don't really know much about Bro. Haney. I certainly would not judge his character, his sincerity or his experience with Jesus. What I am saying is not meant to be critical nor judgmental.

I think one of the purposes of his letter is for "damage control". He's trying to assure ministers in the fellowship that the UPC is alive and well and going on. He uses "numbers" to show that the organization is actually growing. Only 27 (or whatever the number was) have left but over 100 have joined. But the number of those who have left are (I would suppose) those who have sent in their licenses. It does not take into account those who will not renew (nobody knows at this time what that number will be). So, by putting out the letter now he does not have to consider or count those who will not renew. This is not being dishonest, but in a way it is.

He does not want to appear disturbed or afraid. I hope it's not like the captain of the Titanic trying to calm frightened passengers by assuring them that "there is no reason for panic, we've just stopped to take on a little ice."

With all due respect Sam...The UPCI can not be compared to the Titanic as in a sinking ship. It will loose some constinuency, but, sink...no! I don't look at this as being dishonest at all. He is trying to raise the moral and inject some positive speaking into a very negative ebb that is flowing right now. He did as any strong leader would do, He is pulling the soldiers together and trying to get the Body to keep it's eyes on the good things and trust in God to help us through this time.

He speaks very well and with authority! I am proud of KH!
Oh well, that's the way I see it!
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