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Old 12-12-2007, 01:37 AM
PastorD PastorD is offline
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
There was stuff that went on for years at the next and final place but I understand that nothing was done simply because the person in Qs had the goods on a lot of others would have aired all the dirty laundry if exposed.

Down boy....

That there is a big statement Thad. I hope you are ready for a fire storm!
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Old 12-12-2007, 01:57 AM
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Originally Posted by PastorD View Post
Down boy....

That there is a big statement Thad. I hope you are ready for a fire storm!
a firestorm it has caused many times over Brother. there are people on here that get highly emotional about this topic. I don't because i have no dogs in this fight but it hits home to a lot of people who were personally effected by it.

let me break down what i said and possibly make myself a little more clearer.

1)I SAID- There was stuff that went on for years at the next and final place. surely you don't deny this about the person we are discussing???

2) I SAID -but I understand that nothing was done
Meaing "as i understand it" or as it has been explained to me. there is no way that the person worked at this institution for how long? 25 years or longer and no one knew nothing???? who will believe that???

3)simply because the person in Qs had the goods on a lot of others would have aired all the dirty laundry if exposed
Again this has been told me over and over again. If this is not true, why was nothing done?? I never gave any specifics or called any names as to whom this person would expose. I would never do that.
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Old 12-12-2007, 05:36 AM
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Thad said:

There was stuff that went on for years at the next and final place but I understand that nothing was done simply because the person in Qs had the goods on a lot of others would have aired all the dirty laundry if exposed.

There's some substance here.

I've been told this for years.

Wolfe of course was not a licensed minister so there was no need for "official" action or censure against him.

Some were feeling their oats though, and thought about doing so and Wolfe said that he knew many instances of "hidden" homosexuals among the UPC ministry and with any censure against him, he'd be glad to sing like a canary.

So ... that's why no "official" stand against Lanny Wolfe was ever forthcoming.
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Old 12-12-2007, 04:46 PM

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It is not just in the black churches. It is everywhere..I grew up around UPC and AA people only to find out later that some of the young men I grew up with were gay. Very sad!!! People raised in church all their life. Then there are the ones in the church that are metrosexual....So what is the difference?
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Old 12-16-2007, 03:20 AM
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Just to clarify because we asked....no, Kurt Carr was not baptized in Jesus Name at Eastwood. He is now attending and is a member of T.D. Jakes' church.
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Old 12-16-2007, 12:54 PM
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A few comments (well rather observations). As an African American male, I grew up in the gospel arena in New York City. Homosexuality is prevalent in the church circle (but so is babies being had out of wedlock, divorce, thievery, deception and all other forms of sins). In our congregations, the majority of black churches don’t have programs that will help someone come out of homosexuality. Its a don’t ask don’t tell environment and its sad. Families are broken up, people run away from the church hurt and scared with no place to turn. Our preachers at times don’t take a stance for the "other sins" that will keep an individual out of heaven. We will tell you to stop smoking, stop drinking, stop partying but we wont tell you not to lie on your taxes. We wont tell you to not harbor ill thoughts towards the person sitting next to you. We dance and shout in our church’s over mess and people leave the same way they came in. Just an emotional high at times. Oh, we can play the mess out of a Hammond B3 organ, our church choirs will sing you into a frenzy, we dress up and all appear to look like we have thousands in the bank when in all honesty, the majority is just one pay check away from homelessness. Our leaders are lacking in so many different areas. Look at hypertension (high blood pressure) no one wants to tell grandma to stop eating all that pork and cooking with all that fat back. In a few years, grandma is going to be dead of a heart attack and what will we do, dance and shout and her casket and say what a wonderful life she lived before the Lord when in actuality if we were properly trained by leadership, grandma could still be alive working for the master. Homosexuality (both male and female) is so rampant in our churches that at times, I wonder if the gay club has taken a bus and dropped everyone off at the front of the church to go in and yes live a double life.

Understand this, the church is a hospital for the sin sick soul, so we should not turn any one away. However, we can not have secret and open sins lived out in front of the lives of the local congregants. Its not ok. I will say this, the African American church has a lot to learn. We cannot keep building our churches based on the gifts and callings on peoples lives. Instead, we must promote change when one comes into the house of God. I can say that no one is pulling the homosexuals aside to tell them that there is A MORE EXCELLENT WAY to live. Instead, when a family is broken up or when someone gets HIV/aids, or a baby out of wedlock is about to be born, that’s when we decide to preach how awful the individual is. The bible says we are counted as sheep for the slaughter. The sheep is one of the dumbest animals in the animal kingdom and they need a shepherd to guide them otherwise they WILL go astray! Its my prayer that all of our churches become holistic ministries that will cater to changing the lives of sinners and equipping the body of Christ with leaders that will lead others to the cross. Remember, yes, its an abomination but as long as there is life, there is hope, because there is LIFE IN JESUS! Jesus is the good shepherd and we should follow his example. If your struggle is NOT homosexuality, find out a way to lead a homosexual into true deliverance. If your struggle is not fornication or adultery, take it upon yourself to see to it that you yourself minister to that person for the Bible says, with Loving Kindness have I drawn them (not thrown them away). YES its a sin but YES we the delivered have a responsibility to snatch souls out of the burning hell that a lot of people are on their way to. I encourage you, you and you to stand up and make a difference as I myself endeavor to do the same. FOR ALL HAVE SINNED and come short! Going forward, lets strive to be like the good shepherd and lead people towards that path of truth and holiness!
….and since Jesus Christ is the Almighty God, we cannot be defeated!

Last edited by Elizabeth; 12-16-2007 at 03:18 PM. Reason: spelling
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Old 12-16-2007, 02:17 PM
staysharp staysharp is offline
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Originally Posted by PraiseHymn View Post
A few comments (well rather observations). As an African American male, I grew up in the gospel arena in New York City. Homosexuality is prevalent in the church circle (but so is babies being had out of wedlock, divorce, thievery, deception and all other forms of sins). In our congregations, the majority of black churches don’t have programs that will help someone come out of homosexuality. Its a don’t ask don’t tell environment and its sad. Families are broken up, people are ran away from the church hurt and scared with no place to turn. Our preachers at times don’t take a stance for the "other sins" that will keep an individual out of heaven. We will tell you to stop smoking, stop drinking, stop partying but we wont tell you not to lie on your taxes. We wont tell you to not harbor ill thoughts towards the person sitting next to you. We dance and shout in our church’s over mess and people leave the same way they came in. Just an emotional high at times. Oh, we can play the mess out of a Hammond B3 organ, our church choirs will sing you into a frenzy, we dress up and all appear to look like we have thousands in the bank when in all honesty, the majority is just one pay check away from homelessness. Our leaders are lacking in so many different areas. Look at hypertension (high blood pressure) no one wants to tell grandma to stop eating all that pork and cooking with all that fat back. In a few years, grandma is going to be dead of a heart attack and what will we do, dance and shout and her casket and say what a wonderful like she lived before the Lord when in actuality if we were properly trained by leadership, grandma could still be alive working for the master. Homosexuality (both male and female) is so rampant in our churches that at times, I wonder if the gay club has taken a bus and dropped everyone off at the front of the church to go in and yes live a double life.

Understand this, the church is a hospital for the sin sick soul, so we should not turn any one away. However, we can not have secret and open sins lived out in front of the lives of the local congregants. Its not ok. I will say this, the African American church has a lot to learn. We cannot keep building our churches based on the gifts and callings on peoples lives. Instead, we must promote change when one comes into the house of God. I can say that no one is pulling the homosexuals aside to tell them that there is A MORE EXCELLENT WAY to live. Instead, when a family is broken up or when someone gets HIV/aids, or a baby out of wedlock is about to be born, that’s when we decide to preach how awful the individual is. The bible says we are counted as sheep for the slaughter. The sheep is one of the dumbest animals in the animal kingdom and they need a shepherd to guide them otherwise they WILL go astray! Its my prayer that all of our churches become holistic ministries that will cater to changing the lives of sinners and equipping the body of Christ with leaders that will lead others to the cross. Remember, yes, its an abomination but as long as there is life, there is hope, because there is LIFE IN JESUS! Jesus is the good shepherd and we should follow his example. If your struggle is NOT homosexuality, find out a way to lead a homosexual into true deliverance. If your struggle is not fornication or adultery, take it upon yourself to see to it that you yourself minister to that person for the Bible says, with Loving Kindness have I drawn them (not thrown them away). YES its a sin but YES we the delivered have a responsibility to snatch souls out of the burning hell that a lot of people are on their way to. I encourage you, you and you to stand up and make a difference as I myself endeavor to do the same. FOR ALL HAVE SINNED and come short! Going forward, lets strive to be like the good shepherd and lead people towards that path of truth and holiness!
Thank you for your honesty. Great!

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Old 12-16-2007, 02:42 PM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
Always has confused me too. It's been explained to me that a calling on someone's life never leaves them and they are a vessel being used by God is why a move of God can take place.

One of the best evangelist I've ever known was later found out to be gay. It didn't stop many souls from being filled with the Holy Ghost.
The verse we often hear quoted about the gifts and calling of God being without repentance has been twisted out of context so many times it is a shame.

The context of that verse is God's covenant promises to Israel. It does NOT teach that a person can live in any kind of sin forever and remain functionary in their gifting from God.

Good things happen to people who hear and respond in faith to the preached Word, because God's Word is truth.

Signs confirm the Word, not the man preaching it.
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Old 12-16-2007, 02:52 PM
Barb Barb is offline
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Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
The verse we often hear quoted about the gifts and calling of God being without repentance has been twisted out of context so many times it is a shame.

The context of that verse is God's covenant promises to Israel. It does NOT teach that a person can live in any kind of sin forever and remain functionary in their gifting from God.

Good things happen to people who hear and respond in faith to the preached Word, because God's Word is truth.

Signs confirm the Word, not the man preaching it.
Yes sir...
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Old 12-18-2007, 02:28 PM

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We are the body of Christ.....if this type of sin can not be taken care of in the house of God the where, pray tell, can the spritually sick go? The people that have given in to uncleaness & parade around like they have a "walk" will be weeded out. They might look like wheat but it just ain't so...God will judge the situation and pluck them out in due season. We, in the mean time
need to pray recovery over them. What if it was your brother, son, husband or friend......Wow.
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