A lot has to do with the way you interpretate his writings.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
I heard a minister say "2008 will be a new year" He then stated, "You are not getting what I am saying"
8 is the number for new beginnings. Maybe that is what he meant?
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
Hear Ye the Word of John,
Thus saith John, the munifcent, the holy.
A president shall there be in 2008. Yeah, there shall be a president.
Weather shall there be in 2008. Both good and bad shall it be, here and there shall it be.
Many will grow rich in 2008, and many shall grow poor.
those who are unbelievers would be blessed by signs and wonders following the members of God's own body, but the consistent "hedging through vagueness" just leaves the hearer to make up his own interpretation rather than consider if an utterance is actually a manifestation of God's word (reymah).
IMO, prophesy should not demand that hearer have interpretation gifting (I would cite ICo 14:23 as proof) But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or [one] unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all:
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
thanks J.A., you are an important ingredient in God's perfect receipe.
Does grossly ambiguous utterance really edify any aspect of the body of Christ? The gifts of the spirit are for the exclusive purpose of edification within God's own body, his church.
I am open to the likelihood that ever uterance does not have specific application in the lives of every hearer, but for those hearer's where it does have application, it should not require a decoder ring and a special set of glasses from the heirs of Joseph Smith.
My post was a two level post: here is the decoder ring:
Level 1: It was a joke. I have been around web forums far too long to take them very seriously, thus very few of my posts, either here or at the GNC are of a serious nature anymore. I reserve my seriousness for other stuff.
Level 2: It was a mock of all the "prophets" there are running around. Fake prophets selling books are a dime a dozen, where a real prophet is priceless. I have the Holy Ghost and with that comes discernment. I don't follow every voice that comes along saying "Look, he is here in the desert place" or "Come, he is here in the chamber" or "See - he is on TV"
We are in a time there are way too many claiming to be Christ, and there are real prophets out there, adn I am not talking prognosticators and diviners of times, but people of God proclaiming God's truth to the world, and to people whose ears and eyes are so full of "prophets" that they can niether see nor hear.
Oooops. Rats. Said something serious. I will endeavor not to let it happen again.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
My post was a two level post: here is the decoder ring:
Level 1: It was a joke. I have been around web forums far too long to take them very seriously, thus very few of my posts, either here or at the GNC are of a serious nature anymore. I reserve my seriousness for other stuff.
Level 2: It was a mock of all the "prophets" there are running around. Fake prophets selling books are a dime a dozen, where a real prophet is priceless. I have the Holy Ghost and with that comes discernment. I don't follow every voice that comes along saying "Look, he is here in the desert place" or "Come, he is here in the chamber" or "See - he is on TV"
We are in a time there are way too many claiming to be Christ, and there are real prophets out there, adn I am not talking prognosticators and diviners of times, but people of God proclaiming God's truth to the world, and to people whose ears and eyes are so full of "prophets" that they can niether see nor hear.
Oooops. Rats. Said something serious. I will endeavor not to let it happen again.
I can tell
you don't seem as irritable as you use to - more laid back