Please define "excessive jewelry" and don't leave out any details! Gold, bling, diamond watches, necklaces, rings, earrings, nose rings, I can't wait to find out, please tell me!
The only jewelrey I saw last night was a few rings, and the Bass player had a necklace on. The rings were on Nakita and Tamenee (Back up singers). But, I was very impressed with there control. Kurt had NONE on. Eastwood folks don't wear rings or any other jewelry.
__________________ Oh well, that's the way I see it!
The only jewelrey I saw last night was a few rings, and the Bass player had a necklace on. The rings were on Nakita and Tamenee (Back up singers). But, I was very impressed with there control. Kurt had NONE on. Eastwood folks don't wear rings or any other jewelry.
That's great, I'm just curious does eastwood teach against wedding rings too?
That's great, I'm just curious does eastwood teach against wedding rings too?
I know that ME doesn't make a big deal about that, but, it is known that you don't on the platform or in leaderhship. When my wife and I were married, (she is from Eastwood), we did not exchange rings at the ceremony. ME doesn't do that. In her respect for him, she didn't want rings to be a part of the ceremony. We put them on after.
__________________ Oh well, that's the way I see it!
You're a great sport, you know I'm just messin with you. I'm really happy that the church was able to move beyond its borders and embrace Kurt. It's a great start towards healing the great divide.
Tamanee--She is the bomb! Also, VERY pregnant. Eight month I think, still she rocked!
Vonnie---nuff said!
Those three where Kurt's back up. He also had his keyboard guy and his bass guy. Band was really awesome. THe choir also backed them up on most all of the songs. They were awesome.
Vonnie sang, Nikita sang "Little Drummer Boy" and added some beat boxing at the end! WOW! Then, Tamanee sang two songs I think. Bro. Ewing sang "Ill Be Home For Christmas" and Taylor, Matt, and Vonnie backed him up on "Oh, Holy Night". Then when Kurt got up more Christmas, He had church!
I am a musician and singer, traveld with LA Allstate, know alittle about music. I have an appreciation for good music and quite a discriminant ear...THis concert blew me away! Best, I've been too in .... EVER! (NO-I'm not bragging, just trying to qualify my excitement)
Originally Posted by stmatthew
Not meaning this in an ugly way, but to me it is sad that we seem to have to look outside of our doctrinal ranks to find someone who can "blow the roof off".
Originally Posted by jrLA
No, as far as I am concerned, the UPC has the best! I mean that. We are blessed and favored of God in the area of talent. However, we are NOT the only one who has smoke coming out of our stack...nor do we have a corner on God!
If you call on the name of the Lord and he is there, will he save you? Just wondering.
You're not "just wondering" you're looking for an argument.
I don't think you're going to get one though.
And I think the comments that have come after my post have more than proven that many liberals are harsh and defensive... but if outward things mean nothing whatsoever to God, you're defensive over nothing. So, why are you defensive at all? It's no skin off your nose if a lady wishes to keep their hair long and uncut... it's no skin off your nose if a man isn't wearing his shorts above his knee.... it's not going to send anyone to hell to not cut their hair so why are you so defensive when people might actually want to embrace what you left? It shouldn't matter a lick to you.
__________________ Mrs. LPW
Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
You're a great sport, you know I'm just messin with you. I'm really happy that the church was able to move beyond its borders and embrace Kurt. It's a great start towards healing the great divide.
It was actually a really beautiful expirience. There were folks from every denomination and stripe of life worshipping together and rejoicing together. I was very moved at the power that was present. I know many are wondering why would a UPC church allow a trinitarian on the platform. But, there were bridges built last night, that I believe will help us tomorrow! I am not talking about comprimise either.
__________________ Oh well, that's the way I see it!
I am not aware of any UPC singer that draws as much of a crowd as does this mainstream Kurt Carr. But, you know I stand by my posts, I believe they are explained well!
__________________ Oh well, that's the way I see it!
It was actually a really beautiful expirience. There were folks from every denomination and stripe of life worshipping together and rejoicing together. I was very moved at the power that was present. I know many are wondering why would a UPC church allow a trinitarian on the platform. But, there were bridges built last night, that I believe will help us tomorrow! I am not talking about comprimise either.
Well, there is nothing wrong with compromise. That word has been misused in the great UPC. Jesus prayed to His father that those who came after Him would be one as He and His Father were one. If the body of Christ would ever learn to put their differences aside for the sake of the Gospel, we would not be able to contain the anointing.
I am happy for you and your church to finally move past decades old division and embrace the unity of God...How beautiful it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.