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Old 03-06-2007, 04:02 PM
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Originally Posted by LadyChocolate View Post
In our neck of the woods, you just don't question anything the pastor does......or else......even though I think it..... God didn't say to let welfare take care of widows, it said for the church to. THat is another thing that gets me. Welfare was designed to aid people for a temporary moment, not for people to live off of...........and i'm not having a lack of compassion here either....THere are those that need welfare and they are hard workers. It's hard trying to make ends meet in todays world. Especially for single parents...I fully understand that. BUt I also have seen people refuse a second job because that would take away from their foodstamps or whatever....that I do not understand. ANyway, the bible is right....the tithes are supposed to help the widows...........
We have welfare because the church DOESN'T do it
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Old 03-06-2007, 06:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Brother Price View Post
I posted about this on another forum. I am a former non and anti tither, until I lost it all. I first hand experienced the truth that the tithe belongs to God, and we had better not put our hands on what is His. I tithed for the first time off of gross, and now know my finances are safe and secure. Whatever happens, the Lord will make a way and provide, because I placed Him first, above all else.

Some people want to get a little technical and say we have a formula to giving. You can tithe on this, but not tithe on this. You do tithe on this, but do not have to on this. I say, if we love God, whatever money flows into our hands, we had better tithe on it. I shall never be accused of stealing from God again. I will not be a theif in His house.
And it was noted that I've seen people that have lost it all that tithed...

Jerry Moon
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Old 03-06-2007, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Revelationist View Post
And it was noted that I've seen people that have lost it all that tithed...

Jerry Moon
So have I. There must have been some other sin in their life. (tic)
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Old 04-19-2007, 12:17 AM

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Originally Posted by COOPER View Post
It's sad to see how much money todays american churches have because of tithes.
Can not watch or listen to Christian T.V. or Radio with out hearing some one say please give, So a seed, give a love offering etc.
And why should pastors get a meal ticket?
If you knew how many meals pastors went without or left on the table to get stone cold, you might not ask this question
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Old 04-19-2007, 07:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Revelationist View Post
And it was noted that I've seen people that have lost it all that tithed...

Jerry Moon

And? Does one think that tithing amounts to an obligation on God's part to not allow trials and tests in your life?
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Old 04-19-2007, 07:56 AM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Originally Posted by rrford View Post
And? Does one think that tithing amounts to an obligation on God's part to not allow trials and tests in your life?
Or a free pass to violate principles of stewardship and wisdom?
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Old 04-26-2007, 01:49 PM
Hegavmelif Hegavmelif is offline
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Originally Posted by MrsBOOMM View Post
If you knew how many meals pastors went without or left on the table to get stone cold, you might not ask this question
ALL the ones I know personally (who happen to be UPCI) have never gone without a meal or let one get cold. They have people to do their yards, people to wash their cars, people to cook their meals (or they eat out all the time), people to run their errends, people to iron their clothes (if they don't send them to the cleaners), people to call on the sick, and people to do ALL the work in and around the church. They take all the tithes and do not account for them to anyone. The pick and choose who they will talk to on the phone and do not answer a phone if layaity needs late at night or early in the morning. They sleep as late as they wish, go to every conference in the continental U.S. and pay their children salaries from the offerings (not the tithes). Anyway, I do know a few who are on the up and up!!!
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Old 04-26-2007, 02:18 PM
Richard Perry

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When you tithe because of duty, often you miss the blessing. When you tithe to embrace the Lord into your finances, you embellish the opportunity to give Him His part of the equation. Too often our giving becomes of nessecity. God loveth a cheerful giver. New testement titheing was always administered as giving, yet the shadow of old testement law was forever in the background. You cannot seperate them, yet, if you choose willingly and cheerfully, you get all the benefits.
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Old 04-26-2007, 02:40 PM

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Originally Posted by Hegavmelif View Post
ALL the ones I know personally (who happen to be UPCI) have never gone without a meal or let one get cold. They have people to do their yards, people to wash their cars, people to cook their meals (or they eat out all the time), people to run their errends, people to iron their clothes (if they don't send them to the cleaners), people to call on the sick, and people to do ALL the work in and around the church. They take all the tithes and do not account for them to anyone. The pick and choose who they will talk to on the phone and do not answer a phone if layaity needs late at night or early in the morning. They sleep as late as they wish, go to every conference in the continental U.S. and pay their children salaries from the offerings (not the tithes). Anyway, I do know a few who are on the up and up!!!
I feel bad for you. You seem to be seeing only what you want to see. I do know that people very often misjudge what goes on in a Pastor's home. I can give you numerous accounts of the stories that used to be told about my Dad, which had absolutely no basis and were started only because someone had a bitter spirit, and had nothing better to do than to spread untruths. There are a very few who give the ministry a bad name, but for the most part there are a lot of Pastor's who can do no right in some people's eyes. There are always 2 sides to every story and if you want to you can find the bad part in anything. My Dad has left many meals and precious time with his family to deal with folks who have attitudes like yours.
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Old 04-26-2007, 02:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Hegavmelif View Post
ALL the ones I know personally (who happen to be UPCI) have never gone without a meal or let one get cold. They have people to do their yards, people to wash their cars, people to cook their meals (or they eat out all the time), people to run their errends, people to iron their clothes (if they don't send them to the cleaners), people to call on the sick, and people to do ALL the work in and around the church. They take all the tithes and do not account for them to anyone. The pick and choose who they will talk to on the phone and do not answer a phone if layaity needs late at night or early in the morning. They sleep as late as they wish, go to every conference in the continental U.S. and pay their children salaries from the offerings (not the tithes). Anyway, I do know a few who are on the up and up!!!
This sure doesn't describe the pastor's home I grew up in.

My brother and I did the yards and washed the cars. My sister, mom, and I cooked every meal. We LIVED off of foodbank food for a few years. Most of the time, there was no tithe left over after my dad got finished paying the church bills with the tithes. My dad sleep late -- No Way -- Too many saints calling with problems.

BUT, God has truly blessed my dad. Sure, some saints probably dog him because he lives in a decent house now but no one knows or cares that most of his life, he has given more to the church than he has received. I could go on and on but I better hush. God has truly been good to my family!
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