Originally Posted by Whole Hearted
I think your attitude stinks.
People know what is going on. They have come to me telling me what they have heard.
When I first came here my youth p=leader came to me and told me of so thing happening and a certain youth conf. and said"we don't sup[port that and we don't take our youth there." He also informed me of churches in the area that were loose and that this church didn't fellowship.
People know what is going on and for a pastor to think that they don't is foolish. They know. All my trustees have come to me and ask me "what are we going to do?" I tell them we are going to do nothing right now, but be still.
It is possible you are in the wrong business. Pastoring is decision making. I know if I were as unhappy with the UPC as your many, many posts suggest you are, I would get out. I wouldn't wait for JG, NW or anyone else to tell me where or when to go. Make a decision WH, be a trail-blazer! You are posting of trustee's telling you this and asking you that and a youth leader telling you who your church will fellowship in the area and what youth events you will attend.
The church I pastor knows nothing of this junk going on. No one has ever asked about anything and I am in a metro area with churches all around. I never discuss anything to do with UPC. I didn't come to build an organization. You are creating your own unrest. So, if you, your saints, your trustee's, and your youth leader are that unhappy.......GO!
Just leave that one lady that loves the UPC that you can't "override" behind.