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Old 11-09-2007, 02:17 AM
meBNme meBNme is offline
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Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Where did I say that? I was simply replying to what someone actually said here recently
I didn't say you said it, I said you assumed it, and I reached that assumption based on what I have seen in your comments. If I read you wrong, please accept my apologies.

Nope...who is "we"? Are you claiming to represent all anti-TV persons? I DO infact know some that sya TV is evil. Also those that are NOT against TV also say SOME of the content that is on it they have a problem with. Then again SOME of the content on the Internet is problematic too
No, I only represent myself, and I happen to believe that some others share my views. I happen to agree that some of the content on the web is bad, but know it can be filtered out successfully. I also believe that much, if not most of the content on TV is bad, and as of yet, have not found an effective method to filter it, as I have with the web, thus the reason for my personal stand on the matter.

Filters for the TV. Filters for the Internet...what filters your eyes and ears every day though?
What my eyes and ears see and hear, are things I cannot control and I do not bring that into my home. What I bring into my home, I will filter the bad, or not have it. What is so hard to understand about this? How many ways does it need to be said in order for someone to "get it"? Or do you just get a kick out of trying to nit pick someones beliefs if they differ from yours?

The issue is compromise. The Internet is NOT as easily filtered or controlled or censored. In fact there is no world governing body censoring the Internet like public, non-premium TV is.
One: I have successfully filtered the Internet in my home.
Two: "World governing body"??? since when should we rely on "the world" to filter out sin for us? In fact, I abhor the socialist mentality that says we should rely on the "government" for all our needs anyways. I believe in self sufficiency as much as I can accomplish. I don't rely on the government for my web filtering, my house payment, light bill, groceries, or personal/home/family protection either. Why in the world would I rely on "the world" to provide filtering for ungodly content on the web? That's like asking the wolf to guard the hen house.

You have to PAY to get rated X TV and even rated R. But on the Internet that stuff is so widely available to anyone, even kids. You can easily take part of the good on TV and not the bad by simply NOT getting certain channels and or only going to the channels that are educational. In fact you can pre-program the Remote to only allow those channels.
I have already addressed this, I see no need to repeat myself.

On any given day a spammer can register here and post porn before we can get a chance to catch it. So why not just get rid of it all and not take any chances?
Yeah, just like a streaker can run through your front lawn, Again, you are being ridiculous.

Yes, make up your own minds....uh...well it's really NOT that easy if you belong to a church and you have decided to believe everything that is preached. I wish more people can make up their own minds without being brow beaten from the pulpit of constantly having "positive peer pressure" used as a coercive tactic in the local church.

kinda self explanatory eh? It all comes down to your personal decision.
Being "set" does not equal being "true" and the converse of your statement is just as true...those that DON'T have the same standards as others are often bashed and trashed and even called backsliders, reprobates etc etc...see Caston Smith's "article"
We aren't in disagreement here, and "just cause it is, don't make it right."

Somewhere they are, I am sure of that. Im not sure what this point is supposed to mean
LOL that's not surprising. The gospel, and lost souls are our main mission, not some silly standard. And yes, I believe that in the big picture, such a big deal over a standard is silly.

I agree...why ARE you guys having a hanky stomping hissy fit over a standard? Res 4 did NOT change anyone's standard. In the UPC all churches are autonomous...It did not require all church to preach it's ok to have TV. It did not forbid any church to preach against TV. It did not force any church to alter it's standards by the smallest margin...yet apparently they are not just focusing on the Joy of the Holy Ghost. They are having meetings...NOT to reach lost souls, but to talk about these issues. They are turning in their licenses. They were and are doing letter writing campaigns
The only ones I have seen having a hissy fit over it are the people here.
I have merely been stating my personal beliefs on the TV/Internet issue, in response to others questions about it. Sure, our church may not agree with the change, but big deal. It doesn't mean WE have to change.
I posted MY beliefs on the issue, and people started coming out of the woodwork to attack and interrogate my comments and convictions. So just who is having the hissy fit?

Whose uptight? It sounds like you are. BTW Many of them DON'T consider US a brother or a sister.
That's their problem. The only one I am concerned about considering me part of the family is the one who shed his blood for me.

A lesser standard...lol.... IF that is all you see then perhaps you just aren't reading the right threads or you are not very objective.
I think you read me wrong. "lesser standard" was not meant as an insult, it was just meant as it was said. Some set their standards lower or higher than others.
We are all different.

LOL...talk about red herrings. Nobody even HINTED that someone that is a little more conservative than us is going to hell. ROFL...See how they operate? All I did was express my opinion on the idea of compromise, Internet and TV. I never mentioned skirts either...don't you think that's a little hysterical of you?
Its called "making a point" and using examples to make that point.
I have seen more pressure applied to folks for holding a higher standard here, than for holding a lower standard. As if folks WANT people to compromise. That comment was simply addressing this issue.

I already said what the point was. Compromise. You don't NEED it. You can find another job. If they were really consistent and not compromisers, get rid of everything and anything and not make excuses because they need it for their jobs or....why not just use it ONLY for their job instead of surfing the web or visiting forums like this?
Again, ignoring the many points to chew on the one you don't like.
One minute you sound like you want everyone to start watching MTV and surfing myspace, and the next it seems you would have everyone become Amish. Just where do you stand?

Oh, while on this subject. to address Micheal Phelps' comment:

"My personal beliefs are inconsequential to this conversation"
Oh quite the contrary. They hold much significance. Especially when you are pointing out what you feel are inconsistencies in others beliefs. And when you question their stand on them. If you want serious answers to your questions/comments then step up and make your position known. That way one can know how to respond to you. Everyone seems to want to question and challenge, but don't have the backbone to state where they stand.

No..which is exactly my point. Just because TV is not useful for someones JOB does not make it wrong. Entertainment is not a sin
We agree here. So why are you bashing the web?
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Old 11-10-2007, 03:04 PM
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Been gone away from computer land.....

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God Bless
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Old 11-10-2007, 03:19 PM
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Originally Posted by rkentsmith View Post

Been gone away from computer land.....

nearly 11,000 hits.....

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And we are no better than we were....

God Bless
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

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Old 11-10-2007, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by rkentsmith View Post

Been gone away from computer land.....

nearly 11,000 hits.....

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And we are no better than we were....

God Bless
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Old 11-10-2007, 03:24 PM
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Originally Posted by meBNme View Post
One: I have successfully filtered the Internet in my home.
I don't use internet filters and I have successfully filtered the internet too

If you really want to get to stuff on the internet, no filter is going to work. You need your own discernment

Two: "World governing body"??? since when should we rely on "the world" to filter out sin for us?
Exactly my point. There is no group controlling what can or can't be on the internet, yet here in America we do have groups that censor what can or can't be on public TV.

I believe in self sufficiency as much as I can accomplish.
Exactly and we can use that same self sufficiency to filter out what we watch on TV.

kinda self explanatory eh? It all comes down to your personal decision.
Exactly my point again. It's YOUR personal decision.

The only ones I have seen having a hissy fit over it are the people here.
I have merely been stating my personal beliefs on the TV/Internet issue, in response to others questions about it.
And others have been merely stating THEIR personal beliefs on the TV/Internet issue and in response to what others like yourself, have said on it

I posted MY beliefs on the issue, and people started coming out of the woodwork to attack and interrogate my comments and convictions. So just who is having the hissy fit?
You are. You posted your beliefs and others are posting their beliefs in response to what you have said. It works both ways, not just your way.

I think you read me wrong. "lesser standard" was not meant as an insult, it was just meant as it was said. Some set their standards lower or higher than others.
That was exactly how I read you. I read you right. Who decides whose standard is higher or lower? Whose standard is higher? HE that believes we can use TV to reach the lost or he that chooses to NOT use TV to reach the lost?

One minute you sound like you want everyone to start watching MTV and surfing myspace, and the next it seems you would have everyone become Amish. Just where do you stand?
Huh? WHen and where did I sound like I wanted anyone, let alone everyone, to start watching MTV or Myspace? Talk about hissy fits and hysterics

We agree here. So why are you bashing the web?
I didn't bash anything. Why are you throwing a hissy fit?
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Old 11-10-2007, 04:44 PM
Whole Hearted Whole Hearted is offline
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Originally Posted by rkentsmith View Post

Been gone away from computer land.....

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God Bless
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Old 11-10-2007, 04:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Whole Hearted View Post
Isn't that a little worldy for you to be saying?
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Old 11-10-2007, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by rkentsmith View Post

Been gone away from computer land.....

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And we are no better than we were....

God Bless
What the UPCI needs is for men like yourself to stop crying over the fact your position lost.

What would your words be if the resolution had failed?

You would be saying God has spoken.

We need to follow our God appointed leaders.

Welll your position lost and it passed.

Are they still Gods appointed leaders?

It might be best if you just pracitce what you preach...

The only healing that needs to be done is to get the cry babies off soy milk...
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Old 11-10-2007, 05:26 PM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
What the UPCI needs is for men like yourself to stop crying over the fact your position lost.

What would your words be if the resolution had failed?

You would be saying God has spoken.

We need to follow our God appointed leaders.

Welll your position lost and it passed.

Are they still Gods appointed leaders?

It might be best if you just pracitce what you preach...

The only healing that needs to be done is to get the cry babies off soy milk...

I am curious about this winning and losing business. What was won? I just can't imagine people high fiving one another because some silly resolution to allow TV has passed.



I think the losers are the ones who can't handle the majority vote regardless of which end of the spectrum it originates or lands on.


Could it be said that those hungry to win the lost are the ones with a winning attitude?
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Old 11-10-2007, 06:01 PM
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Originally Posted by rkentsmith View Post

Been gone away from computer land.....

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And we are no better than we were....

God Bless
Yawn. Come back and post when you have something substantial to add, RKS.
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