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Old 10-30-2007, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
Let me relate some closer home. Our family.

In 1926, my paternal grandmother was dying of typhoid fever.

The doctor told her husband that she was dying and showed him

the bluish color on her feet and legs. My dad, eight years old, stood

nearby and heard these words. Before she lapsed into a coma, my

grandmother prayed these words, "LORD, if You would see fit, let me

live to raise my three children". Around four o'clock the next evening

she awoke, her fever had broken and she would live. Not only would

she live to raise her own three children, but she lived to see our first

grandson born. He is twenty four years old, and a licensed young

minister of the gospel. Five generations followed her.

If Grandma Blakey had not read the Bible over and over as a devout

Methodist, she might not have had the faith to believe He could and

would heal her. If Grandma, as a young 20 wife, and mother to be, had

not read her Bible and prayed that if her child was a son, that the LORD

would make him a minister of the gospel, things would possibly have been

a lot different in our family today. She changed the course of history for

our family. I have gone into my living room and looked into the faces of

my grandmother and parents and with thankfulness, with tears, thanked

them for my godly heritage. What we are today is not what we have done

but choices those who went before us made for us. We have the choice to

not carry on what was bought and given to us by those who paid a price

to bring it to us. It started with Jesus Christ. His apostles and on down

from generation to generation. What have or what will the generation that

has been given to us!!!


That I will be as David: "He served his generation and then he died".
For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)

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Old 10-30-2007, 09:40 AM
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Originally Posted by big-larry View Post

The issue is : How many prayers does it take to get God's attention?
I think the numbers might increase OUR faith, knowing that a lot of folks are praying on behalf of a need.

THE effectual fervent prayer of A righteous MAN availeth much.

Many, many people prayed for my dad who was only 68 when he died from a brain tumor. He had been a faithful servant of God. Numerous ministers came and laid hands on him and prayed for him as well as lay people. He wasn't completely healed and raised from his sick bed in the way we might have wanted, but THROUGH his sickness there were many days that healing was there.
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Old 10-30-2007, 10:16 AM
Theresa Theresa is offline
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sometimes dying IS the answer
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Old 10-30-2007, 10:31 AM
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There is also more than one kind of healing.

Phyical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc.

Jesus came to make men whole. He touched

them and they were made whole. How can a

person be holy until they are made whole. Totally

given over to the HOLY Spirit! If we are full of the

Holy Spirit, wouldn't that mean we had the spirit of

holiness living inside. Then in Him we can live and move

and have our being. Try the spirits and see if they be

of God. What comes out of us tells what is in our hearts

and minds. Our words and our thoughts. What we speak,

whether it come out of our mouths or on paper, it tell what

is in our hearts. Dead giveaway!


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Old 10-30-2007, 10:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Theresa View Post
sometimes dying IS the answer
The late John Wimber, who was used to bring healing to many, eventually died of Cancer and a stroke, but he was praying for a sick women in his church who was dying, healing was not happening, so he asked God why? The Lord told him, John you taught how to live for me, now teach her how to die for me? Death is only a door to the saved believer, nothing to fear, yes we want to live, but it's not the end only the beginning.
Please pray for India

My personal mission is to BRING people into a right relationship with God, GROW them up to maturity and SEND them back into the world to minister.
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Old 10-30-2007, 10:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
Ps.90:9 "For all our days are passed away in thy wrath; we spend

our years as a tale that is told,

Vs.10, "The days of our years are three-score years and ten; and if

by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength

labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

According to my KJV, Moses the man of God prayed inpart this prayer.

Moses represents the law. The old covenant. The natural. The natural

is first, then the spiritual. The new Covenant was supposed to bring in

better things, better promises. Are we limited in our faith by what was

spoken by a chosen man of God under the law! We read in the OT the

verses above, so we expect 70 yrs. or 80, etc.? I have heard people say

they won't be here long because I am already -- years old.

When a child is conceived and grows to a time when it is delivered, it

passes from one small chamber unto a much larger chamber, this world!

When it comes out of the "sac" or "skin" it is in, does that mean it dies.

Why when we come out of this "skin" we are contained in, until the time

of "delivery" do we many times lose hope. Have we not passed from death

unto life! We are dying in this world but will live eternally in the world to

come, whereever that happens to be.

Just some thoughts!

Incidentally, Ps.103 not only speaks of the benefits of forgiveness

and healing, but in verse 5 speaks the mouth being satisfied with

good things; so that thy YOUTH is RENEWED like the eagle's.

There are wonderful promises in the Word of God. Faith comes by

hearing the Word of God. If we don't EAT (consume) His Word, it

cannot benefit us. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

We are told to be RENEWED in the spirit of our minds! If we do our

part, God will do HIS!!!!

Just some thoughts from a senior sister who never felt better in

her life, and feeling better all the time. One of these days the

inner man/woman inside will slip out of this fleshly "skin" I have

been living in, and as the old song goes:

Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer,
May I thy consolation share,
Till, from Mount Pisgah's lofty height,
I view my home, and take my flight:

This robe of flesh I'll drop and rise
To seize the everlasting prize;
And shout, while passing thru the air,
Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer.



A beautiful post Sis. as are all your posts! I haven't said it before but many of the posts you have written have been an inspiration to me! God bless!
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Old 10-30-2007, 11:06 AM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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There is a dear man who operates in the gifts of the spirit, healings, and I have seen him read mail on people that just simply blew my mind.

He has diabetes and lost a few toes. A good friend of mine another minister asked him why God didn't heal him, and his reply was...

"...I believe God hasn't healed me to let me know that it is HIM doing the work through an imperfect vessel."

Coonskinner and I have had some pretty deep discussions on the effectiveness and the reason for prayer.

I still don't have it figured out.
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Old 10-30-2007, 02:04 PM
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Why did Sis Urshan die? She probably had a million or more people praying for her.

Thank you, TripleE (don't know whether you are a brother or sister).

Thank you for your kind words. Jesus told his disciples he only

SPAKE the words his Father told him to, and DID only the things

his Father told him to do. Talking about being totally Spirit-led.

What a goal to be attained. The apostles learned from Jesus who

learned from the Father. After we have received the Holy Spirit,

and we learn to listen to the Father (Spirit), can't we become like

Jesus, who was totally led by the Father! Jesus was there as the

mediator (a go between) but after we learn to go directly to the

Father for ourselves, would we still need a go between.

Why did JESUS have to leave for the Spirit (Comforter) to come.

Did He leave to put on the "hat" of the Father, and poured out

the Spirit from on high. High above so that He could pour out all

over the world. God set His Throne in the heavens that He might

fill all in all. If you are going to take a vessel and fill up many

glasses or cups, etc., you need to hold that which contains what

you will pour out, in other words the container must be above or

over the vessels that are being filled.

I am afraid I have totally hi-jacked this thread! Sorry!


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Old 10-30-2007, 03:13 PM
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Why did Sis Urshan die? She probably had a million or more people praying for her.

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
Incidentally, Grandma was born on this day in 1897.

She passed on Oct.10, 1984, 2 days before her 87th

birthday. She outlived the physican that said she was

dying, by over 50 yrs. She would have turned 107 yrs. today.

But Grandma went to the land where she'll never grow old.

Never grow old. never grow old, Tis a land where we'll
never grow old. Never grow old, never grow old, Tis a
land where we will never grow old.


Grandma passed on 21 days before her 87th birthday.

She would be 107 yrs. tomorrow, Oct. 31.

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Old 10-30-2007, 03:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post
There is a dear man who operates in the gifts of the spirit, healings, and I have seen him read mail on people that just simply blew my mind.

He has diabetes and lost a few toes. A good friend of mine another minister asked him why God didn't heal him, and his reply was...

"...I believe God hasn't healed me to let me know that it is HIM doing the work through an imperfect vessel."

Coonskinner and I have had some pretty deep discussions on the effectiveness and the reason for prayer.

I still don't have it figured out
I remember some of those discussions. very good stuff.

I think, for some things, there just is no figuring it all out.
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
My Countdown Counting down to: Days left till the end of the opressive Texas Summer!
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