Hawaii first, then not in any particular order but:
Holy Lands
New Zealand
maybe Russia
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
this is a land the size of California where 1/3 of the pacific salmon spawn. there are litteraly thousands of rivers in this part of Russia that have NEVER EVER been fished. There are stealhead trout over 3 feet long and salmon of every size and kind.
i would fish as many of these rivers as humanly possible and then hunt brown bear. the largest browns live here too.
then I would just move to Alaska and buy my own river and fish every day.
It will be a miracle if those rivers are not horribly polluted though from the decades of unregulated industrial waste. Hopefully they are isolated from that.
I would go to Nickerie, Suriname and build a very nice Church and Children's home in this remote area on the border of Suriname and Guyana. We support 400 children in a Children's home there now in a very difficult situation.
Then to Iquitos, Peru, the upper Amazon region to drill 100 wells in remote Indian villages and plant churches in each village and train pastors to minister to the people.
Then to remote islands in the South Pacific - to minister and set up churches and Bible Schools.
Then to Jamaica, Haiti, Barbados, Antigua, Trinidad, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, Guyana, Brazil, Columbia, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico and other nations to preach the Gospel and feel the poor, clothe the naked, set up feeding stations and dig fresh water wells.
I would take Doctors. Nurses, Dentists, medical professionals to set up clinics in difficult places.
I have done all of this in 57 nations for the past 35 years - WITHOUT ANY MONEY! Just think of what we could accomplish WITH SOME MONEY!!!!!!
A vacation to me would be sleeping on a hammock on a boat going up the Amazon with drilling equipment and medical supplies to help poor people that have no help at all.
It will be a miracle if those rivers are not horribly polluted though from the decades of unregulated industrial waste. Hopefully they are isolated from that.
it is in siberia and the vast majority of the area is completely isolated from humanity.
the whole area is wilderness and much of it is yet unexplored in any real meaningful way.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Paris was wonderful!! Italy was awesome!! I could spend a lifetime at either location. The food is much better in Italy though. In France I found myself looking for a Buger King or Pizza Hut. The greatest thing about Italy and especially Rome, at every turn there is something historic. Vatican City is amazing! I plan to go back sometime next spring. For all you business owners out there, get you an AMEX rewards card and in no time you will have enough for comp tickets. In my line of work we've managed to get enough points this year alone to for 6 international flights and 3 weeks worth of hotel stays at the Marriott.
I was actually depressed by the Vatican... to see all of that wealth that was "acquired" from other cultures over the ages in the name of "God" and not ever given back. I had time to spend about 2 days there, but I left after about 2 hours.
it is in siberia and the vast majority of the area is completely isolated from humanity.
the whole area is wilderness and much of it is yet unexplored in any real meaningful way.
My company just invested hundreds of millions of dollars in heavy industry in Siberia. It has to do with trees which is a huge resource there of course!
My company just invested hundreds of millions of dollars in heavy industry in Siberia. It has to do with trees which is a huge resource there of course!
you should find a way to take a trip over there! and take me with you! I want to FISH!
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!