Can't we get back to the glory of God instead of the woes of man?
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
Theresa, what we have here is the old "Why is ever'body always pickin' on me?" gambit.
It is usually deployed as sort of a hail mary pass when he has been pretty thoroughly debunked, and damage control is the only thing left.
Look for there to be veiled comments about why MOW left and Renda is on vacation.
Admin is unfair, the cons are taking over, etc.
Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
Okay Coonskinner, your remarks here are ignorant and insulting. Notice I said your remarks, not you. You can't say that this is not a lib/con issue and then turn right around and make it one.
There is no need to make "veiled" comments. MOW has clearly stated why he left, and the rest of us aren't stupid. We know the direction this ship is headed and have decided to live with it. To deny a shift in direction is the very height of purposed, agenda-filled propaganda.
Now ya'll have gone and done it and this is at the heart of the matter. There HAS been something to this board that the "MOW/Renda" issue. I think I've made myself very clear on that subject (even to the extent of making some stink of DAs last banning.)
THIS issue in NOT releated except that RW is a liberal on this board. and DA has staked out this issue as part of that issue and he is wrong. we ought to be able to agree on this at the least.
If I felt RWs comments fell in that catagory, I would be with DA making a stink but it isnt.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Now ya'll have gone and done it and this is at the heart of the matter. There HAS been something to this board that the "MOW/Renda" issue. I think I've made myself very clear on that subject (even to the extent of making some stink of DAs last banning.)
THIS issue in NOT releated except that RW is a liberal on this board. and DA has staked out this issue as part of that issue and he is wrong. we ought to be able to agree on this at the least.
If I felt RWs comments fell in that catagory, I would be with DA making a stink but it isnt.
Ferd, when Daniel started out on that "I've seen it before" deal, I knew that was exactly where he was going with it.
And this time the ideology divide has nothing at all to do with what happened.
as sad as it is to admit, I dont think "I"m sorry" is required...I think that RW stated exactly what he believes. If that is the case, this forum isnt the place for him.
Well, Steadfast is due an apology by RW for even saying it...but it wont unring the bell and it certiantly doesnt suddenly change RW's beliefs
I also speculate that RW and Daniel have since been discussing the fact that he really stepped in it when he said what he said and are backpeddling to confuse the issue.
too bad he didnt discern the outcome of such comments - before he made them.
Thankfully PP stepped up and has muddied the water more so that once again the Daniel behaviour is forgotten about