Originally Posted by stmatthew
do you think ethics are important when dealing with ministry?? Why didn't they find some youth that had made a perfect score in school, or brought out the person that was the champ of the quiz team, and make them a roll model. The whole point is not that the org is God, the whole point is that it ain't ethically right for someone in leadership to go contrary to the current bylaws that the constituency holds and present someone that contradicts them as a roll model. ETHICS is what I am talking about, not whether the bylaws are right or not.
I am protesting, and all my kids continue to have a real relationship with God.
1. I would guess that you are
not raising your children under
all the affirmation statements of the UPC. So I don't think your children can fairly represent what I have asked about.
And I also think it premature to count one's children safe, who aren't yet married and raising kids of their own. This is where we find out if they simply got along or they got a hold of God on their own.
NOTE/ I mean no offense by this statement. I am very concerned about my own and the paths they may yet decide. I only point out my belief that the true proof of the pudding is determined when the child raises their own children not when they are captive members of the household.
2. Laws and organizations change as people, thinking and time changes. For instances, the UPC has statements against people fighting in war; and yet our churches honor vetrans and give honor to those in the military. Thank God!
We don't cry foul over that.
3. There was a time when birth control was considered evil. Fortunately, it didn't get codified into the affirmation statement. If it did; the issue would haunt us today since the organization seems incapable of deleting what no longer makes sense.
4. I agree. I think the top Bible Quizers and those that are doing wonderful in their studies should have been honored and celebrated too. But that wouldn't carry the novelty of finding out that God can work through people in some pretty unlikely places.
5. So the bottom line is about keeping our kids committed to God as they walk over fools hill. Boring them to death with the same ole same ole may not work so effectively; especially in this age of the internet. IMO