Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson
God loves all people the same ,no race is superior,or inferior to others.
In Christ we all become one ,as the middle wall of partition has been broken down , there is no Jewish Or Gentile church only The Church,The Body Of Christ.
Amen, Bro. Scott,
No one would ever convince me that my late father and mother loved
anyone of we eleven children more than the other. I was very close to
my dad as I was church secretary from the beginning of the work for God
they began in 1958. HE loved us all the same. When our parents crossed
over to the other side, they had prepared a will, equally leaving each of
us the same. There was to be no partially whatsoever. God is not partial
to His Children either. The Bible says that the Lord knoweth those that
are HIS, and let everyone who nameth the name of Christ depart from
iniquity (sin). God is no respector of persons. Jesus said His sheep hear
His Voice and they follow Him. If there are those who are not hearing His
Voice and following Him, I would surely want to be listening real closely.
An old chorus says:
I'll be somewhere listening, I'll be somewhere listening,
I'll be somewhere listening for my name. I'll be somewhere
listening, I'll be somewhere listening. I'll be somewhere
listening for my name.
If my heart is right, when He calls me, if my heart is right,
I will hear. If my heart is right, when He calls me. I'll be
somewhere listening for my name.