Originally Posted by OP_Carl
Maybe people figure that if they start threatening you then STRANGE things will start to happen to them!
Besides, you're "connected," right?
Right. I'm connected with heaven. No one has ever threatened me. But, if they did, I would get a hold of my connections. Then, Katie-bar-the-door. By the time I get through praying for them, they will be blessed, prospered and advanced in every way.
The scriptures tell us to pray for our enemies and do good to them that despiteful to us. I used to get really ticked with "my connections" when I prayed for them and they were so blessed, prospered and faired better in every way. I then thought to complain to "my connections" that they were prospered when I prayed for them. It is then that "my connections" revealed my own heart to me. I was ashamed of myself. I then saw that I really wanted them to NOT prosper, but fail.
After my connections gave my heart an overhaul, I pray for my enemies and then rejoice when I see them prosper. It happens every time. So, if you want to prosper, become my...naaaaah...never mind. But, it happens without fail.
But to all my enemies, if there be any: "Rejoice not over me O my enemies, for when I shall fall, I shall rise again."