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Old 07-18-2007, 08:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Blubayou View Post
In conversation with a friend of mine yesterday, she said her sons,( 24 and years old) both actively involved in the church, do not feel that the ministers should sit on the platform during the worship service. They feel that the ministers should be seated with the congregation during worship service. Is this a trend with the younger generation? Is this done in other churches? What say ye? I feel so old!!!!!!!
I have always felt funny about singling out these guys over others, particularly when they are not even going to be preaching or anything else...

Then again some feel this is giving honor to whom honor is due
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Old 07-18-2007, 08:48 PM
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Our pastor sits on the front row during the singing. The Praise Team takes up the whole space anyway.
It's a good change, and gives the pastor a better feel for the congregation when he's one of them.
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Old 07-18-2007, 09:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Blubayou View Post
In conversation with a friend of mine yesterday, she said her sons,( 24 and years old) both actively involved in the church, do not feel that the ministers should sit on the platform during the worship service. They feel that the ministers should be seated with the congregation during worship service. Is this a trend with the younger generation? Is this done in other churches? What say ye? I feel so old!!!!!!!
I don't care one way or another. However if the ministerial staff is going to be on the platform during service they should be there on time!!!

I know that different churches have different traditions and one that might be jarring to me as a visitor might just be the norm for them.

Case in point is a major UPC church I visited for the first time about ten years ago. I was very distracted by the fact that the half dozen or so ministers on staff who sat on the platform (including the pastor) wandered in and up on the platform one by one over about a 20 minutes span while the opening praise and worship was going on.

I think it was the norm for the congregation but for me, a visitor, it was very distracting and I thought disrespectful to join the service in progress just whenever they apparently felt like it.
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Old 07-18-2007, 09:32 PM
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CC1 your post reminded me of a church I visited for a while. After service started the whole ministerial team (around 5-6) all walk in with Bible's under arm and they each kneel down on the steps around the platform, then go take their seats on the platform.

They are always 10-15 minutes late - they are having prayer in the prayer room.

It's just a bit distracting and weird to me. Like, look at us....we are very holy because we've been in the prayer room praying for this service that we can't be a part of for 15 minutes.
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Old 07-18-2007, 09:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Pragmatist View Post
I like it when they sit in the congregation. In some churches, it's like the ones on the platform are royalty, looking down on the peons.
That is sooooooo true!
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Old 07-18-2007, 09:44 PM
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Renda- I agree with you on this point. The church I attend now has a practice like this- and I have found it distracting. I do not think the ministers are being overly pious, just think it is a habit that was formed over many years. I also agree with CC1 - I think the ministerial team should be on time. I have noticed in churches where the minister is not on time the church members tend to wander in late.
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Old 07-18-2007, 09:53 PM
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Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
CC1 your post reminded me of a church I visited for a while. After service started the whole ministerial team (around 5-6) all walk in with Bible's under arm and they each kneel down on the steps around the platform, then go take their seats on the platform.

They are always 10-15 minutes late - they are having prayer in the prayer room.

It's just a bit distracting and weird to me. Like, look at us....we are very holy because we've been in the prayer room praying for this service that we can't be a part of for 15 minutes.
I agrre with you and CC1 . I feel if you can't be a in the worship service with us all..then please don't preach to me.

Our pastor is on front row and so is the visiting preacher if we are having one.

I, as worship leader, start the service with the praise singers.

The part of the pastor moving thru the cogregation shaking hands during singing sounds very distracting to me.

We do tak a time of greeting early in the service for all to greet one another with a handshake, especilly quests.
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Old 07-18-2007, 10:06 PM
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When I was going to the ALJC church the pastor wanted me (and some others) on the platform during the service. I felt very conspicuous up there and didn't like it.

The last 2 churches I've attended (neither are OP) the speaker sits on the front row or with family somewhere in the congregation and comes to the platform/stage when introduced to speak. I like that better.
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Old 07-18-2007, 10:24 PM
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I have never enjoyed sitting on the platform. Makes me self-conscious.
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Old 07-18-2007, 10:30 PM
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I sit on the platform and have nearly my entire life it was the custom where I grew up. I have a good message y'all need to hear "The reason I am up here and y'all are down there."
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