Answer to the first question. Uh no. Are we so desparate for conversation we need to start a thread about another whack job? Check out . There is enough material there to keep you in stitches for days.
Response to your last paragraph . The issue is not the source of the statement, it is the statement itself. If you care to comment on the statement I would be happy to dialog with you.
Did you know the Apostle Paul quoted pagan artists? Used a quote from a pagan in his message on Mars Hill. In his writings to Titus he quotes pagans. The third reference escapes my memory.
There is scriptural evidence to prove truth is universal. If I were to put Kenneth Haney's name at the end of that quote, you would be going into a Holy Ghost convulsion over a powerful Word from the Lord. Unfortunately, there is mindset that a small sample has a monopoly on truth. Unfortunatley there is a mindset that truth is only in salvation and a dress code. Scripture suggests otherwise. God has and will use anyone.
Here's an good excercise for you. Insert your favorite preacher's name for Ozzy's name, that way you can analyze the quote and discuss it's merits. You may suprised what you find when you focus on the message and not the messenger.
Originally Posted by Brother Price
tv1a, can we answer the question without being cute or a smartie pants?
I asked a question because I am curious. Unlike what some have insinuated, I can be curious without having to change.
BTW, why in the world would anyone quote that demonic Ozzy Osbourne in their signature line?