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Old 06-27-2007, 12:18 PM

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Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
I asked where they attend church these days! They said that they've NEVER LEFT!!!!!!!!! They attend the same servives as we do, but they sit on the opposite side of the auditorium!
I had the same thing happen to me. I had little children, so I always sat near the door on the side in case I needed to step out with a crying baby. I *always* sat there. About 3 years later, I decided to sit on the other side of the church, and people were coming up to me, introducing themselves to me, "Oh thank you for coming, we are happy to see you!" You should have seen the looks on their faces when I told them how long I had been there....every single service.
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Old 02-22-2008, 09:16 AM
JosephConroy JosephConroy is offline
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Re: Smaller is Better-A interesting Statistic

Originally Posted by MrRight View Post
OK, I think I get it. I guess it dosnt help if you don't know how to spell the word thogh. I don't have time to guess all nite on the spelling!
You know, my problem is NOT spelling, but my typing is abysmal!

So I stopped being lazy. I use the yahoo deal as my starting point, and they give you a tool bar at the top of the page. One of it's features is "Spell Check" (The icon looks like a mini "ABC with a check next to it." Simply hit that and it will do the same thing, change all the misspelled words to red. BUT the nice thing about spell check is that it will give you as you click on each misspelled word the different words with the Correct spelling that you may be wanting to write. then just click on that and it corrects it! Now if I can just keep taking my own advice, because I do tend to not only be a horrible typist but a lazy one at that!

Joseph Conroy
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Old 02-22-2008, 10:49 AM
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Jack Shephard Jack Shephard is offline
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Re: Smaller is Better-A interesting Statistic

A big church is good and that is what I am used too as well. I have been to both big and little churches. I have seen and heard it said that you can fall through the cracks at a large church. While that does happen I think that is almost an excuse at times to try and help discredit the larger churches. I went to a good size church in TN and now a good size one here in AZ. The thing about big churches is you may not know everybody, but you should know somebody. If you go to a larger church and you do not know anyone then it is your fault, IMO. Many if not all of these larger churches have alot of 'things' in action to keep people from falling through the cracks as it were.

I know that as Pianoman said that sometimes the back door is just as open as the front one. That does happen in smaller churches too. No church can hang on to everyone that walks through the front door. I have seen Anthony Mangun say several times if they just reached around half of the 'backsliders' then the church would grow by almost half. I also know a smaller church I attended could not hold on to many people. They were in a college town and the leadership and most of the saints were older. So it does go both ways, IMO. But I vote for a little larger church. I could go to CC in Nashville and the country church too, but that is me. I do not know a stranger...at least I am told that.
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.
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