Originally Posted by TrueNorth
A resolution for what?
In theory I am in favor of a Canadian organization. I am Canadian, self-rule for Canada! Let's have a made in Canada Superintendent! Add another level of bureaucracy for Canadians to pay for! At least we will have a warm and fuzzy feeling about it all.
Who cares about the problems - who cares whether it is the best thing or not. I am Canadian!
But, when a Canadian says, "I am Canadian!" What does he mean? Is there an overarching Canadian identity that is shared from sea to sea to sea? Or, does every Canadian define Canadian with their own regional definition?
If the future of the UPC was more than an academic consideration for me, I would oppose an autonomous UPCC. The UPCC is too small, too divided, and too dispersed geographically to ever form an effective autonomous organization.
Hazelwood is not the reason for any real or perceived lack of evangelism in Canada. The reason for any lack of evangelism in Canada lies much closer to home. In what way have the American brethren hindered Canadians from evangelizing Canada?