Originally Posted by jediwill83
Look I get it...prophet crying wolf and all that. But considering whats currently happening, have we become so determined to forever write off such things as all false?
See because if he said it after the fact people would still be going,"ahHA! Its not a true prediction because he said it after the fact!"
In fact...on other articles people in the comments are copying and pasting sermons from John McArthur Strange Fire denouncing ANY prophets or prophecy outside of written scripture.
How much does our hestincy stem from cessationist doctrine?
Are there any conditions where anyone here would actually be like,"Ok, maybe God is speaking these things."?
I have been hearing judgment preaching and prophesying for decades. While its true that most of what was said never happened I know part of the answer to that. When one sees something in the Spirit he must be careful how to present it.
As someone says an earthquake is going to hit California if they dont repent. That would be a GENERAL prophecy. If they said it will hit by the end of the year....that is very specific and must be judged.
General prophecies cause people to not take them seriously altho they may actually happen in due time. Nonetheless God can say he warned the people. The seeming delay in fulfillment may be his mercy being a compassionate Creator.
Specific prophecy that FAILS obviously hurts the faith of those that believed them as well as the general public. It make Christians a laughingstock.
I have not watched this guy yet (Pastor Dana) but what I just read would seem perfectly logical to me. America is a very wicked nation. I thought we would be judged in the 70's! Truly amazing how patient God has been.
As far as fires all over the country with chaos I could see that happening easy. Its already happening! Could Russia and China have troops here?
Right after I received the Holy Spirit I had a number of dreams from the Lord. One of them has not yet come to pass.
It was I saw myself with a group of people in a very desolate place. I was not made to know the source of the desolation. We noticed a cave in the area. We thought thats great a place to shelter!
We all went in. The next thing I saw was all of us walking back OUT OF the cave and an armed Chinese soldier behind us and we were his prisoners. I awoke.
When I met my wife she told of an open vision she had had where things were in an emergency mode in the country. She was hearing people communicating (like media) and it was in Chinese!
So we both believe this will one day happen.
When I hear what they call doom and gloom prophecies I do pay attention. The Lord warns his people before disaster. YES.....judge the prophecy....but just because you havent seen anything of great magnitude come to pass does not mean it will never happen.
Great judgment or disaster can happen and it NOT be the actually end time. Either way we would need the wisdom and leading of the Spirit to know what to do.