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Old 06-14-2007, 12:31 PM

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Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
You might be blowing his cover......pipe down!
Now, that is funny.
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Old 06-14-2007, 12:58 PM
Glenda B Glenda B is offline

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Originally Posted by WordPreacher View Post
You couldn't have followed my line of reasoning for many months because I haven't been on forums that long.

Well, that's good for you, because I don't take this forum and other forums serious for one moment, unless they are actually talking about biblical things, which isn't much.

You really don't know me, so you will never really know if I am serious or not. Until you actually meet me and know what I am really like, you won't know what I believe or how I actually am.
Well W/P this bit of untruth you just posted is why I take everything you say with a grain of salt.
The things you post appear to come off the top of your head, with no thought behind them whatsoever.
Sorry to blow your cover, but you have been posting on forums a long time.
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Old 06-14-2007, 01:03 PM

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Originally Posted by Hot Coffee Ms. View Post
Well W/P this bit of untruth you just posted is why I take everything you say with a grain of salt.
The things you post appear to come off the top of your head, with no thought behind them whatsoever.
Sorry to blow your cover, but you have been posting on forums a long time.
You obviously don't know me, because I haven't been posting on forums for a long time and I don't know where you get your misinformation.

BTW, I think about a lot of things and what I say is that forums are a joke with no real conversation going on. You need to get a grip and the truth will set you free.

Also, are you a hothead? From what I have seen, it appears you are.

Last edited by WordPreacher; 06-14-2007 at 01:05 PM. Reason: Adding more words
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Old 06-14-2007, 01:07 PM
AGAPE AGAPE is offline
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Originally Posted by Hot Coffee Ms. View Post
Well W/P this bit of untruth you just posted is why I take everything you say with a grain of salt.
The things you post appear to come off the top of your head, with no thought behind them whatsoever.
Sorry to blow your cover, but you have been posting on forums a long time.
hell hath no fury like the wrath of a woman
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Old 06-14-2007, 01:52 PM
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Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Originally Posted by WordPreacher View Post
Well, this forum is most definitely not becoming ex-pentecostal.

BTW, some people are bitter because of what has happened in Apostolic churches and IT IS NOT EASY TO FORGIVE someone for the things that they have done against them, especially a pastor. Apostolic pastors are the ones that usually do the most damage to people.
Bitter + Unforgiveness = no relationship with Christ. Guess what we have all had our run ins with individuals since we walked through the doors of a Pennycostal church. Every religion should be judged by their best, and the book says that we are to work out our OWN SALVATION with fear and trembling. I cannot blame anything that happened during my lifetime on no one but myself. Listening to someone complain about what people have done to them in their past is not acceptable to anyone in the world, why should it be allowed in the church.

Had a Baptist tell one of the Brothers in our church family that he thought all Pentecostal churches were full of drama. To some point I would have to agree with the old Baptist boy.

In Jesus nam

Brother Benincasa

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 06-14-2007, 01:55 PM

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Originally Posted by AGAPE View Post
hell hath no fury like the wrath of a woman
She needs to buy a vowel and get a clue.

Seriously though, she doesn't know anything about me and if she had a clue, then she wouldn't be such a hothead. I have heard from a reliable source that she is that way with everybody.
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Old 06-14-2007, 02:04 PM

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Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Bitter + Unforgiveness = no relationship with Christ.
That is not always true.

Every religion should be judged by their best, and the book says that we are to work out our OWN SALVATION with fear and trembling.
WOW!!! Have you gotten a revelation. That is so awesome, but I wish more Apostolics would get this revelation.

I cannot blame anything that happened during my lifetime on no one but myself.
I can blame it on people that have hurt me, especially in Apostolic churches, but I can also ask God to take care of it too.

Had a Baptist tell one of the Brothers in our church family that he thought all Pentecostal churches were full of drama. To some point I would have to agree with the old Baptist boy.

In Jesus nam

Brother Benincasa


Of course there is drama in Pentecostal churches, so it is usually better than a soap opera. Drama, drama, drama.
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Old 06-14-2007, 02:08 PM

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Many preachers put themselves in the position of middle man... a spokesman for God, an intermediary if you will... but when you try to hold them to a higher standard, then they claim they are just like everyone else...
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Old 06-14-2007, 02:20 PM

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Originally Posted by Sheltiedad View Post
Many preachers put themselves in the position of middle man... a spokesman for God, an intermediary if you will... but when you try to hold them to a higher standard, then they claim they are just like everyone else...
I hold no preacher above anyone else, because they are humans and can make mistakes, such as:.......
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Old 06-14-2007, 02:24 PM
Glenda B Glenda B is offline

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Originally Posted by WordPreacher View Post
You obviously don't know me, because I haven't been posting on forums for a long time and I don't know where you get your misinformation.

BTW, I think about a lot of things and what I say is that forums are a joke with no real conversation going on. You need to get a grip and the truth will set you free.

Also, are you a hothead? From what I have seen, it appears you are.
I always heard it said, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned Bro. Agape, but I recognize a joke when I see one posting. I know when someone is full of milarkey when I read his post too. I guess in reference to the truth setting you free, there’s no freedom for some people, because they don’t know it when they come face to face with truth.
W/P I could pull up some of your old posts from other forums and post here to prove my point if I was a vindictive person. But since I’m not vindictive I will cease from commenting any further.
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