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Old 05-12-2018, 06:51 PM
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Another thing to consider is that "post modern moral relativists" generally don't have enough kids to replace their numbers demographically, whereas "Bible thumpers" who keep their kids out of the indoctrination centers that teach moral relativism tend to have higher-than-replacement numbers of children. So, it's just a matter of time before the relativists breed themselves out of existence. It was an interesting experiment, but alas was not built for the long haul.

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Old 05-12-2018, 06:57 PM
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Another thing to consider, there have been some studies and surveys which show that so called "Millennials" and the upcoming "Generation Z" groups are actually very interested in spirituality, religion, faith, etc. They just aren't interested in the modern corporate fake-as-mcdonald's "churches".

The young crowd, those currently in their teens and early 20s, many of them are actually generally more traditionalist than anyone since the so called Greatest Generation's PARENTS. A lot of young people are staying at home instead of moving out at 18, even if they are married. That means homes with intergenerational members - grandparents, parents, kids, babies, etc. That environment cannot but help tend to produce more family-oriented and family-aware people.

Like I said, the future is ours. All the doom and gloom "resitance is futile" screeching is nothing but propaganda. But, you have to take the LONG VIEW in order to even comprehend where things are going.
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Old 05-12-2018, 08:38 PM
TheLayman TheLayman is offline
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Layman, you totally missed what I was pointing out. The atheists were comparing the human worldview to mechanical programs. Which makes humans incapable of having freewill. I have heard your author explain this more than once. So, I thought it funny when you posted that people should look at a worldview like an operating system on a computer. Your author would disagree with you. But getting back to ignoring you, no, Jesus didn't ignore the religious of His day. Neither did Elijah, but took every and all opportunity to point out their shapeshifting. PO nailed it, on how intellectualism can't get a fly high, and how only the power of Jesus Christ can reach any generation. Layman, all you got is books about books, intellectualizing the Bible to this generation is futile. But if you never felt the power of the Holy Ghost, then you will never have anything to give but silver and gold. A great man once said you can't eat gold with BBQ sauce, and silver will only be used as toilet paper. Peter didn't offer the crippled silver and gold, but the power of God. Layman get prayed for by a bunch of praying Apostolic Pentecostals. Save your library. I'm a book collector, and of all my books, only one is alive, the Bible.

Nope, can't ignore you, just have to point you out as a pod person.

Well, looks like you are the one who missed the point as Nancy Pearcey was speaking literally in regards to free will and naturalistic/materialistic determinism and again, I agree with her 100%. In making an analogy of a worldview being an operating system such as windows as opposed to say a program such as Logos Bible software, I was trying to point out the difference between a belief about something specific, such as doctrines concerning soteriology, social issues such as "gay marriage" where "the church" and secular humanism disagree (or should), and the worldview from which they originate such as theism vs atheism. For example, some people might say that Darwinism is a worldview. I would say not exactly, Darwinism is a natural and necessary result of an atheistic worldview. Naturalistic/materialistic determinism is part and parcel to naturalistic/materialistic philosophy (and the idea that scientific materialism is not a philosophy but a methodology is scientific bunk). Oh, and I am completely opposed to naturalistic/materialistic determinism and theological determinism so Pearcey and I are not going to disagree about that in the least. So you are comparing apples and oranges because you seized upon a word instead of understanding what was being said in two entirely different contexts. You said I didn't understand the author, you are simply wrong (but I know you will refuse to be).

It's kind of amazing to watch people try to turn almost anything into an argument. Like I said, you are free to ignore me, anything I say, and any books I recommend for any reason. Incidentally EB, you know what is obvious? When you don't like someone you stalk them around the discussion board trying to find opportunities to attack them.


Last edited by TheLayman; 05-12-2018 at 09:46 PM.
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Old 05-13-2018, 05:46 AM
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Originally Posted by TheLayman View Post

It's kind of amazing to watch people try to turn almost anything into an argument.
Layman you have pointed out to us numerous times that we as Apostolic Pentecostals are incorrect in our belief systems. True or false?

Yes, or NO? Pick one and please no long answer. A short yes or no will do.

Originally Posted by TheLayman View Post
Like I said, you are free to ignore me, anything I say, and any books I recommend for any reason. Incidentally EB, you know what is obvious? When you don't like someone you stalk them around the discussion board trying to find opportunities to attack them.

Layman, then I guess I also stalk thous I like and love? When I give them a thumbs up, or engage in discussion? LM, the whole concept of being on a forum might be lost on you.But it works like this, if you are saying X, someone will come along and say A. If you say X continually over and over again then you may have the same posters remind you of A over and over again. Nancy Pearcey soteriology is woven into her books, not the Bible. You want to parade your agenda here then you can't be ignored. Listen, If I was on a Baptist forum, or a Muslim forum, I shouldn't expect anyone to ignore me. While I beat my tin drum posting the Apostolic Truth of One God and Jesus name baptism with the infilling of the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues. LM, you are a faceless nick, you post on a public forum. You post, I post, and guess what, other posters either disagree, or agree. Also they have full freedom to be disagreeable or taunting, or real lovey dovey. But it is a religious forum. Which long ago was just an Apostolic forum. Until the day came when we were told that Apostolic FRIENDS included haters like you. But don't be upset by my usage of "hater." Because you knew you didn't agree with the Apostolic Pentecostal beliefs when you logged on to your membership. You want to sell your wares here, OK, the forum guardians of the galaxy deem it acceptable. They allow the phoney Muslim, "Walks In Islam" to spew his vomit here. I guess I stalk him as well?? Anyway, so don't cry for me Argentina. LM you are brand X and you just have someone pointing that out to anyone who cares. So, please put your crying towel away, and take it, or put me on ignore.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 05-13-2018, 07:33 AM
TheLayman TheLayman is offline
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Layman you have pointed out to us numerous times that we as Apostolic Pentecostals are incorrect in our belief systems. True or false?

Yes, or NO? Pick one and please no long answer. A short yes or no will do.
Sorry, I'm apparently not one of the sheep you are used to bullying...I'll answer any question anywhere any way I choose to answer. And look at your question, are you really not smart enough to understand what you are did? Of course you are, that's why you asked yes or no, because you don't want to be exposed.

See, I don't disagree with everything Apostolic Pentecostals teach...even if I'm talking about all of them and their different teachings on different subjects. Regarding the Trinity (theology proper) and Christology? Yes I do...but it's pretty apparent you disagree with each other. And I should actually say I disagree with modalism, and adoptionism, and Nestorianism...etc. I discuss these topics and beliefs with the people who hold them, and sometimes just with people who have studied them.

Guess what, I disagree with Calvinists too...I should say Calvinism. That doesn't mean I disagree with everything they say, or that because I disagree with their soteriology that I must necessarily disagree with them regarding theology proper. But that is what you are saying I do with Oneness Apostolics...and you are saying that because that's what YOU DO, and you do it with everyone who doesn't agree with you on everything, especially Trinitarians.

Originally Posted by E.B.
Layman, then I guess I also stalk thous I like and love? When I give them a thumbs up, or engage in discussion? LM, the whole concept of being on a forum might be lost on you.
You've gotten good at denying it but I can assure you that other people have noticed. And because of the makeup of this forum it is usually to others who are OP's (though they may not meet your definition of it). I have done my absolute best to ignore you because of your "lizard brain" posts (google it yourself). This is a common theme with you and it has little to do with this one little Trinitarian talking about postmodernism.

Originally Posted by EB
But it works like this, if you are saying X, someone will come along and say A. If you say X continually over and over again then you may have the same posters remind you of A over and over again. Nancy Pearcey soteriology is woven into her books, not the Bible.
Because she's talking about "free will" are you saying her soteriology is woven into her books? Perhaps, at least on the free will part (though most people who identify with Calvinism also don't act like they believe we don't have free will). But the book is not about Soteriology per se, it is about how worldviews effect and change culture, education, law, morality, definition of truth, etc., and how certain philosophies with their presuppositions come not only to be taught in schools, but how they become "public knowledge" which is eventually not to be challenged and this "public knowledge" will eventually be made the standard by force.

Originally Posted by EB
You want to parade your agenda here then you can't be ignored. Listen, If I was on a Baptist forum, or a Muslim forum, I shouldn't expect anyone to ignore me. While I beat my tin drum posting the Apostolic Truth of One God and Jesus name baptism with the infilling of the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues. LM, you are a faceless nick, you post on a public forum. You post, I post, and guess what, other posters either disagree, or agree.
Yeah, I know how discussion boards work, I know how debates work (and how they differ from discussions), and I know how internet bullies work hiding behind a keyboard. People like you always want to claim the moral high ground and claim they were just disagreeing. Sure E.B., whatever. If you are not bright enough to understand the difference between disagreeing with something regarding topic X and attacking a person, then I will leave to those he admire your intelligence and self righteousness. For me, I agree with Mark Twain (on the quote below, not his soteriology LOL):

"Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Incidentally, I am not making your attitude and actions those of all OP's, what I'm talking about here you own personally, just so we understand one another.

Originally Posted by E.B.
Also they have full freedom to be disagreeable or taunting, or real lovey dovey. But it is a religious forum. Which long ago was just an Apostolic forum. Until the day came when we were told that Apostolic FRIENDS included haters like you.
Oh, there you go, rationalize your own hate (there was nothing hateful in my posts). You are just protecting others from "haters," you are the misunderstood good guy, the morally superior guy. Someone has allowed your territory to be invaded and like the holy warrior you are just attacking the "haters," you are not a bully who gets his fix of endorphins behind the safety a a computer keyboard attacking and insulting others...sure. And even if you are, the faceless nicks you do it to have it coming.

Originally Posted by E.B.
But don't be upset by my usage of "hater." Because you knew you didn't agree with the Apostolic Pentecostal beliefs when you logged on to your membership.
I know most OP's don't watch T.V. (could be wrong) but this reminds me of political spin doctors who get asked a question and are trained to change the topic with the first reply. There was nothing in my posts about apostolic beliefs, nothing. But you are still just rationalizing your own actions into being that of a morally superior holy warrior rather than those of a bully. There are other people on this discussion board who will probably buy right into that, I will never be one of them. And like a spin doctor, you go from being the bully to the victim...amazing.

You want to sell your wares here, OK, the forum guardians of the galaxy deem it acceptable.
Those books are not my books, they are books regarding worldviews, postmodernism, culture shift (cause and effect), and general apologetics (regarding worldviews in general). None were systematic theology books.

They allow the phoney Muslim, "Walks In Islam" to spew his vomit here. I guess I stalk him as well?? Anyway, so don't cry for me Argentina.
Make no mistake tough guy, I would never cry for you at all...pointing out your behavior is not crying. I know I'm not the first person to say this to you, or the second...or third. Anyway, don't you worry about me crying tough guy.

Originally Posted by E.B.
LM you are brand X and you just have someone pointing that out to anyone who cares. So, please put your crying towel away, and take it, or put me on ignore.
So, did you get beat up a great deal as a child? Anyway tough guy..err...I mean...ummm...oh yeah, morally superior good guy, don't worry about this poor little old hater, I'll be fine. Oh, BTW, you can do the same thing.

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Old 05-13-2018, 09:14 AM
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

I made a few mistakes by posting this, I now realize.

First off, let me assure you that I would never expect to see lives changed outside of prayer, fasting, preaching the gospel, and the Holy Ghost.

Secondly, sometimes I'm a bit dense. knowing that so many have convictions against social media, I should have realized people would find this offensive, I apologize.

Recently Bro Esaias made a post about the effects of social media and I agree with him completely.

Where the article I posted caught my attention was when the author talked about how many people are using social media and "going to where young people are" to reach them.

Recently Houston posted a Utube of a Cody Marks sermon, where he mentioned that one of the reasons they were streaming on social media was to reach those who were *hiding* in the background, hoping to bring them back to the Lord. The reason being that we are lost a great deal of young men who took the wrong path, who may not have the courage to come to church yet.

I connected those comments to the idea in this article of reaching people through social media.

I also realize that you can't really preach against social media, while using it. So there is that.

I know that Bro Benincasa teaches bible studies all over his town and likely knows way more about reaching the next generation that I do.
I'm interested in being more effective.

I thought that there was some sense to considering how younger people may perceive the world compared to how older people do.

Think of how much things have changed. Even in the Church. One maybe not very good example: When I was much younger, I heard preachers preach that someone who was a homosexual back in their day would have been taken out back and have some sense knocked into them. Now I think we understand better that someone who has homosexual tendencies can repent and be saved and may still have to deal at times with keeping the flesh under subjection.

We also have so called churches now that ordain gays, something that once would never have been imagined.

As I said, I appreciate all your comments.
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~Tolkien

Last edited by Amanah; 05-13-2018 at 09:18 AM.
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Old 05-13-2018, 09:21 AM
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
I made a few mistakes by posting this, I now realize.

First off, let me assure you that I would never expect to see lives changed outside of prayer, fasting, preaching the gospel, and the Holy Ghost.

Secondly, sometimes I'm a bit dense. knowing that so many have convictions against social media, I should have realized people would find this offensive, I apologize.

Recently Bro Esaias made a post about the effects of social media and I agree with him completely.

Where the article I posted caught my attention was when the author talked about how many people are using social media and "going to where young people are" to reach them.

Recently Houston posted a Utube of a Cody Marks sermon, where he mentioned that one of the reasons they were streaming on social media was to reach those who were *hiding* in the background, hoping to bring them back to the Lord. The reason being that we are lost a great deal of young men who took the wrong path, who may not have the courage to come to church yet.

I connected those comments to the idea in this article of reaching people through social media.

I also realize that you can't really preach against social media, while using it. So there is that.

I know that Bro Benincasa teaches bible studies all over his town and likely knows way more about reaching the next generation that I do.
I'm interested in being more effective.

I thought that there was some sense to considering how younger people may perceive the world compared to how older people do.

Think of how much things have changed. Even in the Church. One maybe not very good example: When I was much younger, I heard preachers preach that someone who was a homosexual back in their day would have been taken out back and have some sense knocked into them. Now I think we understand better that someone who has homosexual tendencies can repent and be saved and may still have to deal at times with keeping the flesh under subjection.

We also have so called churches now that ordain gays, something that once would never have been imagined.

As I said, I appreciate all your comments.
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Old 05-13-2018, 12:02 PM
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Originally Posted by TheLayman View Post

Make no mistake tough guy, I would never cry for you at all...pointing out your behavior is not crying. I know I'm not the first person to say this to you, or the second...or third. Anyway, don't you worry about me crying tough guy.

So, did you get beat up a great deal as a child? Anyway tough guy..err...I mean...ummm...oh yeah, morally superior good guy, don't worry about this poor little old hater, I'll be fine. Oh, BTW, you can do the same thing.

Originally Posted by TheLayman View Post
Every time I read a post of yours I'm amazed at how you believe your words and attitude reflect Christ in you.

Layman vs Layman

Layman, you must amaze yourself a lot.

But typical, you couldn't answer a yes or no questions.

But at least you were honest about Nancy Pearcey interweaving her theology into her books. People need Biblical theology, not Three godder philosophical psychobabble.

OK, you aren't crying, you were just spitting and cursing while you were posting?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 05-13-2018, 01:07 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Just preach the Gospel. Listen to the needs, questions, and concerns of these Millennials, and follow the leading of the Spirit on how to address those needs. Be flexible as the situation calls you be, each church and group of Millennials will be unique.

Above all, be real. Structures, forms, systems, and institutions that are self serving, self-perpetuating, artificial, and not compassionate turn them off. They like authentic, imperfect, natural, organic, and a sometimes messy spirituality. Let them see your humanity, your flaws, you're faults. Help guide them to find their own answers in Scripture. They have to feel like they found it, they reject just being told something without discussion or examination. Pretend to be prefect, to have all the answers, and dictate...they'll only view you with suspicion.

Last edited by Aquila; 05-13-2018 at 01:13 PM.
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Old 05-13-2018, 03:44 PM
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Younger people are younger people, older people are older people. We all need the power of God, which comes by the preaching of the Gospel. God chose to bypass oratory in favour of Spirit filled preaching, therefore even the "moral relativist" can be saved in spite of his silliness. Unfortunately, the intellectual has a hard time, because he fancies himself wise and is not willing to become a fool to be instructed at the feet of Christ. But even that guy can be reached if God deems it compatible with His mercy.

A person entrenched in "post modernism, moral relativism" simply needs to be asked "So it's cool if I rob your house, eh? After all, just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean squat, since there is no 'objective truth'. It all just comes down to POWER, and the queston is do I have the power to rob you, and do you have the power to stop it? that's all that matters, and thus might makes right." They usually choke at that point and either realise they need to rethink how they view the idea of "truth", or else they are simply opposed to the Gospel and simply don't care about the truth.

In which case they are candidates for a Divinely-sent "strong delusion", which places them beyond anyone's reach.

Man this whole statement was awesome brother. But this right here is exactly what I needed to hear right now. Thank you brother!

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