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Old 12-22-2016, 07:50 AM
Jito463 Jito463 is offline
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Re: Trump's Staff and Cabinet

Originally Posted by Jason B View Post
No need to lock it, but ya'll shouldn't be calling each other liars and such. I side with Ndavid politically, but both of ya'll have been too aggressive toward each other.
Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
Sometimes hidden dangers spring on us suddenly. Those are out of our control. But when one can see the danger, and then refuses to arrest , all in the name of "God is in control", they are forfeiting God given, preventive opportunities.
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Old 12-22-2016, 07:50 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Trump's Staff and Cabinet

Originally Posted by Jason B View Post
I think you're getting a bit worked up over an internet forum. People are polar opposites on one topic, strong allies on another.
I'm absolutely worked up about this. I was called a racist for a post in which nothing about race or religion was mentioned. The accusation was completely out of thin air.

And even though two others have made similar statements about not seeing anything critical about Trump, I was singled out and slandered as "the biggest liar on AFF."

So yes, I'm worked up about it. He would be just as upset if I had posted those same things about him.

What's worse is Admin censoring my joke about head up your rear, but doing nothing about the slanderous posts and telling me to drop it.

I'll probably get banned, because I'm not going to drop it.
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Old 12-22-2016, 07:58 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Trump's Staff and Cabinet

Originally Posted by Jito463 View Post
I will admit I have been aggressive or rude in posts. I would apologize and be willing to change my tone from here on.

But I am not racist nor am I a liar. And I will not allow anyone to slander me as such, especially without providing any evidence. And especially since others made similar statements without being slandered. He should apologize for those posts, then I'll "drop it" and move on.

Last edited by n david; 12-22-2016 at 08:01 AM.
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Old 12-22-2016, 08:51 AM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Trump's Staff and Cabinet

Originally Posted by Jason B View Post
No need to lock it, but ya'll shouldn't be calling each other liars and such. I side with Ndavid politically, but both ofvya'll have been too aggressive toward each other.

Just for the record, I never called anyone a racist. For someone to continue this false narrative only reinforces my opinion that they have a problem telling the truth.

Here is what the uproar is all about.

Concerning remarks that were made about Trump and Ivanka's visit with Al Gore, I said....

Trump does not believe in global warming. You guys jump at every false narrative imaginable.


Trump asks a Global Warming alarmist to a meeting.
His daughter is sympathetic to Global Warming hysteria.
The Global Warming alarmist says that the meeting went well.Basically, Bernie Sanders was elected - except now you have to buy a new hat

NDavid @ me.....

No one said POTUS-elect believed in global warming. All that was done was posting about Ivanka's and his meeting with AlGore. It's not a false narrative that Ivanka has been and still is a liberal democrat and is trying to push liberal policies through her father's administration.

Me @ PressingOn....

So, humor us. Please go on record now and tell us that you believe that every time Trump meets with someone who holds an opposite view from his own any topic means he is flipping his opinion on that topic. Go ahead.

Me @ NDavid.....

Wow. Are you anti-Semetic or something?

NDavid @ me…

Please highlight any part of that post which has anything to do with your false and libelous accusation

Me @ NDavid....

I only asked a question. I made no accusation. But since Ivanka is married to a Jew and converted to Judaism herself, my question is valid one.

I'm only playing by your rules. You judge Trump's future actions based on who he meets with. Heck if I was President I would meet with everybody I could. Louis Farrakhan, David Duke, BLM, Seminole Indian tribal leaders, you name it.

And from there things spiraled out of control. Either he failed to grasp the point I was trying to make or is being intentionally misleading, choosing rather to pretend I was slandering him. I think even a casual reader would understand that I asked a trick question to point out how silly it is to assume Trump is flip-flopping on global warming based on his meeting with Al Gore. Just as it would be wrong for someone to try to silence an Ivanka critic by accusing them of anti-semetism because Ivanka's husband is Jewish (playing the race card), so is it equally hysterical and wrong to continually make charges of flip-flopping against Trump because he meets with ideological adversaries. NDavid, as is his custom, decided to invent an offense (in this case, that I called him a racist) that did not exist rather than to acknowledge the point I was driving at. So he ends up being guilty of the very thing he accuses me of, slander. This is why I called him a liar. He's playing a manipulative game here and it is rather sick.

The discourse can be found on pages 10 and 11 of this thread. The only reason I am bothering to tell my side of the story is because the other party won't just let it go and continues to lie. After this, I will have nothing more to say on the matter. God knows I am telling the truth therefore I will rest in that.

Last edited by Originalist; 12-22-2016 at 09:49 AM.
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Old 12-22-2016, 09:49 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Trump's Staff and Cabinet

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
Just for the record, I never called anyone a racist. For someone to continue this false narrative only reinforces my opinion that they have a problem telling the truth.
You can dispense with the sub-posting. We're both grown men, at least I am. No need to play 2nd grade where you respond to my posts by pretending to respond to someone else.

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
And from there things spiraled out of control. Either he failed to grasp the point I was trying to make or is being intentionally misleading, choosing rather to pretend I was slandering him. I think even a casual reader would understand that I asked a trick question to point out how silly it is to assume Trump is flip-flopping on global warming based on his meeting with Al Gore. Just as it would be wrong for someone to try to silence an Ivanka critic by accusing them of anti-semetism because Ivanka's husband is Jewish (playing the race card), so is it equally hysterical and wrong to continually make charges of flip-flopping against Trump because he meets with ideological adversaries. NDavid, as is his custom, decided to invent a charge of racism that did not exist rather than to acknowledge the point I was driving at. So he ends up being guilty of the very thing he accuses me of, slander. This is why I called him a liar. He's playing a manipulative game here and it is rather sick.

The discourse can be found on pages 10 and 11 of this thread. The only reason I am bothering to tell my side of the story is because the other party won't just let it go and continues to lie. After this, I will have nothing more to say on the matter. God knows I am telling the truth therefore I will rest in that.
This is hilarious. Twice you claimed you were just asking a question, which you claimed was somehow valid since Jared is a Jew. Now you've changed your explanation and want people to believe that you posted a "trick question" as part of some elaborate scheme to prove some point.

I'm not buying it. It wasn't a question, nor was it some elaborate scheme to prove a point. It was an indirect accusation and outright slander.

Also, your slander about me being racist had nothing to do with your post accusing me of being "the biggest liar on AFF." That was in response to me, and another person whom you didn't slander, stating that we haven't read any posts critical or disagreeing with Trump.

Keep offering excuses and digging the hole. Tomorrow you'll have some new explanation for why you slandered me.

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
NDavid, as is his custom, decided to invent a charge of racism that did not exist
HA! Typical Originalist, trying to shift blame and accuse me for his accusation! Who accused whom of being racist? It sure wasn't me. My post had absolutely nothing to do with race or religion. YOU were the one who "decided to invent a charge of racism that did not exist."

Last edited by n david; 12-22-2016 at 09:54 AM.
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Old 12-22-2016, 10:07 AM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Trump's Staff and Cabinet

Originally Posted by n david View Post
You can dispense with the sub-posting. We're both grown men, at least I am. No need to play 2nd grade where you respond to my posts by pretending to respond to someone else.

This is hilarious. Twice you claimed you were just asking a question, which you claimed was somehow valid since Jared is a Jew. Now you've changed your explanation and want people to believe that you posted a "trick question" as part of some elaborate scheme to prove some point.

I'm not buying it. It wasn't a question, nor was it some elaborate scheme to prove a point. It was an indirect accusation and outright slander.

Also, your slander about me being racist had nothing to do with your post accusing me of being "the biggest liar on AFF." That was in response to me, and another person whom you didn't slander, stating that we haven't read any posts critical or disagreeing with Trump.

Keep offering excuses and digging the hole. Tomorrow you'll have some new explanation for why you slandered me.

HA! Typical Originalist, trying to shift blame and accuse me for his accusation! Who accused whom of being racist? It sure wasn't me. My post had absolutely nothing to do with race or religion. YOU were the one who "decided to invent a charge of racism that did not exist."
I care not what you buy or don't buy, NDavid. The posts are all there. I explained myself and I'm through discussing this. No explanation was changed, only clarified. I have no reason to lie. You are determined to be offended and victimized. My conscience is clear.
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Old 12-22-2016, 10:10 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Trump's Staff and Cabinet

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
I think even a casual reader would understand that I asked a trick question to point out how silly it is to assume Trump is flip-flopping on global warming based on his meeting with Al Gore. Just as it would be wrong for someone to try to silence an Ivanka critic by accusing them of anti-semetism because Ivanka's husband is Jewish (playing the race card), so is it equally hysterical and wrong to continually make charges of flip-flopping against Trump because he meets with ideological adversaries.
Does anyone actually buy this explanation? Seriously, you won't hurt my feelings if you accept his story. I honestly can't believe I'm the only person thinking this is rubbish.
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Old 12-22-2016, 10:14 AM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Trump's Staff and Cabinet

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Does anyone actually buy this explanation? Seriously, you won't hurt my feelings if you accept his story. I honestly can't believe I'm the only person thinking this is rubbish.
Try explaining how my question and comments make sense otherwise. In what backdrop and context were the comments made? What were you, Pressing-on and I discussing? Connect the dots.
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Old 12-22-2016, 10:20 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Trump's Staff and Cabinet

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
I care not what you buy or don't buy, NDavid.
That's good.

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
The posts are all there.
Yes, the slander is there for everyone to read.

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
I explained myself and I'm through discussing this. No explanation was changed, only clarified.
Well, you did change your explanation. Call it clarifying or whatever you want. (Sounds just like a Trump supporter! Not meant as an insult, only that Trump had a lot of "clarifying" he did during the primary) After I pushed back against your slander, twice you claimed you were just asking a question. Now you expect people to believe it was some elaborate scheme to prove a point.

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
I have no reason to lie.
You actually do, since you've been confronted with your slander.

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
You are determined to be offended and victimized.
No, but I am determined not to be slandered as racist or "the biggest liar on AFF."

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
My conscience is clear.
Must be seared then.
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Old 12-22-2016, 10:47 AM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Trump's Staff and Cabinet

Originally Posted by n david View Post
That's good.

Yes, the slander is there for everyone to read.

Well, you did change your explanation. Call it clarifying or whatever you want. (Sounds just like a Trump supporter! Not meant as an insult, only that Trump had a lot of "clarifying" he did during the primary) After I pushed back against your slander, twice you claimed you were just asking a question. Now you expect people to believe it was some elaborate scheme to prove a point.

You actually do, since you've been confronted with your slander.

No, but I am determined not to be slandered as racist or "the biggest liar on AFF."

Must be seared then.
NDavid, rather than say things like "you won't say that to my face" or "some day your mouth is going to get you in trouble" (or whatever it was you said since I can't give an exact quote as those comments seem to have vanished), I'm just going to say, as I said before, that I have no reason to lie. When you have had time to relax and clear your mind, you will understand that the comments I made make no sense except in light of the explanation I gave. Still trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, I will add that you have my word as a Christian that my explanation is sincere and truthful. Other than that, there really is nothing more I can do at this point. In the future, IF we have any more debates, I will make doubly sure you understand where I am coming from (though I think the best thing to do is for you and I simply to ignore each other and not engage at all).
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