Originally Posted by TJJJ
Still don't see Hillary losing. Did you see today where some GOP's have said they will support Hillary in the event that Trump gets the nod?
The establishment wants establishment in. Hillary is establishment. The big money wants someone that they can control and she is controllable. Trump is not. He is having fun spendin his money and getting publicity. He says anything he wants and the press eats it up.
Every dime he spends on this is going to come back to him. He is set whether he goes any farther or not.
But.... Hillary is going to win.
JFK vs. Nixon = JFK won on personality & appearance
Johnson vs. Goldwater = LBJ big Texas presence over nerdy Goldwater
Nixon vs. Humphrey = Robert Kennedy would've walked all over Nixon, Humphrey was a nice guy, but lacked charisma
Nixon vs. McGovern = McGovern was bizarre and way off in left field, Nixon won big because he was likable enough
Carter vs. Ford = Ford was handicapped with the Nixon scandals, Carter was a Southern Christian man with lots of integrity
Reagan vs. Carter = Reagan's personality was huge and being an actor, knew the value of presentation, wit, and the power of the spoken word
Reagan vs. Mondale = worst defeat in presidential history, the Great Communicator won 49 states
Bush vs. Dukakis = both men lacked personality, Dukakis was the worst of the two and Bush rode on Reagan's coattails
Clinton vs. Bush = probably not a larger personality in modern presidential history, Clinton wins
Clinton vs. Dole = Slick Willy vs. Cranky WWII Veteran, no contest
Bush vs. Gore = Boring Al still won the popular vote riding Clinton's coattails, but still lost
Bush vs. Kerry = say what you want about W but next to "Lurch", W looked like they life of the party
Obama vs. McCain = young, handsome, good speaker wins over old, stiff, POW
Obama vs. Romney = Brill Cream Mormon loses to President Cool
With the advent of television, appearance and stage presence trumps policy and issues. The majority of Americans vote emotionally, simply on how a candidate makes one feel. Most voters don't study the issues, the policies of the candidates, their past words and writings, their records, heir past associations, or their biographies.
Hillary is awful on the issues. Worse yet, she has zero personality, terrible stage presence, and sounds like a robot when speaking.
She will lose and will lose big. Every GOP candidate has more personality than Hillary. Except for George Pataki.