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Old 10-15-2015, 08:03 AM
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Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news

A government reflects the nation. Most of our laws have principles which have come from God. This NWO government is trying to destroy the things which have made this land great. Our government was created by the people for the people, but it would seem once they are elected they become some elitists group of unstoppables.
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Old 10-15-2015, 10:21 AM
houston houston is offline
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Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news

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Old 10-15-2015, 10:28 AM
kclee4jc kclee4jc is offline
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Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news

New World Order?
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Old 10-15-2015, 10:31 AM
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Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news

I refer to it as an ideology. I may be not using the word by correct meaning. redefining norms, political correctness void of common sense, extreme liberality.
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Old 10-15-2015, 12:36 PM
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Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news

Originally Posted by jfrog View Post
So to sum up the story. The pastor was helping the contractor avoid paying taxes.

He got caught because of his ties to some politician.

The only charge the Feds had for such a thing was the way in which he withdrew the money which was made into a crime so that people could not bypass the reporting processes put in place to stop money laundering and other criminal activities.

Maybe story should be example of why people shouldn't help others cheat even on taxes.
If true, this is definitely an example for us to NEVER help a friend cheat the government! A simple "favor" can land you behind bars!
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Old 10-15-2015, 03:14 PM
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Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news

Originally Posted by good samaritan View Post
I don't think there should be any laws in how you withdraw money that belongs to you as long as the use of the money is not illegally used. I have bought things which the people requested cash. I didn't ask them a lot of questions, and I kept my own records. If this pastor has done something illegal I would understand, but it seems these are horrible charges.
So you believe money launderers should have free reign to avoid high dollar transactions being reported to the Feds? Or do you believe that all transactions should be reported to the Feds?
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
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Old 10-15-2015, 03:31 PM
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Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news

I personally don't think the Feds should be able to look into personal finances period. If there is a suspicion of something there should be warrants granted just like in searching someone's home. If I withdraw money to roof my house then the federal government should not have to be let known about. It is the responsibility if the contractor to pay his taxes and not my checking transactions flagging the government.

This is just like this 2nd amendment controversy, in order to keep guns away from criminals lets infringe on everyone's rights. There is nothing we can do to change these things, but people are crazy to want to be government servants. If that pastor was doing something illegal with the money, then yes he should be prosecuted. There should not be rules to how you withdraw money that belongs to yourself.
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Old 10-15-2015, 03:36 PM
canam canam is offline
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Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Jesus taught that a man could do what he wanted with hismoney, that he could contract with whoever for whatever however he wanted.

The man took his own money out of the bank and got in trouble for it. Tyranny, pure and simple. Welcome to Lee Greenwoodistan.
Yes he took his own money and did it in multiple withdrawals of 7 to 9 thousand ,he knew what he was doing, he knew the guy was evading something, hence ,he pleaded guilty , because he knew it wasnt right , he should have said sorry, cant do that ,the guy most likely gave him a sweet deal and he paid his helpers cash etc etc., same as the dealership who offered my dad a way to avoid sales tax on a new car by giving him the church tax number ,not doing it said my dad its not the churches car its mine, to which the dealer said, well that's what all my minsters do, to which my dad said well I aint all your minsters, ps I know of upc/wpf pastors who have registered theirs and their kids vehicles and their toys, boats etc. in the church name to avoid taxes ,its not right folks ,its crooked ! Be above reproach always !
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Old 10-15-2015, 03:54 PM
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Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news

Originally Posted by canam View Post
Yes he took his own money and did it in multiple withdrawals of 7 to 9 thousand ,he knew what he was doing, he knew the guy was evading something, hence ,he pleaded guilty , because he knew it wasnt right , he should have said sorry, cant do that ,the guy most likely gave him a sweet deal and he paid his helpers cash etc etc., same as the dealership who offered my dad a way to avoid sales tax on a new car by giving him the church tax number ,not doing it said my dad its not the churches car its mine, to which the dealer said, well that's what all my minsters do, to which my dad said well I aint all your minsters, ps I know of upc/wpf pastors who have registered theirs and their kids vehicles and their toys, boats etc. in the church name to avoid taxes ,its not right folks ,its crooked ! Be above reproach always !
I agree, "if" he intentionally structured to knowingly support in the man's scheme to cheat the government. Although, I personally believe that our personal finances should not be accessible to anyone other than ourselves and the bank.
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Old 10-15-2015, 04:07 PM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news

Originally Posted by canam View Post
Yes he took his own money and did it in multiple withdrawals of 7 to 9 thousand ,he knew what he was doing, he knew the guy was evading something, hence ,he pleaded guilty , because he knew it wasnt right , he should have said sorry, cant do that ,the guy most likely gave him a sweet deal and he paid his helpers cash etc etc., same as the dealership who offered my dad a way to avoid sales tax on a new car by giving him the church tax number ,not doing it said my dad its not the churches car its mine, to which the dealer said, well that's what all my minsters do, to which my dad said well I aint all your minsters, ps I know of upc/wpf pastors who have registered theirs and their kids vehicles and their toys, boats etc. in the church name to avoid taxes ,its not right folks ,its crooked ! Be above reproach always !

You are sooo right.

But in a corporation, they learn to live off of their write offs.

The churches are like corporations also.

They can legally do these things to a degree.
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