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Old 09-18-2015, 01:22 AM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Selma Marie Nelson is third from the left. This is a group picture from the Emmanuel Pentecostal Mission, Fresno, Ca. 1940.

Carl Hayden is also in this picture on the far right. Hayden was a missionary to Japan in 1940. He made it home before the war. He was later part of the Western District of the newly formed UPC. Carl Hayden was also instrumental in the founding of Western Apostolic Bible College, which later (1980) became Christian Life College.

David Gray and Clyde Haney also attended this mission for ministerial training.

Who else was a student of Selma Nelson ? The mission school was operational from around 1920 until 1943.
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Old 09-18-2015, 08:46 AM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Originally Posted by Scott Pitta View Post
Selma Marie Nelson is third from the left. This is a group picture from the Emmanuel Pentecostal Mission, Fresno, Ca. 1940.

Carl Hayden is also in this picture on the far right. Hayden was a missionary to Japan in 1940. He made it home before the war. He was later part of the Western District of the newly formed UPC. Carl Hayden was also instrumental in the founding of Western Apostolic Bible College, which later (1980) became Christian Life College.

David Gray and Clyde Haney also attended this mission for ministerial training.

Who else was a student of Selma Nelson ? The mission school was operational from around 1920 until 1943.
I have never heard of her? Interesting.
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Old 09-18-2015, 11:20 AM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Selma Nelson (Fresno), Lydia Swinton (Stockton) and Harry Morse (Oakland) all were former workers in Peniel Missions. They all became Pentecostal pastors. They all ran missions, that included a church, lodging and ministerial training. They had monthly fellowship meetings. It looks like the war (WW2) brought and end to all 3 schools/missions. Afterwards, they focussed on "church" without the education or lodging aspects.

The church Morse founded no longer exists. Swinton church is still at the same location and is still Oneness, but not connected with the larger church in town (CLC). Nelsons church is a UPC church.

All 3 churches exported missionaries around the world. Not sure about Swinton's actually exporting. Missionaries were part of the congregation.

There was also a Bible college founded at the same time in San Fransisco. The Glad Tidings Bible College was connected with Aimee McPherson. Locally, there was interaction between this school and Harry Morse, but I am not sure to what extent. The leaders certainly held revivals together.

How do I find old copies of the Gospel Tidings magazine ? It was pub;shed in California primarily for the UPC. If it was in print in the 1940's, it will be useful to me. The Western District office does not have copies of it. I wonder who does ?? CLC library ??

Harry Isaac Morse quote of the week:

For the last 10 weeks a steady revival has been on in which there have been many converted and wonderfully transformed. Among them are bootleggers, hold-up man, prison tremors and some nice college men and a prize-fighter well known here in the city. Come hear their testimonies.

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Old 09-18-2015, 07:58 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

The early evangelists that made the rounds to various Pentecostal churches were entirely unique. Colorful titles were attacked to their names like "The Hindu" or "Fighting Irishman" or The Earthquake Survivors". Some were child evangelists. Almost half of the evangelists I am running into are women. Lots of woman pastors of churches and missions.

The evangelists would cross denominational barriers. Some local churches would team up with other churches and rent huge tents, adding to public awareness.

Revivals were one week, two weeks and up to one month in duration. Other times, the revival would last 2 weeks, with a different speaker every week.

My board awareness of early Pentecost is recent and limited. However, Oakland seems to have seen more Azusa veterens than other cities. In the early 1920's no less than 3 missions/churches were lead by those empowered at Azusa Street. Most stayed less than 10 years. Seymour, Emma Cotton and William Francis are examples of this.

Harry Morse pastored from 1915 until 1962. This made him different from the rest. At times, these Azusa friends worked together in Oakland for special occasions.

The impact of Aimee McPherson and her crusade cannot be underestimated. Because of her, the Glad Tidings Bible Institute was founded in San Fransisco. Morse, and other pastors began radio ministries that lasted for decades. Morse used "Sister Aimee's " songbooks in his church. Women taught at the Morse mission school and preached in his church.
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Old 09-19-2015, 02:00 AM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Originally Posted by Scott Pitta View Post
Selma Nelson (Fresno), Lydia Swinton (Stockton) and Harry Morse (Oakland) all were former workers in Peniel Missions. They all became Pentecostal pastors. They all ran missions, that included a church, lodging and ministerial training. They had monthly fellowship meetings. It looks like the war (WW2) brought and end to all 3 schools/missions. Afterwards, they focussed on "church" without the education or lodging aspects.

The church Morse founded no longer exists. Swinton church is still at the same location and is still Oneness, but not connected with the larger church in town (CLC). Nelsons church is a UPC church.

All 3 churches exported missionaries around the world. Not sure about Swinton's actually exporting. Missionaries were part of the congregation.

There was also a Bible college founded at the same time in San Fransisco. The Glad Tidings Bible College was connected with Aimee McPherson. Locally, there was interaction between this school and Harry Morse, but I am not sure to what extent. The leaders certainly held revivals together.

How do I find old copies of the Gospel Tidings magazine ? It was pub;shed in California primarily for the UPC. If it was in print in the 1940's, it will be useful to me. The Western District office does not have copies of it. I wonder who does ?? CLC library ??

Harry Isaac Morse quote of the week:

For the last 10 weeks a steady revival has been on in which there have been many converted and wonderfully transformed. Among them are bootleggers, hold-up man, prison tremors and some nice college men and a prize-fighter well known here in the city. Come hear their testimonies.

The book I have 'Our Heritage' The history of the western District California Nevada. 1900-1977

In the back of the book, it lists everyone that is mentioned as being part of the ministry or any names at all, with the pages they appear on.

The two ladies you mention are not found at all in this book only Harry Morse.

There are However other female preachers listed.

Im just doing my best, untill I learn to do better. Thank God I'm not what I used to be!

Last edited by J.A. Perez; 09-19-2015 at 02:12 AM.
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Old 09-19-2015, 02:30 AM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

The war years were a time of change for Pentecostalism in California. The war basically closed the Bible college in Oakland, as young men went to war. Lydia Swinton passed away in 1945 and her passing also marked the end of the mission in Stockton. Afterwards, it would be a church, but without lodging or training. Selma Nelson retired her mission in 1943 and the Bible college lodging there also ended.

When Western Apostolic Bible College opened its doors in 1949, it was not the first Apostolic Bible College in Stockton or California. Of the 3 founders of the college, Clyde Haney was from the Morse college and Carl Hayden was from the Selma Nelson college.

College is probably not the right word to use. In the 1930's, "Bible college" was what we call Vacation Bible School today. I do not know what Nelson or Swinton called their educational endeavors. I do have a roster of students who were students in Oakland. I do not have one for Stockton or Fresno. But I do know that Clyde Haney and David Gray attended both Stockton and Fresno. Haney also attended Oakland.

The influence of Morse upon Haney is noteworthy. Morse had, in the 1930's, the largest Pentecostal church in California. He had a radio ministry. He had a Bible college. Women as well as men were engaged in all aspects of ministry.

Stockton became a church with a radio station, the church grew to the same scale that Oakland once had. Women taught in the Bible college.
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Old 09-19-2015, 07:23 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Originally Posted by Scott Pitta View Post
The war years were a time of change for Pentecostalism in California. The war basically closed the Bible college in Oakland, as young men went to war. Lydia Swinton passed away in 1945 and her passing also marked the end of the mission in Stockton. Afterwards, it would be a church, but without lodging or training. Selma Nelson retired her mission in 1943 and the Bible college lodging there also ended.

When Western Apostolic Bible College opened its doors in 1949, it was not the first Apostolic Bible College in Stockton or California. Of the 3 founders of the college, Clyde Haney was from the Morse college and Carl Hayden was from the Selma Nelson college.

College is probably not the right word to use. In the 1930's, "Bible college" was what we call Vacation Bible School today. I do not know what Nelson or Swinton called their educational endeavors. I do have a roster of students who were students in Oakland. I do not have one for Stockton or Fresno. But I do know that Clyde Haney and David Gray attended both Stockton and Fresno. Haney also attended Oakland.

The influence of Morse upon Haney is noteworthy. Morse had, in the 1930's, the largest Pentecostal church in California. He had a radio ministry. He had a Bible college. Women as well as men were engaged in all aspects of ministry.

Stockton became a church with a radio station, the church grew to the same scale that Oakland once had. Women taught in the Bible college.
The Dust bowl helped relocate brethren from Oklahoma & Arkansas and other places that were strong new birth men like I.H. Terry, the Davis brothers they helped to reshape the Western District most were out of the Apostolic Bible College at Tulsa under the Williams.
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Old 09-19-2015, 09:12 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
The Dust bowl helped relocate brethren from Oklahoma & Arkansas and other places that were strong new birth men like I.H. Terry, the Davis brothers they helped to reshape the Western District most were out of the Apostolic Bible College at Tulsa under the Williams.
Ahhh, Elder Terry.

A Prophet that will stand with Heavens heros of faith.

As a young man I was privileged to meet, ask questions, and hear him speak on several occasions. He was a very kind man, I don't know of a man that is referred to during preaching more than Elder I.H. Terry. Has more men out in the ministry from under him, still preaching truth than any other I've ever herd of.

One of the best words of advise for new converts I heard, was from him when he said "If you want to know what to do, how to dress or act in church, just look around."

A true modern day Patriarch.
Im just doing my best, untill I learn to do better. Thank God I'm not what I used to be!
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Old 10-10-2015, 07:09 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Harriet E. Marling pastored in Bend, Oregon from 1926 until at least 1964. Harry Morse had started a church there around 1910. He visited Marling's church as did others who preached at Oakland.

Marling was divorced. The last I know of her was 1964. She was in the UPC from 1945 until 1964. I just learned of her and her mission this morning. It was called Pentecostal Mission. Later, it was called the True Gospel Church.

I'm still gathering data about her. Any leads ??
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Old 10-11-2015, 04:30 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Harriet Marling lived until 1975.
Eva Wagner, from Oakland, preached there in 1932. M R Tatman, a Morse friend and Oakland pastor, preached there in 1929. Andrew Urshan preached there in 1930 and in 1931.

Harriet Marling was an evangelist until she began the mission in Bend, Oregon in 1925. She was from Lodi, California. I wonder if she knew Morse back when she lived in Lodi ? Was she a student at the Bible School in Oakland Harry ran ?
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