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06-03-2015, 04:57 PM
On the road less traveled
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Re: More news at the U.N. in New York
If great things are happening at the UN, I praise God for it... I really do. I hope that people of all nations are hearing about the Lord Jesus, and the power of the gospel that can change their lives forever!
But really, what matters more is if people are being made disciples, and it frustrates me to see people get so excited to see someone "speak in tongues", (don't get me wrong, that is wonderful) but the true test really comes when they agree to picking up their cross to follow Jesus, which involves a whole lot more than just a few words in tongues. It should be an experience that changes your life forever. I know discipleship is harder to measure and people are always looking for numbers... but still, just because someone speaks in tongues does not mean all the work is over... just like when a baby is born... it is hard work to birth them, but really, the hardest work is just getting started after the birth, by raising and training them into maturity.

06-03-2015, 09:37 PM
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Re: More news at the U.N. in New York
Originally Posted by n david
Do you know he was lying? I doubt it. It'd be pretty stupid of him to do so, especially with people like you and others who pick at any perceived inconsistency.
Billy Cole did once say that ministers need to resist the temptation to lie when reporting on revival or miracles and healing. In fact, IIRC, his exact words were, "stop lying!"
That said, there's nothing other than your unbelief and shaded opinion that what was tweeted was a lie.
I gave the reason for my doubt, and asked where the 40 number came from. Logical question.

06-03-2015, 09:40 PM
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Re: More news at the U.N. in New York
Originally Posted by n david
Perhaps if the attached photo would have been added or mentioned, it would have kept the mathematical genius and other critics from commenting.
"Typically people from about 40 nationalities are in attendance at each service." Rev David Bernard
Yeah, shady.
Yes, that would have answered my question. Reputations are earned, and Pentecostal ministers have the bad habit of exaggerating. Don't want to be doubted, don't lie, even for a "good" reason - simple as that.
Also, I'm sorry my math was too advanced for you. I realize it's hard when you've never seen a true number reported after a revival.

06-03-2015, 10:41 PM
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Re: More news at the U.N. in New York
Originally Posted by seguidordejesus
Yes, that would have answered my question. Reputations are earned, and Pentecostal ministers have the bad habit of exaggerating. Don't want to be doubted, don't lie, even for a "good" reason - simple as that.
Also, I'm sorry my math was too advanced for you. I realize it's hard when you've never seen a true number reported after a revival.
So Pentecostals have trouble lying? Are you Pentecostal?

06-03-2015, 10:53 PM
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Re: More news at the U.N. in New York
I hear a lot posted against the honesty of Lee Stoneking, but is there any facts proving any of his comments false. I didn't spend a lot of time on the 40 wives of Bin laden, but does anyone have evidence otherwise. Also Stoneking from my understanding didn't tell the story as an eye witness, he said someone told that story to him. If you are preaching on miracles and someone you consider reliable tells you a supposedly true miraculous story would you have to wait for legal documentation before you repeated it?
I admit I have my thoughts about these things, but I have always had convictions to make someone out to be a liar without evidence. If someone who has evidence of a wrong then come forward, but just because you feel the stories are hard to believe I don't think you should call them out to be a liar. I imagine if Bro. Stoneking was a flat liar that God would have put and end to his ministry by now. I wonder how many have believed these stories whether we believe them or not and given their life to God.

06-03-2015, 11:19 PM
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Re: More news at the U.N. in New York
Originally Posted by good samaritan
So Pentecostals have trouble lying? Are you Pentecostal?
Yes, Pentecostals have trouble reporting numbers accurately.

06-04-2015, 06:08 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
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Re: More news at the U.N. in New York
Originally Posted by seguidordejesus
Yes, Pentecostals have trouble reporting numbers accurately.
Have you ever been told something which you repeated and later found out it was untrue?
Hey n david how am I doing?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

06-04-2015, 06:56 AM
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Re: More news at the U.N. in New York
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Have you ever been told something which you repeated and later found out it was untrue?
Hey n david how am I doing? 
That's why you fact check and don't believe every Tom, Dick, and Harry who tell you things, especially when you have an international audience. Oh well, anything to spread "the message" even if you're a liar.

06-04-2015, 09:18 AM
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Re: More news at the U.N. in New York
Must we attack and criticize every little thing? If he or anyone lies it is not our place to bring judgement or condemnation on an entire ministry. Last time I checked God was the judge.
If a person wishes to disagree or say they doubt the validity of a person's testimony, ministry, etc. That is fine. But let's not make personal attacks or jabs at people and thus stir up and start things that just keep going on and on.
Should we not act better than that?

06-04-2015, 09:33 AM
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Re: More news at the U.N. in New York
Originally Posted by Servant's <3
Must we attack and criticize every little thing? If he or anyone lies it is not our place to bring judgement or condemnation on an entire ministry. Last time I checked God was the judge.
If a person wishes to disagree or say they doubt the validity of a person's testimony, ministry, etc. That is fine. But let's not make personal attacks or jabs at people and thus stir up and start things that just keep going on and on.
Should we not act better than that?
Yes we should!!!!!
Some of the things that have been going on has been pure saint on saint warfare.. Some of these posters are worst then the people they are attacking because they go off every rumor.. and are not at all doing the the bible instruction -- "going to them privately"

I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in the world of Christian followers.. I just have a few questions, CAN I THINK OUT LOUD?
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