Originally Posted by Esaias
In what context? In preaching the gospel? That goes out to everybody. In the wider society? Well, what did God do at Babel? And what did God mean when he said "he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the children of Israel"? Why would God set bounds to each nation, giving each nation a plot of real estate to call their own, their "inheritance", if what he always wanted was an end to nations, and nationality, and just have everybody thrown together like a stew? And by "nation" I mean the biblical sense, ethnoi, a people united by common culture, common territory, common government, common religion, and common ancestry. That is after all why the word "nation" has to do with BIRTH (as in "natal") and why "ethnoi" is the origin of our English word "ethnic".
It is antichrist humanism and socialism pushing an agenda of multiculturalism in the name of "equality", which is in reality an agenda to obliterate all nationhood and reduce all mankind to technological slavery in the service of oligarchs who BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION are busy working on "accelerated evolution" to make themselves gods. Ever heard of TRANSHUMANISM? You ought to check it out.
The humanist movement has published their stated goals, for several centuries now. They seek to transform society from nation-states to global empire, with feudalism a la Plato's Republic or Wells' silly fantasies as the infrastructure.
You do read history, right?
Your posts on this thread make you look like you're against interacial marriages. That mindset is almost always borne out of a sense of racial superiority. The Apostle Paul had intimate relationships with people of different ethnicities from him on his journeys.
It's a good thing he didn't have any racial hang-ups. He, Timothy and Titus and Mark were all different ethnicities working together at some points so there wasn't any room for racial hang-ups.
Look at the stoning of Stephen. The church was united without regard to race and then a non-racial issue came up and they had to do something about it. Stephen was chosen to wait on the elderly and then later on he was stoned but the situation that made him a waiter is reflective of a multicultural church.
In fact, America wouldn't even exist if it weren't for interacial marriages. The Irish and the Germans cross-pollinating. The Italians and the French... The Africans and the everybody else on the North American continent and don't leave out the Hispanics-- another bowl of mixed greens.
People against race-mixing, ethnicity mixing, etc will bend over backwards to justify and Irish and a German cross pollinating but change the mix to black and Irish and they are against it through and through.
People against race-mixing usually also have other racially divisive views.
The truth is in Christ, races don't matter so if you are supposed to be a Christian than race is not supposed to matter. Any other view deeply offends your brothers and sisters in Christ of all races and that is not Biblical to do.