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Old 02-25-2015, 01:10 PM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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middle class comments pt 4

Feel some more Obamacare love.....

Two small little nit-picks:
"17.3 to 12.9 percent in 2014, with tens of millions of people gaining health coverage" Tens of millions??? that means at least 20 million, and I think that they've barely broken 10 million - if you accept the administration's numbers which no sane person with any sense of history would do.
#2: the chart makes it appear that we went from almost 100% with no insurance to almost 0% with no insurance, when in fact 2/3 of the people who were supposed to buy insurance under ACA still have not. Going from 18% (at the high) to 12.9% means 1/3 of the uninsured have acquired insurance. The other 2./3 have not.
Liars, and statisticians.
This whole article in nothing but left wing propaganda as to the actual numbers in people gaining healthcare. Before the bill was passed, only about 14.4% of the people did not have health insurance and now it is 12.9% or a drop of 1.5%. Of this drop, nearly all are on Medicaid, which is either free to them or heavily subsidized. But, if you take the number of people who lost their coverage due to the ACA and still do not have which is probably close to 10%, the numbers of those on Medicaid would be closer to 10% to 12% who are either free or heavily subsidized. Then when you add the total increase of all who had their premiums dramatically increased along with their deductibles, the percentages become a joke. If you cannot understand why insurance companies heavily endorse the ACA, all you have to look at are the increases in premiums along with unreasonable deductions to realize they are not going to have to pay out much of anything for most policies because most claims will fall well below the deductibles. Now, having health insurance I almost worthless unless one has catastrophic illnesses . So approx. 85 to 90% of all families will be out $7200 to $$8,400 dollars a year (not including rises in premiums) for 20 years or more before most will have illnesses which will be over the $5,000 to $7,000 deductibles they have. Now, who do you suppose will be paying for their own insurance and that of all who will be receiving either free or heavily subsidized insurance??? That's right, most will fall on the middle class. And you still think obama is out to help you???
It is now mandatory, by law, with the threat of being penalized, that Americans are forced to purchase health insurance. The penalty for not having health insurance is one percent of income and will rise to two percent for 2015.
So is it a fair analysis to say that there are more Americans who now have health insurance or is the imposition of a penalty the whipping stick that has caused the percentages to change? I think not.
What is not mentioned is the astronomical increase in the cost of health insurance, that was brought about by the Affordable Care Act. My health insurance coverage saw an increase of $500.00 per month. The increase was a direct result of the additional coverage that is now mandated by the ACA. Not a fair concept.
With any luck at all, the high court will find a way to end the ACA. A change that most of us wish would happen.

This story is misleading in the Grossest of ways!! Sure they can say more people
have insurance than had it before, But for how long? It's only a matter of time
before people STOP paying for insurance they can NOT afford to use!!!
I'm NOT signing up for #$%$!! I absolutely unequivocally REFUSE!!! Over the
last 10 yrs I have paid all my medical bills with cash...A whole whopping $500 worth
of premium medical care! When I see a Obamacare plan that covers all my medical
needs for a 10 yr span, & for economically reasonable sum of $500, I'll think 'At-least'
think about it. Beyond that, though it's none of my governments Gd dam business
what my healthcare is or is NOT, IT'S NONE OF THEY'RE DAM BUSINESS!!!
They DON'T have a right to my health info, & they dam sure DON'T have a right to
tell me I "Have to" buy something I do NOT want or Need!!! Show me the contract
between us that says I will listen to YOU, & we can talk!!! Till then I listen to ME,
NOT YOU!!! It's simple, if your in our Government, YOU "should be" smarter than
a 3rd grader! If your NOT ( as is the case here ) I'm Not listening to,talking to, or
even acknowledging your existence.... Don't get made at Me over this, YOUR the
one who s**ks so bad they must be ignored!!!! I hope I live to see the day,
Americans revolt against this #$%$ storm of a Government!!!
Our Governments slogan should be as follows " We get Revolted against the old fashioned way,
WE Earn it!!!!

Ah, yes, and we took the expanded Medicaid-Title XIX out of Medicare and Social Security Title IV so seniors only have to pay 40% of their medical expenses now on top of their insurance payment due to 'changes in federal policy, Medicare is no longer able to pay its fair share of approved costs' that everyone got in Oct. 2014 and Social Security Disability will now be broke in 2016 so the disabled will be without income all for the sake of assuring Healthy Adults without children could receive Medicaid. It has been a special blessings for blue states as they quickly realized they could shift the cost of health care for people in state and federal prisons onto Medicaid!!
So, the elderly and chronically ill who cannot work pay 40%, the chronically ill will lose disability payments next year but healthy adults, especially those in state and federal penitentiaries get free health care. What a bonus!

The rate of uninsured Americans has fallen! Hip! Hip! Hooray! But with astronomical copays and unmanageable and rising annual out of pocket maximums, any person that is sick and receives a subsidy cannot afford healthcare. Obamacare has not fixed the healthcare crisis but only worsened it. Furthermore, Medicaid is a complete failure. It provides substandard care if the poor patient can even find a provider. It appears to be that the media, with a mix of fear and worship of the Emperor with no clothes is trying to hide how hated the "Affordable" Healthcare Act really is.
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Old 02-25-2015, 05:36 PM
Carl Carl is offline
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Re: Uninsured Rate Hits New Low In 2014!

So many of these testimonials once again spotlight the empty promise of "if you like your insurance you can keep it".
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Old 02-25-2015, 08:18 PM
whoiskaiser77 whoiskaiser77 is offline
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Re: Uninsured Rate Hits New Low In 2014!

I don't have insurance yet but I will do just fine paying the penalty if it ever comes to that for me.
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