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Old 01-29-2015, 08:42 PM
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Re: Islam: A Religion of Lies...

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
well shazeepm, i really dont care what "allah" claims or doesnt claim... in exactly the same way that i dont care if the actual real God claims or does not claim the Westburo baptist church.

the ones on this side of the eternal divide are the ones that matter to me.

Wesburo are a bunch of idiots who need to be (and are) opposed by almost everyone who claims to be Christian. LOUDLY.

But we are talking about religions that have serious issues. and at the end of the day, only 1 religious group (muslims) have within their ranks hundreds of millions of people who truely believe its a good thing to kill non-muslims.

there is only 1 religous group (muslims) where you see 10,000 a month getting slaughtered by religious adhearants, who are acting out in a murderous way, to keep faith with there faith.


There is none.
And to top it off they don't eat Gumbo or Boudin!

They can't take over the world, because there won't be nothing to eat!
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 01-29-2015, 10:03 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Islam: A Religion of Lies...

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
On record here, under you screen name? Or on record somewhere under your real name?
Is the information on that requested stand by the UPC against frenzied child beating and torture in the name of Jesus somewhere up in that post?

So of course you are "unaware" of these practices within your ranks. It's normal for a teenager to weigh 50, 60 lbs right? LOL


My formal position.

Hopefully your avoidance of links does not include houstonnews.com

You can probably catch it on TV if that won't "send you to hell" to watch it

“We strongly condemn this brutal attack and we offer our condolences to the loved ones of those killed or injured,” said Mustafaa Carroll, CAIR-TX, Houston Executive Director. “We at CAIR’s Houston office reject assaults on free speech, even speech that mocks religions or religious figures. We hope that the perpetrators are quickly apprehended and punished to the full extent of the law.”

Our formal position.

US Muslim Religious Council’s Fatwa Against Terrorism

By the Fiqh Council of North America

In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful

The Fiqh Council of North America wishes to reaffirm Islam’s absolute condemnation of terrorism and religious extremism.

Islam strictly condemns religious extremism and the use of violence against innocent lives. There is no justification in Islam for extremism or terrorism. Targeting civilians’ life and property through suicide bombings or any other method of attack is haram – or forbidden – and those who commit these barbaric acts are criminals, not “martyrs.”

The Qur’an, Islam’s revealed text, states:

Whoever kills a person [unjustly]…it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind.

Qur’an 5:32
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said there is no excuse for committing unjust acts:

Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well, and that if they do wrong you will do wrong to them. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong (even) if they do evil.

Al- Tirmidhi
God mandates moderation in faith and in all aspects of life when He states in the Qur’an:

We made you to be a community of the middle way, so that (with the example of your lives) you might bear witness to the truth before all mankind.”

Qur’an 2:143
In another verse, God explains our duties as human beings when He says:

Let there arise from among you a band of people who invite to righteousness, and enjoin good and forbid evil.

Qur’an 3:104
Islam teaches us to act in a caring manner to all of God’s creation. The Prophet Muhammad, who is described in the Qur’an as “a mercy to the worlds,” said:

All creation is the family of God, and the person most beloved by God (is the one) who is kind and caring toward His family.
In the light of the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah we clearly and strongly state:

1.All acts of terrorism targeting civilians are haram (forbidden) in Islam.
2.It is haram for a Muslim to cooperate with any individual or group that is involved in any act of terrorism or violence.
3.It is the civic and religious duty of Muslims to cooperate with law enforcement authorities to protect the lives of all civilians.

We issue this fatwa following the guidance of our scripture, the Qur’an, and the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him. We urge all people to resolve all conflicts in just and peaceful manners.

We pray for the defeat of extremism and terrorism. We pray for the safety and security of our country, the United States , and its people. We pray for the safety and security of all inhabitants of our planet. We pray that interfaith harmony and cooperation prevail both in the United States and all around the globe.

Moving away from the US:

Resolution 239 dated 27 Rabi al-Thani 1431 H [April 12, 2010]

All Praise to Allah, the Lord of the world; and May peace and prayers be upon our Prophet and his family and companions; and thus:

The Council of Senior Ulema [Council of Senior Scholars] in its twentieth extraordinary session help in Riyadh, Saturday 25 Rabi al-Thani 1431 H [10 April 2010], refers to its previous decisions and statements concerning crimes committed by the corrupters on earth by undermining the security and causing grave violations of sanctity in Muslim and other countries, such as the decision of 12 Muharram 1409 H [25 August 1988] and the statements of 22 Jumada al-Thani 1416 H [16 November 1995]; 13 Safar 1417 H [30 June 1996]; 14 Jumada al-Thani 1424 H [12 August 2003].

The Council considers the ruling on the “financing of terrorism” by judging that “terrorism” is a crime aiming at destabilizing security, and constitutes a grave offense against innocent lives as well as against properties whether public or private; such as: blowing up of dwellings, schools, hospitals, factories, bridges; airplanes (including hijacking), oil and pipelines, or any similar acts of destruction or subversion outlawed by the Islamic Shariah [law]. It also regards the financing of such terrorist acts as a form of complicity to these acts that leads only to bring accessory to them, and to bring a conduit for sustaining and spreading of such evil acts.

The Council also looked into textual evidences from the Qur’an, the Sunnah (sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad) and the rules of Shariah that “incriminate the financing of terrorism”. Of these evidences are the Sayings of the Almighty: “…and help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Severe in punishment. [Surah Al-Ma’idah, verse 2]. He also Said: And of mankind there is he whose speech may please you, in this worldly life, and he calls Allah to witness as to that which is in his heart, yet he is the most quarrelsome of the opponents. And when he turns away, his effort in the land is to make mischief therein and to destroy the crops and the cattle, and Allah likes not mischief.” [Surah Al-Baqarah, verses 204-205]. He, the Almighty, also said: “And do not do mischief on earth after it has been set in order.” [Surah Al-A’raf, verse 56]

Al-Hafiz ibn Hajar, may Allah have mercy on him, said in Fath al-Bari: “the perpetrator and the one who provides cover for him are equal in sin.”

Furthermore, it is the established rules of Islamic Shariah: for the means is the ruling of ends. Add to this ruling the general Shariah provisions for safeguarding and protecting rights, vows and commitments in Islamic or other countries.

Thus, the Council rules that the financing of terrorism; the inception, help or attempt to commit a terrorist act whatever kind or dimension is forbidden by Islamic Shariah and constitutes a punishable crime thereby; this includes gathering or providing of finance for that end, or providing help or participating in it in any form or manner including financial or non-financial assets, regardless whether these assets are originated from legal or illegal sources.

He who committees such a crime intentionally, commits a forbidden act, and has been in a flagrant violation of Shariah that call for a punishment according to its law.

The Council also affirms that the incrimination of the financing of terrorism does not extend to ways of supporting legitimate charity to help the poor people and alleviate their sufferings, or pay for their treatment and education, hence, this Allah ruling on the money of the rich to be paid to the poor.

The Council by declaring this ruling, call upon all Muslims to adhere to the teaching of their religion and the righteous path of our Prophet, may peace and prayer be upon him, and to refrain of any act that might cause any harm to other people or transgress on them.

We invoke Allah Almighty for the good, the safeguarding, the unity and prosperity of this country, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, other Muslim countries, and also to improve the lives of all mankind, and to help spread virtue and justice all over the world, Allah is the guide and director to the righteous path. May peace and prayer be upon our Prophet, his family and companions.

The Council of Senior Ulema


Last fall (can't be a "phony" Fatwa if the little devil's heads get lopped off can it)

In recent weeks alleged terrorist supporters have been rounded up regularly. In early September the interior ministry announced the arrest of 88 people, days after an imam was jailed for glorifying al-Qaida and the Isis leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The kingdom's grand mufti, Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Al al-Sheikh, has said that under sharia law terrorists merit the punishment of execution followed by the public display of the body as a deterrent.

I already provided you with examples of the little devils who were deservedly beheaded (and the outcry for their human rights yawn). So please tuck your little close-minded apostolic opinion back to where you pulled it from.

There are examples of words for you and there are examples of actions for you. I do not expect people who can't "notice that this teenager only weighed 45 lbs" to notice them however. Why would you? Next time you accuse Muslims of not taking action from within against those who are proponents of violence in the name of Islam you are going to see a real execution of one in color.

Advice: Don't eat before you do because you are definitely going to "notice" that one.

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 01-29-2015 at 10:12 PM.
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Old 01-29-2015, 10:33 PM
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Re: Islam: A Religion of Lies...

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
Is the information on that requested stand by the UPC against frenzied child beating and torture in the name of Jesus somewhere up in that post?

So of course you are "unaware" of these practices within your ranks. It's normal for a teenager to weigh 50, 60 lbs right? LOL


My formal position.

Hopefully your avoidance of links does not include houstonnews.com

You can probably catch it on TV if that won't "send you to hell" to watch it

“We strongly condemn this brutal attack and we offer our condolences to the loved ones of those killed or injured,” said Mustafaa Carroll, CAIR-TX, Houston Executive Director. “We at CAIR’s Houston office reject assaults on free speech, even speech that mocks religions or religious figures. We hope that the perpetrators are quickly apprehended and punished to the full extent of the law.”
What would anyone expect Council on American-Islamic Relations to say?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 01-29-2015, 11:23 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: Islam: A Religion of Lies...

"Funny, it's all the rage to dis Muhammad, but Muslims are still the bad guys?"
Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
well shazeepm, i really dont care what "allah" claims or doesnt claim... in exactly the same way that i dont care if the actual real God claims or does not claim the Westburo baptist church.

the ones on this side of the eternal divide are the ones that matter to me.

Wesburo are a bunch of idiots who need to be (and are) opposed by almost everyone who claims to be Christian. LOUDLY.

But we are talking about religions that have serious issues. and at the end of the day, only 1 religious group (muslims) have within their ranks hundreds of millions of people who truely believe its a good thing to kill non-muslims.

there is only 1 religous group (muslims) where you see 10,000 a month getting slaughtered by religious adhearants, who are acting out in a murderous way, to keep faith with there faith.


There is none.
it seems to me that to hold this position one would not only be ignoring the quite heinous history of the Christian church, but also refusing to acknowledge that Allah would only do just what God would do to unrepentant sinners; regardless of their declarations of faith. Couple this with our fondness for eugenics--Hitler got that from us, btw, and half of this thread is distinctly reminiscent of some famous eugenics quotes--and contrasted with the warm-heartedness of virtually all the practicing Muslims i have ever met, and the position reveals itself to be simply what it is, imo, an expected response to calculated stimuli. You got this all from tv.

The mountain of contrary evidence is all ignored, the Inquisition and Crusades swept aside, the Beginning of Surahs negated, the individual Muslim heart--what God cares about--disregarded, and Christ's Beattitudes tramped upon, all to regurgitate some bloated newsfax from a half-world away, concerning a people you do not even know, have never even met, and most likely never will.

The world is full of evil, yes--and you are free to join the herd in your condemnation of...Muslims, is it, this year? but at least understand that you post vapor so far; what are your personal grievances against Muslims? No links allowed. Otherwise, understand that all you are really doing, it seems to me, is repeating bad news badly, blindly accepting the frame provided and ignoring the many indications that you may also have forgotten your calling, and are ultimately judging yourself with this.

I mean really, the irony of coming to a Christian forum to read hate-mongering with all the stories of the spirit of cooperation breaking out whatever

ps you guys do know their's prolly like a 99% chance your tax $ created most terrorist groups, right?

Last edited by shazeep; 01-29-2015 at 11:47 PM.
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Old 01-29-2015, 11:45 PM
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Re: Islam: A Religion of Lies...

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
"Funny, it's all the rage to dis Muhammad, but Muslims are still the bad guys?"it seems to me that to hold this position one would not only be ignoring the quite heinous history of the Christian church,
WRONG AGAIN! You my dear friend are on an APOSTOLIC FORUM.
What you call a heinous history is chuck full of Trinitarians who would of impaled us, burned us at the stake, or simply had us hanged, drawn, and quartered. So, be a good chap, and save the heinous history horror stories for Roman Catholics, Church of England, Presbyterians, and Lutherans. With those individuals you will surely get a few pages in a thread of apologies, justifying, and all out sniveling. Yet, we are not moved by you telling us that apostate churches do apostate things. Thank you for your time you can go now.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 01-29-2015, 11:50 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: Islam: A Religion of Lies...

I'm not quite sure the point you meant to make there? But truly, we all find what we seek.
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Old 01-30-2015, 12:00 AM
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Re: Islam: A Religion of Lies...

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
I'm not quite sure the point you meant to make there? But truly, we all find what we seek.
The point is this, the so called Christian history of "Little Shop of Horrors" has nothing to do with Apostolic Pentecostals. If we were Roman Catholics, and Presbyterians then you would have some artillery. But, you don't.

Have a splendid evening.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 01-30-2015, 12:41 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Islam: A Religion of Lies...

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
The point is this, the so called Christian history of "Little Shop of Horrors" has nothing to do with Apostolic Pentecostals. If we were Roman Catholics, and Presbyterians then you would have some artillery. But, you don't.

Have a splendid evening.
Unless you are a helpless little russian boy. Getting trapped into the Pentecostal world only begins that shop of horrors.

The frail boy was lying flat on the kitchen floor by the sink. There was no sign that he was breathing or that his heart was beating. He was disturbingly thin. The first rescue workers to arrive at the modest ranch house thought they were looking at an AIDS victim, or perhaps a child undergoing chemotherapy. Only a few tufts of hair sprouted from his nearly bald head. The mother of the stricken 7-year-old was trying to administer CPR, but she was pushing on his abdomen, not his chest. A telephone receiver was on the kitchen floor, the line open to the county emergency center. The mother had called 911 at 12:22 p.m., and help arrived 10 minutes later. Soon the house was swarming with medical technicians and state troopers. The boy, dressed in a shirt and sweat pants with a diaper underneath, was taken by ambulance at 1:10 p.m. to the Hunterdon County Medical Center, 10 miles away.

A week after that, Bob and Brenda Matthey, a deeply religious couple who 10 months earlier had adopted Viktor Sergeyevich Tulimov in Russia and given him their name, were charged with his death. Hunterdon County authorities said that before he died, the Mattheys' adopted son had been imprisoned in an unheated, unlit and damp pump room, off the basement, when the temperature outside got down to 37.

Perched on a rise overlooking Route 202 in Raritan Township, the Flemington Assembly of God is a church in the Pentecostal tradition, which stresses the need for a direct experience of the Holy Spirit. The church believes that glossolalia - speaking in tongues - physical healings, prophesying and even fainting spells are expressions of that ecstatic faith.

On Sunday, Oct. 29, 2000, Pastor Szierer was finishing up after church, talking to the last few members of his congregation and getting ready to leave for his own Sunday dinner, when word reached him that Viktor Matthey had been taken to the hospital. The news hit hard. Szierer had been watching the Russian children adjust to their new lives and was especially fond of Viktor.

Szierer went directly to the emergency room at Hunterdon Medical Center. "I came into that room and I see Brenda there just broken, crying away," he said. "Bob is trying to stabilize her, hold her." He went to the gurney where Viktor lay motionless, nurses and doctors working to revive him. Szierer said that while he was with the boy, Viktor never regained consciousness. "I just put my hand on his head and just began to pray for him," Szierer said. "I was just holding his left hand, just praying for him. What happened is, one time, his fingers curled around my finger. Right there I said, 'Oh!' I was just talking to him, 'Viktor, can you hear me, it's Pastor, we're praying for you, we want life to come back to you.'"

Two days later, Tuesday, Oct. 31, Viktor's heart again stopped beating. He was pronounced dead at 1:24 p.m.

An AIDS patient? A chemo victim? Covered in bruises? Healing fractures.?

What did this tongue-talking pastor have to say?

Shortly after they arrived in America, the three Russian boys began going to church with their new parents and brothers. The Rev. K.M. Szierer said the Mattheys were at services every Sunday and came to Family Night every Wednesday. Family life is important to the church, which teaches that disciplining children when they're young is preferable to dealing with more serious problems when they're older.

Pastor Szierer said he is troubled by the reports of how the children were questioned, saying detectives played on the family's strong religious convictions to get information from them.

Szierer said he and the rest of the church are standing by the Mattheys, "but the most important thing in all of this is, let truth be revealed."

Just two weeks earlier, at a Tuesday night prayer meeting, according to Szierer, Viktor told the church that he had accepted Christ into his life.

To be immediately filed under "misc cool tidbits about pennycostals covering each other's abuses"

The Mattheys belonged to a Bible study group with two other couples. The group met one night a week for about two hours, often at the Mattheys' home.

The Starrs told investigators they knew the Mattheys beat their children with belts. Bob Matthey told Gary Starr he put a sock in his children's mouths because he didn't want the neighbors to hear them scream. A co-worker of Bob's, Dave Rivera, said he was at the Mattheys' house in Edison when he saw Bob hit Robert with a belt several times because Robert wasn't doing his homework. Rivera and his wife, Kim, said the Mattheys admitted to them that when they moved to Raritan Borough, they put their children on the back porch in the winter, without a coat, as a form of punishment.

Regina Marchello, who met Brenda Matthey when her children were attending a youth class at the Flemington Assembly of God, said she was aware the Mattheys had adopted three children from Russia. During the 2000 New Year's Eve party at the Raritan Township church, Marchello saw Brenda in a corner of a room screaming at the Russian children, who had been in the United States less than two weeks. Brenda yelled so loudly and flailed her arms so wildly, Marchello thought she should mention it to the pastor's wife. Marchello said Brenda Matthey later told her she had to hit her children hard because that was how they were treated in Russia.

My turn to spit. (laughing) Of course you all are unaware of this. Nobody notices a malnourished child "resembling an AIDS or cancer patient" wandering the church. Who would? Not troubled by the death of that at all, just troubled by the questioning of the surviving kids. On the record pastor AND church standing in full support for these torturing murderers.

YOU have a splendid evening!

Practice your "glossolalia" while I go get a sock (because hey I don't want to hear it and that's not worth reporting to anyone anyway) and some more stories from the "shop".

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 01-30-2015 at 12:54 AM.
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Old 01-30-2015, 12:56 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Islam: A Religion of Lies...

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
WRONG AGAIN! You my dear friend are on an APOSTOLIC FORUM.
What you call a heinous history is chuck full of Trinitarians who would of impaled us, burned us at the stake, or simply had us hanged, drawn, and quartered. So, be a good chap, and save the heinous history horror stories for Roman Catholics, Church of England, Presbyterians, and Lutherans. With those individuals you will surely get a few pages in a thread of apologies, justifying, and all out sniveling. Yet, we are not moved by you telling us that apostate churches do apostate things. Thank you for your time you can go now.
Innocent history - unless you are a helpless Ethiopian or Russian kid! You seem mad. You must be "troubled by the questioning".

As I said, if it is an apostolic forum, you can go discuss apostolic business. This is a thread about Islam and if you don't want to discuss Islam you can always choose to "put a sock" and nobody (at least here) will report it to anyone.

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 01-30-2015 at 12:58 AM.
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Old 01-30-2015, 01:02 AM
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Re: Islam: A Religion of Lies...

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
Innocent history - unless you are a helpless Ethiopian or Russian kid! You seem mad. You must be "troubled by the questioning".

As I said, if it is an apostolic forum, you can go discuss apostolic business. This is a thread about Islam and if you don't want to discuss Islam you can always choose to "put a sock" and nobody (at least here) will report it to anyone.
Ethiopians? A Russian child?

Also no, I'm not mad, just very amused.

But please sir, tell us all about Ethiopians and a Russian.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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