Originally Posted by Esphes45
Pray for me. I just want things done fast so we can get to the business of bringing people to God instead of fighting one another.
Some times the change that we are looking for requires leaving the status quo and moving on. I have known many that have left organizations that are now exploding in reaching the lost in unity in the groups they are now part of.
In my state one of the churches that left over the declaration statement that UPCI put forth went from a hundred people to running over 1500 and two services in just a few years. At the time, I was an associate minister in a UPCI church 25 miles north of this church and since I was good friends with the pastor that left I would stop and visit with him when I was close. One day I ask him if he felt he had lost any of the move of God since leaving UPCI. His response was come see for your self. A few couple of years later I had the opportunity. By that time they were running around a 1000. The moment I walked into the sanctuary I felt the power of God. And it just got better.
Here is the thing, the church I was attending at the time has grown by UPCI standards, they now run around 100+, but the church that left, run around 2500 today.
The point being that while UPCI churches and many like them are still quibbling over things like tithes, cut hair and pants on women and such things. Those that have left are reaching the thousands for the kingdom of God. Some times we just have to leave.
Abraham had to leave Ur before God could give him the promise of better things to come.
The nation Israel had to leave bondage of Egypt so God could give them the promise of the cross through the tabernacle.
Moses had to leave the palace of Pharaoh before God could call him to free Israel.
David had to leave his fathers house before he could become king, and the list could go on.
What does this have to do with tithe? Some times we have to leave the traditions of men to receive the blessing God has in store for us and his kingdom.