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Old 08-19-2014, 11:26 AM
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Re: Did we riot over a criminal?

If the man would have just got out the street like the officer asked instead of attacking him.
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Old 08-19-2014, 11:28 AM
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Re: Did we riot over a criminal?

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post

How many?
Have you seen video of black guys talking at scene that collaborates the cops version?
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Old 08-19-2014, 12:01 PM
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Re: Did we riot over a criminal?

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
Have you seen video of black guys talking at scene that collaborates the cops version?
I saw a video and in the background of the video, it supposedly picked up another conversation.

My problem with that video is that the technology exists for those voices to have been dubbed into the video.

There is another video somewhere that was recorded by a woman and I am very interested in her eye witness account and her video.

Actually, I am more interested in the FBI's ongoing investigation into what happened.

My gut feeling tells me that the officer involved is going to trial. The facts aren't out yet, but the notion that the 18 year old was shot by the officer, in broad day light, multiple times, while his hands were up in the air-- I mean I hope there is more to the story.

Unless the "more" changes the "fact" that 18 year old was surrendering when he was shot, the more won't really matter.

If the officer shot an unarmed person who indeed had their hands up-- HOW and WHY?
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Old 08-19-2014, 12:05 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Did we riot over a criminal?

According to a reporter, the PD has said they have a dozen witness statements confirming MB charged at the cop -- ie, wasn't just standing with his hands raised surrendering.

Then again, not many will trust what the police are saying.
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Old 08-19-2014, 12:10 PM
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Re: Did we riot over a criminal?

Originally Posted by n david View Post
According to a reporter, the PD has said they have a dozen witness statements confirming MB charged at the cop -- ie, wasn't just standing with his hands raised surrendering.

Then again, not many will trust what the police are saying.
This is my first time reading that piece of information.

I tell you one thing, I do wish the rioting would stop.

At this point, I'd consider imposing a very strict order (I can't think of the word) so that by night fall, no one would be allowed on the streets.
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Old 08-19-2014, 12:13 PM
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Re: Did we riot over a criminal?

The people of that city and the people from the surrounding areas have proven that it is impossible for them to protest peacefully at night.

If they don't impose that kind of a strict order, I am afraid that there will be more innocent bloodshed.
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Old 08-19-2014, 12:19 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Did we riot over a criminal?

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
I saw a video and in the background of the video, it supposedly picked up another conversation.

My problem with that video is that the technology exists for those voices to have been dubbed into the video.
You can find the original video on Youtube, recorded by the black man who was upset about the shooting. In that original video recorded by the black man, you can hear two other black men talking in the background about MB charging the officer. Seriously, no need to start conspiracy theories.

Speaking of the video. Listen to it, and you'll hear stupid people. More than one person claims the officer walked up to MB and fired multiple shots into his back as he's laying on the ground.


Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
There is another video somewhere that was recorded by a woman and I am very interested in her eye witness account and her video.
The more the better. Haven't heard of any other eyewitness videos besides this one so far.

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Actually, I am more interested in the FBI's ongoing investigation into what happened.
I'm not. Your gut feeling is probably correct. Regardless of evidence or any eyewitness; and even if some black witness came forward claiming MB had the officer in a chokehold and was threating to kill him -- that wouldn't matter. Here's what's going to happen. Just as with George Zimmerman, the Feds are going to demand Officer Wilson be arrested and put on trial in order to satisfy the mob's bloodlust.

As I posted previously, Holder should save the money and just have his New Black Panther Party buddies find Wilson, bring him down to the center of Ferguson and lynch the guy. Who cares if he's a good cop who was put in a bad situation and given no choice but to defend himself against a charging 6'4" 292lb guy.

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
My gut feeling tells me that the officer involved is going to trial. The facts aren't out yet, but the notion that the 18 year old was shot by the officer, in broad day light, multiple times, while his hands were up in the air-- I mean I hope there is more to the story.

Unless the "more" changes the "fact" that 18 year old was surrendering when he was shot, the more won't really matter.

If the officer shot an unarmed person who indeed had their hands up-- HOW and WHY?
There's no evidence he was surrendering or had his hands in the air when shot, so that's not a "fact."

The "eyewitnesses" who claim this also claimed he was shot in the back, which has been disproven by the families own medical examiner.

His friend, the guy with outstanding warrant who was helping him rob the convenience store -- that guy -- he lied too. He also claimed MB was shot in the back.

Here's the problem, you can't trust the PD without having independent analysis, and you sure can't trust what these "eyewitnesses" are claiming, as they've already been caught in one lie, and would lie more to make MB appear as innocent as possible.
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Old 08-19-2014, 12:21 PM
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Re: Did we riot over a criminal?

One more thing then I get back to work...

If the Governor has called up the National Guard, I hope he mobilized enough to have a VERY LARGE show of force throughout the city limits of Ferguson.

The idea is to DETER any more stupidity-- not just handle the stupidity.

They need a large sho of force, and I would prefer without the machine guns and turrets.

Stupid police officers in Ferguson....!

It's this out of control due in large part because of their law enforcement ineptitude in this situation.

Apparently, it's a good force with being a suburb of a major city and only having two homicides last year.
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Old 08-19-2014, 12:23 PM
n david n david is offline
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Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post

This is my first time reading that piece of information.

I tell you one thing, I do wish the rioting would stop.

At this point, I'd consider imposing a very strict order (I can't think of the word) so that by night fall, no one would be allowed on the streets.
Police sources tell me more than a dozen witnesses have corroborated cop's version of events in shooting#Ferguson

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Old 08-19-2014, 12:31 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Did we riot over a criminal?

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
The people of that city and the people from the surrounding areas have proven that it is impossible for them to protest peacefully at night.

If they don't impose that kind of a strict order, I am afraid that there will be more innocent bloodshed.
I'm following a couple locals on Twitter, one is Alderman Antonio French. He claims there are a lot of occupy movement-type white guys who have traveled to Ferguson and are inciting the riot. Last night, there was a vine of the Alderman knocking down this guy who was trying to incite a bunch of young guys to charge the police line.

Again, I don't believe the night riots are the work of Ferguson residents. Even the PD is saying those arrested have DL's from Cali, NY, Texas, IL and other states.

Ironically, there's a New Black Panther Party head, Malik Zulu Shabazz, who has been reported as walking around at night with a bullhorn, telling the young men to go back home. Alderman French credits Shabazz with saving lives last night and the night before.

I posted earlier, I hate the militarization of the police force, and believe they went over the line attacking reporters with tear gas last night; but what can be done to insure Ferguson doesn't burn to the ground?
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