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Old 08-15-2014, 10:26 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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I don't know that anyone is 100% doctrinally correct. SEAN you make do pretty broad statements.

Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ. There's not a doctrinal questionnaire we have to fill out at the pearly gates like some SAT test, to say nothing of a perfect score.

Don't set the bar higher than God himself. And don't forget that while His standard is perfection, none of us meet that standard, only Christ did and its only by His righteousness being imputed to us that we can stand in God's presence, not our own righteousness, nor our doctrinal precision.
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship

"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill
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Old 08-15-2014, 10:48 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Jason Badejo View Post
I don't know that anyone is 100% doctrinally correct. SEAN you make do pretty broad statements.

Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ. There's not a doctrinal questionnaire we have to fill out at the pearly gates like some SAT test, to say nothing of a perfect score.

Don't set the bar higher than God himself. And don't forget that while His standard is perfection, none of us meet that standard, only Christ did and its only by His righteousness being imputed to us that we can stand in God's presence, not our own righteousness, nor our doctrinal precision.
I agree with you on this. And besides, if someone will turn away from the gospel of Jesus Christ because they think their gonna have to pay tithes they have a heart issue. In all honesty Jesus asked many to sell all they had and give to the poor. If ten percent is offensive to them they will have other problems serving the Lord. Whether a tither or a non-tither, if you serve God there is gonna be a test of your faith in the area of giving.
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Old 08-15-2014, 11:03 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

I agree also with Sean on the fact that we will answer to God for everything that we teach. I don't think teaching tithes is heresy though. There are to many examples of it in both NT and OT. I said example not a NT command. I'll teach it and let people decide.
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Old 08-15-2014, 11:12 PM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Jason Badejo View Post
I don't know that anyone is 100% doctrinally correct. SEAN you make do pretty broad statements.

Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ. There's not a doctrinal questionnaire we have to fill out at the pearly gates like some SAT test, to say nothing of a perfect score.

Don't set the bar higher than God himself. And don't forget that while His standard is perfection, none of us meet that standard, only Christ did and its only by His righteousness being imputed to us that we can stand in God's presence, not our own righteousness, nor our doctrinal precision.

Well Jason, it is not that hard to be spot on with the Apostles doctrine. You must simply believe EVERYTHING, exactly how they taught us and obey them. The folks with the problem are in disagreement with the Apostles doctrine. There is too much commentary these days on these simple truths in the Bible. I mean think about this for a minute...is a college really necessary to learn how to read the New Testament. We need no outside info to interpret it. It interprets itself. Man has created an EMPIRE around these transcripts given to us from 1st century common folks.

This is simple stuff to understand bro. Honest folks with a pure heart just need the assistance of the Holy Ghost and a little direction from honest elders and they will understand the Bible perfectly.

Last edited by Sean; 08-15-2014 at 11:28 PM.
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Old 08-15-2014, 11:50 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Originally Posted by good samaritan View Post
I agree also with Sean on the fact that we will answer to God for everything that we teach. I don't think teaching tithes is heresy though. There are to many examples of it in both NT and OT. I said example not a NT command. I'll teach it and let people decide.
Can you give me one single example of someone "paying" tithes in the NT?

Ok. That was a loaded question because you'll never find an example of anyone "paying" tithes in Bible (old or new testaments). Let me try to help you:

Can you give me one single example of someone bringing tithes in the NT? You said there are MANY, so can you just give one?
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship

"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill
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Old 08-16-2014, 12:02 AM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Originally Posted by good samaritan View Post
I agree also with Sean on the fact that we will answer to God for everything that we teach. I don't think teaching tithes is heresy though. There are to many examples of it in both NT and OT. I said example not a NT command. I'll teach it and let people decide.
On what basis are you teaching it at all? If you admit its not commanded, then you overstep your authority to teach it in any manner.

Should we just teach and let the people decide? Considering the flip flop the American church has done on the issue of homosexuality I'm not so sure that's a wise philosophy.

Were the ones who are called to rightly divide the Word, to be stewards of the Word, and to faithfully and accurately proclaim His Word. It is our responsibility as ministers to feed the flock of God, we can't just let them decide* what is and isn't a command of God. We need to dig into the Word so that we preach the commands of God (not men) and then if we accurately do that the only decision the people have to make is to obey of not. Make it plain pastor.

*= in making this statement I'm not saying the saints don't have a responsibility to be good Bereans and study the Word themselves nor am I saying they don't have a responsibility to test ALL things and hold onto what is good. My point here is that while each person is ultimately responsible for what they believe and why, we ministers have a biblical charge to accurately handle the Word of truth. We can't just teach what works for us and let the people decide. We must proclaim truth, nothing more, nothing less.
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship

"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill
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Old 08-16-2014, 12:03 AM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Abraham payed tithes on one occasion mentioned in scripture and mentioned again in Hebrews that is an "example" I didn't say command I said example or you think that isn't in there
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Old 08-16-2014, 12:04 AM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Originally Posted by good samaritan View Post
I agree also with Sean on the fact that we will answer to God for everything that we teach. I don't think teaching tithes is heresy though. There are to many examples of it in both NT and OT. I said example not a NT command. I'll teach it and let people decide.
I don't think I'd call teaching tithes heresy. Perhaps just bad theology. Maybe scriptural ignorance. And in some cases sanctified extortion. I'm willing to say in my own experience I'd say the first two are much more common than the third.
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship

"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill
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Old 08-16-2014, 12:08 AM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Originally Posted by good samaritan View Post
Abraham payed tithes on one occasion mentioned in scripture and mentioned again in Hebrews that is an "example" I didn't say command I said example or you think that isn't in there
Brother come on. That's not a NT example of tithing that's simply an OT reference to the book of Genesis. That's like saying there is a NT example of child sacrifice because Abraham offering up Issac is mentioned in James 2.

Furthermore you said you had many examples, that one doesn't make the cut (not only because it was an OT reference to someone who lived 2,000 years before the NT but also because Abraham gave tithes of the spoils of war, not his own personal wealth or sustenance). Can you give another one example of someone bringing tithes in the NT of the "many" you claimed there were?
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship

"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill

Last edited by Jason B; 08-16-2014 at 12:24 AM.
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Old 08-16-2014, 12:10 AM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Originally Posted by good samaritan View Post
I agree also with Sean on the fact that we will answer to God for everything that we teach. I don't think teaching tithes is heresy though. There are to many examples of it in both NT and OT. I said example not a NT command. I'll teach it and let people decide.
Brother if you don't mind me asking, are you financially supported by a church either F/T or P/T?

I'm just wondering. I work a full time job. I'm not against a minister being paid but I believe that those who benefit from the "tithe" have a real difficult time bringing themselves to admit its not required or expected of the church. Typically they believe it is a divine command and when they realize they are wrong they privately soften their stance (and even publicly to a degree) but they still never come right out and say "you don't gave to tithe". They always want to hang onto tithing in one form or another because if the giving decreases so does their income. This seems like the way you are approaching this issue. I'm not saying this is your situation. I'm not trying to stereotype you. I simply don't know but I do know that has been the case for others.
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship

"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill

Last edited by Jason B; 08-16-2014 at 12:22 AM.
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