You must have missed it when Lafon defined "indisputable":
Originally Posted by Lafon
. . .
So, concerning the question - what makes the things (i.e., miracles) which God does to be "indisputable" truths? Simply, and only, because I believe it!! . . .
Yes. Something is indisputable because Lafon believes it.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Indisputable?? Is that a joke, Lafon? If God had meant for His word to be indisputable (in the human realm) He would have presented it in a way that could not be disputed. That is part of being human, to seek and to pursue God and His truth. Truth is, no human knows the "Indisputable Word of God".
We can and should have a position of faith that we believe is "truth", but knowing that we have grown and accepted "more truth" as we have matured and continued to seek. Since our understanding is progressive, at what point is it "indisputable"?
Intellectual honesty is a great gift, and brings great humility and peace.
Is God a respecter of persons? Absolutely not!
Seeing Paul wrote that he was caught up to the 3rd heaven, where there he saw and heard things which it was not lawful for him to disclose, then why should we think it unreasonable, yea, impossible, that God would not do the same thing for a saint today?
If you or I believe God will do the same thing for us, and we are living a life that is pleasing in His sight, then why not ask Him to do it?
Would you believe it if someone told you that they have done just that? Probably not, that is, if you continue to be as skeptical as your comments appear to indicate you to be!
All things are according to one's belief! Believe it and receive it. Refuse to believe and you'll not receive! Simple? Indeed!
NotForSale... I guess you'll have to wait until you die until you find out the answer for the question you have posed. Not sure why you've posed the question here, as you certainly aren't expecting to get an answer this side of eternity. Many may try to answer, but no answer will suit you, because you don't want to know the answer until you die....
KBTH, just answer the question. Either you know or you don't. I'm not trying to be cynical, just honest. Too many people throw around Heaven and Hell like they've been there, done that.
And none of us have. The Bible also contradicts itself by presenting Heaven/Hell in the New Testament, but not in the Old Testament.
Keep in mind, many Jews do not believe in the Afterlife, and that our journey here on Earth is our chance to be the best we can be, with the blessings we have been given.
The Inheritance of old was physical and tangible, where milk and honey was their provision, and land was where they built their home. If God truly made this Earth for our pleasure, then we should look up with gratitude, and look down with the purpose to make the best of this life.
Instead, people within Christianity have become fatalists, all because of the Afterlife they are not sure even exists. I don't know how many times I've heard this said over the last 35 years in the UPC, "I wish Jesus would just come and take us all home today! You can have this old World! I'm done!"
This statement is selfish, creating an attitude that sees this life as worthless, something (IMO) that God never intended.
If God had meant for His word to be indisputable (in the human realm) He would have presented it in a way that could not be disputed.
And, God did just that! Do you question the "indisputable" veracity of the God-inspired words of Psalm 33:4, which explicitly states that "For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth"? Of course, if you believe it to imply something else, then apparently you have some learning to do. As for me, I accept it as written.
Originally Posted by crakjak
Intellectual honesty is a great gift, and brings great humility and peace.
Am I to accept this statement to imply that you're questioning my integrity? If so, then shame on you! You don't know me, nor do I know you. I accept the things you write as representative of your "honest" beliefs. What prevents you from also accepting the statements I publicly express in the same manner?
Well, if a four year old says things about his father and his great grandfather that he could not have known, he must have experienced what he says. A fourteen maybe, but a four year old??
There plenty I don't understand, and even if this is true, I'm not sure what the story means to us.
IMO, the younger the age the more we should question. Children have a huge imagination and any number of things could cause this child to say what he did.
My kids were looking through our photo albums when they couldn't even walk, and pictures can plant inside the library of our mind, even at a young age.
I've had way too many people come to me with dreams/visions, thinking they meant something. Sorry, but I've resorted to other methods to conclude truth in my life.
There have been thousands of documented near death experiences that have taken place when one was clinically dead for a period of time (all containing very similar elements). The Bible speaks of the martyrs in Heaven praying "How long, faithful and true...". The Bible is full of disembodied (non-physical) beings (God, angels, demons). Not to mention, anyone who has ever even dabbled in mediumship can testify that they've connected with realities from another world. The nature of those realities are debated... but sometimes the results are as astounding to the medium as the sitter.
I believe that many are moving into a "rationalism" and departing from more spiritual truths. The afterlife becomes problematic for the perspective being adopted by these individuals.
That's right! From every Religion in the World. Also, do you know how fast a dream can happen? In seconds.