The open enrollment period for Obamacare coverage is slated to last for six months. If the first week's total were an indication of how many Americans will sign up during that time through the Obama administration's website, its final tally would reach a paltry 1.32 million.
If the state-run exchanges were to have a similar response rate for six months, the national enrollment total would be approximately 2 million.
Remember this number -
7 million. That's how man people must be enrolled in bummercare for it to stay afloat financially.
7 million the Obama administration would need, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, in order to balance the new health insurance system's books and keep it from financial collapse.
If the trend continues, there will be only 2 million signed up for bummercare -- 5 million less than what is needed.
Currently, only 51,000 (FIFTY-ONE THOUSAND!) have enrolled in what obama and the Democrats have declared to be the greatest govt achievement since the New Deal!
51,000! Out of tens of millions of Americans, 51,000!
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