Originally Posted by odooley6985
So the OT doesn't matter to you? Your bible is only the NT?
I never said the OT doesn't matter; in fact, I stated you should practice what you preach when trying to allege that christians are instructed to kill sinners and nonbelievers. That's not what the Bible teaches. Neither in the OT nor in the NT.
Yes, the reason the Israelites were to kill every man, women, child and beast of the Amalekites is because God instructed them to. However, the reason wasn't just because they were non-Israelites. The reason, IMO, is because God was putting judgement on them for attacking Israel when they left Egypt. Read it for yourself,
1 Sam 15. BTW, Saul's refusal to kill the Amalekite King resulted in two things: 1) David was captured years later; and 2) the entire Israelite population was almost exterminated by Haman, who was a descendent of the Amalekites.
As far as the Canaanites, God put a curse on them in Genesis, and in Deuteronomy God's reason is to prevent the Canaanites from leading the Israelites astray.
Nowhere in the Bible (OT or NT), does it command us to kill sinners or nonbelievers. I dare you to try and prove me wrong, without twisting scripture into a pretzel trying to do so, as you did with
Romans 1:32.
Originally Posted by odooley6985
My comment was meant to show not that I am a quranic scholar but that you can take any verse in the bible and quran and show it to mean a lot of things. Unless you know the context of a verse and actually study the holy book you are talking about you shouldn't and cant say something about a religion.
Nice backtrack. You stated: "You are commenting on something that you don't know jack about. Study the Quran, historical context, and customs of the day and then get back to me about evil islam."
That implied that 1) you know more than you believe I knew about Islam; and 2) you had studied the Quran and the historical context and customs of Islam.
So other than wiki-docs on the Quran and Islam, have you actually truly studied the Quran or any historical context and customs? Color me skeptical.
And, BTW, I don't have to study historical context or customs in order to state what I did: "Muhammad's a false prophet, deceiver and the founder of a religion who believes, as was mentioned, in pedophilia, brutal murder, and the beating of women."
You know what, I know absolutely nothing about the historical context or customs of Hinduism, Buddhism or Witchcraft...does that mean I can't say they're false religions which have deceived many?