Theoretical curiosity. Is it okay for christians to pray against another christian's prayer request? Assume the below request is to pass an exam "qualifying" someone for an important public service, such as medicine or education. Would God be more interested in protecting the future victims from his believer rather than to grant this believer some kind of supernatural advantage in test taking?
<<Please pray for me that Jesus will give me knowledge, wisdom, understanding and excellent memory retention for my licensure examination this coming June 10-11, 2013 GMT +8. I've been busy these past two months because of church activities so I was not able to review or study for my exam. I'm feeling so pressure because my parents and friends are expecting me to pass but I'm worried because I haven't studied at all. This exam is like BAR exam for my profession. Pls. pray for me.>>
Theoretical curiosity. Is it okay for christians to pray against another christian's prayer request? Assume the below request is to pass an exam "qualifying" someone for an important public service, such as medicine or education. Would God be more interested in protecting the future victims from his believer rather than to grant this believer some kind of supernatural advantage in test taking?
<<Please pray for me that Jesus will give me knowledge, wisdom, understanding and excellent memory retention for my licensure examination this coming June 10-11, 2013 GMT +8. I've been busy these past two months because of church activities so I was not able to review or study for my exam. I'm feeling so pressure because my parents and friends are expecting me to pass but I'm worried because I haven't studied at all. This exam is like BAR exam for my profession. Pls. pray for me.>>
Christians are to pray for God's will to be done. This would include foolish prayers not being answered.
I would pray for the person to fail their test if they are not truly qualified to do whatever it is they are taking the exam for.
Of course, it might be a mortician's license and I don't see a need to have a license to 'bury a dead body'. lol
If the question is so easy, then you should have a clear slam dunk scripture, no big Bible study required.
Like I said, one shouldn't need a bible study on why not to get a sex change operation.
But here's an idea... if it is abominable to God for a man to 'put on a woman's garment', how much more abominable would it be for a man to switch his plumbing out for hers?
Romans 1 also comes to mind. since homosexuality involves forsaking the natural use of the opposite gender, then sex-change operations would be taking that unnatural act to the nth extreme.
Need more? Or do you REALLY believe there's nothing wrong with a sex change operation?
I don't know of ANY religion (except for the new and improved touchy feely new age garbage of today) that would approve of a 'sex change operation' as being okie dokie.
Can you imagine Vikings tolerating that nonsense?
What about Shinto samurai?
Even the Hopi would probably not be amendable to such a thing.
The very fact this is an 'issue' simply shows just how far down the hole western society has gone, perhaps to the brink of being irretrievable.
Like I said, one shouldn't need a bible study on why not to get a sex change operation.
But here's an idea... if it is abominable to God for a man to 'put on a woman's garment', how much more abominable would it be for a man to switch his plumbing out for hers?
Romans 1 also comes to mind. since homosexuality involves forsaking the natural use of the opposite gender, then sex-change operations would be taking that unnatural act to the nth extreme.
Need more? Or do you REALLY believe there's nothing wrong with a sex change operation?
I don't know of ANY religion (except for the new and improved touchy feely new age garbage of today) that would approve of a 'sex change operation' as being okie dokie.
Can you imagine Vikings tolerating that nonsense?
What about Shinto samurai?
Even the Hopi would probably not be amendable to such a thing.
The very fact this is an 'issue' simply shows just how far down the hole western society has gone, perhaps to the brink of being irretrievable.
Maybe you haven't grasped the issue while assuming that all transgender surgery has to do with homosexuality, rather than possible biological issues such as hermaphroditism, congenital gender dysphoria, Klinefelter syndrome, or genital ambiguity [concerning which .1-.2% of live births require parental decision (or guess) about gender assignment.]
But thanks for taking a stab at it, I'm sure millions of people agree with your simple beliefs. Especially Vikings.
Maybe you haven't grasped the issue while assuming that all transgender surgery has to do with homosexuality, rather than possible biological issues such as hermaphroditism, congenital gender dysphoria, Klinefelter syndrome, or genital ambiguity [concerning which .1-.2% of live births require parental decision (or guess) about gender assignment.]
But thanks for taking a stab at it, I'm sure millions of people agree with your simple beliefs. Especially Vikings.
DNA determines male or female, proceed accordingly.
Or are you saying the SEAL had some kind of gender ambiguity, Klinefelter's, or dysphoria, or was a hermaphrodite?
DNA determines male or female, proceed accordingly.
Ok, checkmate, silly me. Should have known that chromosomes always replicate correctly (intelligent design, ya know..) and in utero hormone triggers always proceed according to the DNA gender. Those lousy government scientists--always makin' up stuff against god's plan.