Originally Posted by odooley6985
Possible being the key word. Look at John Walk Lindh. He was caught fighting against the US. That is an enemy combatant. Per the legislation you still need a warrant and even with one you still cant use a drone for certain things. Take off the tin foil hat. Let me guess you listen to Alex Jones.
Hahaha, going down in flames, but thanks for playing!
1) JWL was under Bush. As I stated, while the EC label started with Bush, it's been expanded under Obama.
2) By legislation, are you talking about the FAA authorization for the use of drones? Thus far that is the only legislation on drones, and it has nothing to do with what the discussion is currently about.
3) You should read up on the issue of warrant-less surveillance. It happens far more than you think.
4) I'm not wearing a tin foil hat
5) Wrong. I can say absolutely I DO NOT LISTEN TO ALEX JONES! Hahaha. I have never watched his videos or listened to his program. The only time I open an article on his website is by accident when it's an un-sourced link on Drudgereport or in a friends' FB post. I think Alex Jones may have some good points...but he's so over the top that, to me, he comes across as nutty or looney.