Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Libertarians are people who believe all men should be able to live any way they choose and they would add as long as it hurts no one else. That dont work out to good for God. He punishes nations for sins. America is basically already a libertarian nation. Everyone elses sins are ok to each other.
God judges nations on the full cup principle. It has nothing to do with rather the GOVERNMENT is ENFORCING righteousness through the STATE'S POLICE POWER. It has everything to do with the individuals of each nation. God ISN'T judging nations today. They are reaping what they have sown, but we aren't seeing angels slaughtering tens of thousands or fire falling from Heaven. God WILL judge the nations of the entire world during the Tribulation. Right now... God is holding back... allowing the call of the Gospel to go forth to save souls from the coming judgment.
Now... if the GOVERNMENT is to enforce righteousness... whose righteousness does it enforce??? To many Christians eating ham sandwiches is just as abominable as homosexuality. Do we BAN the selling and eating of ham??? To some remarriage is ALWAYS adultery. Do we BAN people from marrying again after a divorce??? To some watching television is a terrible terrible abomination. Do we BAN televisions from being owned in the home??? Do we BAN women's pants??? Makeup??? Jewelry??? Do we BAN women from walking around without a head covering??? Some Christians believe in a Seventh Day Sabbath. Do we BAN businesses from functioning on Saturday??? Some are just as strong in their opinion about Sunday. Do we BAN businesses from functioning on Sundays??? Do we BAN all alcohol, tobacco, caffine, or non perscription medications??? Some believe medication is socery. Do we BAN doctors from prescribing medications??? Some believe birth control is an abomination. Do we BAN condoms and birth controls??? Some believe marriage is strictly to produce children. Do we fine couples who DON'T have children??? Foreign gods and idolatry is an abomination. Do we BAN all religious accept for Christianity??? And if so... what brand or brands of Christianity are to be permitted??? Do we FORCE business owners and land owners to pay a 10% tax to help the poor and fine them if they don't??? Do we FORCE a man with two coats to give one to another should he refuse???
Do we execute all adulterers, homosexuals, perverts, murders, non Christians, and eaters of pork??? Violating the Sabbath was a death sentence. Do we execut those who violate the Sabbath??? (Assuming we find concensus on what Sabbath to observe of course.)
And that's JUST CHRISTIANITY. What about Atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc.??? Do we BAN anything that offends these religious citizens??? Do we outlaw their abominable religions??? What happens if one of them becomes a majority???
By saying that the GOVERNMENT'S role is to enforce righteousness upon it's people is to set us adrift on a raging sea of relativism. It's codified legalism. The ancient nation of Israel demonstrated that a nation cannot use law to make a people righteous. The unholy marriage of the Catholic Church with various states throughout the world led to over 80 million people being executed for "religious crimes" over a period of about 1000 years. To even suggest this is woefully ignorant, in my opinion.
Our founders believed in human liberty. Natural God given rights: life, liberty, and property. Governments were only established among me to protect these natural rights. Not to take them. When a government endangers natural rights granted by God... the people have the right to overthow said government and set up a government in which their well being and safety is established. Michael... you're being a theocratic STATIST. Welcome to your new Papacy!
HUMAN LIBERTY IS HOLY... even if free men use said liberty to commit sin. THEY will answer to God.
We are the salt of the earth. God will bless any nation wherein His church is indeed being the church. If a nation is "experiencing judgment", perhaps it's because the CHURCH is failing to focus on it's true mission. The salt cannot loose it's savour. Else it's thrown out, cast to the ground, and trodden under foot. Judgment starts at the house of God... the church.