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Old 07-28-2012, 11:41 PM
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Re: Global Warming is Fake!

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Over 2,000 high temperature records have been broken this year.

The Greenland Ice sheet is 97% melted.

The hottest point of the day is getting later and later in the day.

In light of the recent facts, I just want to announce that global warming is not real.

Global warming is fake
Totally agree, that the presumption of man-made global warming and proposed solutions and fake.
"It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity." Dave Barry 2005

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Old 07-29-2012, 06:37 AM
canam canam is offline
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Re: Global Warming is Fake!

NASA scientists recently said global warming was non existent too but JD is smarter than them quit falling for the al gore ........ jd
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Old 07-29-2012, 06:41 AM
Reltex97 Reltex97 is offline
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Re: Global Warming is Fake!

Global warming = fake
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Old 07-29-2012, 12:18 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: Global Warming is Fake!

The thing is, it's so pervasive it's difficult
to see the forest for the trees there.
They pound on CO2, when the excess
methane--which is like 27 times more
"greenhouse" than CO2--is prolly way
bigger an issue.

That the globe is warming is undeniable,
and I think our contribution to that is
undeniable as well.

There is obv a cycle to this, and the world has
been hotter before (before humans), and will be hotter
again--but you aren't going to like it. Blithely asserting
"fake" when one doesn't know won't change the truth,
whatever it may be. 500,000 poorly digesting cows
do not fart in a vacuum; jet airplanes do not exhaust oxygen.

I find any denial to be similar to the attitude of
"We don't have to take care of the planet;
God is going to remake it, anyway."

What idiocy. You think God is going to wave His
Majick Wand and save you, lol.
God created nature, which,
for better or worse, has a way of taking care
of all that. Sure hope the clueless generation
of conveniences was worth it.
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Old 07-29-2012, 08:45 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Global Warming is Fake!


June, 2012 summary:

Globally: 4th warmest on record (probably due to the tax cuts last year)

Norway: 25th COOLEST on record. Hardly something to raise taxes over

UK: Coolest June since 1991 (coolest in 22 years). Also nothing to raise taxes over

Entire southern hemisphere: 20th warmest on record. ho-hum

Oceans: 10th warmest (globally) on record

Records are only a couple hundred years old though. Recordkeeping started during what is known as the "Dalton Minimum" (google this) and we are currently, in terms of sunspot activity, at the "Modern Maximum".

NOTE: During peak levels of sunspot activity millions of tons of methane are released from the arctic tundra. This happens because rich people continually fail to pay their fair share of taxes.

There have been only (19) sunspot cycles since "global temperature" data started being collected. This is not the worst period of sunspot activity nor are we at the worst (recorded) global temperature levels. Global temperature spikes, including the record ones, which are by the way not this year, occur during these sunspot peaks, and the (19) sunspot peaks that have occurred since recordkeeping began hardly summarize the entire climatological record of the earth.

I am quite sure of one thing. If we raise taxes on (rich) sunlight users (call it a btu tax) by 40-50 billions dollars then give 40-50 billion dollars of that money that somebody else worked for as a free grant to some of our buddies for solar energy then we can at least make a start at addressing this sunspot problem.

I have started a trading company where you can buy rights to use sunlight at night from asian countries and can use the purchased sunlight credits tax-free the next morning, thus avoiding the "btu tax". Please go to my website onlymoronsthinktaxescancontrolweather.com and pay online.

NOTE: I have now raised sunspot awareness. I am currently eligible for a Nobel even though I didnt actually accomplish or do a single measurable thing.

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Over 2,000 high temperature records have been broken this year.

The Greenland Ice sheet is 97% melted.

The hottest point of the day is getting later and later in the day.

In light of the recent facts, I just want to announce that global warming is not real.

Global warming is fake.

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 07-29-2012 at 08:51 PM.
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Old 07-29-2012, 09:12 PM
AreYouReady? AreYouReady? is offline
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Re: Global Warming is Fake!

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (Psalms 118:8)
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Old 07-29-2012, 09:30 PM
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Re: Global Warming is Fake!

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post

June, 2012 summary:

Globally: 4th warmest on record (probably due to the tax cuts last year)

Norway: 25th COOLEST on record. Hardly something to raise taxes over

UK: Coolest June since 1991 (coolest in 22 years). Also nothing to raise taxes over

Entire southern hemisphere: 20th warmest on record. ho-hum

Oceans: 10th warmest (globally) on record

Records are only a couple hundred years old though. Recordkeeping started during what is known as the "Dalton Minimum" (google this) and we are currently, in terms of sunspot activity, at the "Modern Maximum".

NOTE: During peak levels of sunspot activity millions of tons of methane are released from the arctic tundra. This happens because rich people continually fail to pay their fair share of taxes.

There have been only (19) sunspot cycles since "global temperature" data started being collected. This is not the worst period of sunspot activity nor are we at the worst (recorded) global temperature levels. Global temperature spikes, including the record ones, which are by the way not this year, occur during these sunspot peaks, and the (19) sunspot peaks that have occurred since recordkeeping began hardly summarize the entire climatological record of the earth.

I am quite sure of one thing. If we raise taxes on (rich) sunlight users (call it a btu tax) by 40-50 billions dollars then give 40-50 billion dollars of that money that somebody else worked for as a free grant to some of our buddies for solar energy then we can at least make a start at addressing this sunspot problem.

I have started a trading company where you can buy rights to use sunlight at night from asian countries and can use the purchased sunlight credits tax-free the next morning, thus avoiding the "btu tax". Please go to my website onlymoronsthinktaxescancontrolweather.com and pay online.

NOTE: I have now raised sunspot awareness. I am currently eligible for a Nobel even though I didnt actually accomplish or do a single measurable thing.
1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
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Old 07-30-2012, 08:51 AM
deafdriscoll deafdriscoll is offline
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Lightbulb Re: Global Warming is Fake!

Originally Posted by canam View Post
who says its our RESPONSIBLITY ?
In the first chapter of genesis god gave man dominion over the earth. We rule over it and take care of it. believing that we should take care of the earth is not a liberal idea but one given to us by God.
To address another statement- We are taking Gods stand not the liberals. saving the earth does make sense-a good steward receives a good reward.
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