Originally Posted by jediwill83
Its not just about getting people to come to church.The body must become more active in true ministry.
I agree, but this was my pastor's ruling. He insisted on being the "head". When our Assistant pastor left to take a church in another state, he told the people that no church can operate with "two heads". Therefore, he was not going to look for an assistant. No man in the church was going to "correct" him. The board did not either. So...in this case, the article was spot on when it says that church leadership will not train people to disciple others. I've found that for many years, the church leadership in this area only wants total obedience out of people. They want full-grown adults to "ask permission" to do any type of discipleship with the lost. One church kicked a man out because he wanted to reach the lost people that would never step foot in the UPC church he attended. He also had friendly get together on non church service days with other denominations at his home...BBQ's etc. He was strongly discouraged from doing this, saying it may get "out of hand". So he put up a tent anyways.
Discouraging believers from trying to do something for the Lord is not New Testament teachings. It is more like teachings from Diotrephes. Those pastors run the church like it is a business instead of Christ's bride.