Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
I don't think zim looked at Martin and had the intent to kill, but it is a strong possibility that it was his prejudice that started the confrontation.
no intent to kill no second degree murder..... just saying.
prejudice in what way? did he show any ratial based when confronting this man?
I am not saying any of what you are saying, but WHY would you not give the kid the benefit of the doubt? He is the victim, the boy who died getting his brother a pack of candy from the store?
who said the boy is the victim? I have down loaded the 911 mp3 where zimmerman is screaming for help. You can hear it through the walls of the people making the 911 call.
what i see is zimmerman approached the kid on the grounds of what are you doing here. according to his girl friend zimmerman asked that question twice to trayvon.
then the next thing we hear is zimmerman's scream on a audio
Then we have 2 witness's and we have the doctors report.
In our court system a man is innocent till proven guilty. Im not gonna give the boy the benifit of the doubt, cause of the wounds on mr zimmerman. If there was no wounds on zimmerman then i definatly would give martin benifit. But when the man has been verified by doctors to have a cuts on his head and a broken nose.
I mean what more do you want to call it?
We had a hoodie awarness day close to where i live over this. and thats great. people in hoodies isnt thugs. However this boy in my personal view attacked the man when confronted. Zimmerman yelled for help 1 minute later the boy was dead.
the only thing the prosecution can do to persuade my mind in this case is trying to proove that zimmerman had his gun out waving it in martins face. other than that the fact of buying ice tea and skittles has little effect to the case.
Also, zim didn't live in the neighborhood where he killed Martin, making his death all the more non-sensical.
yes He does, his house or town home what ever you want to call it is in that gated community. where do you get your info?