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Old 05-15-2007, 07:20 PM
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Begging For Change

Begging For Change

We are all born with different sensory perceptions. Each body has the sense of touch, taste, smell, hearing, speech and sight. Have you ever considered which one is the most valuable to you? I am sure it probably differs depending upon your perspective. Personally, I would hate to lose my sight.

We are introduced to Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52. This scripture setting gives us instant insight into the world of Bartimaeus, namely that he was blind. We are told that his fathers name was Timaeus. He spent most of his time on the edges of the city of Jericho. He did not just go there because it was his hobby. It was not where he worked. He did not go to meet friends and drink coffee and play checkers all day. He didn’t go there just because he liked the scenery. In fact, he had no idea what the scenery looked like. Plainly, the Bible tells us that he was blind.

And that is why he was here. No, it was not the school for the blind nor a home for the blind. Rather it was the place that he went to beg. It is where he would beg and try to eek out a meager existence from day to day. He was begging for the change in peoples pockets and was counting on their compassion and generosity.

On a given day Jesus comes to Jericho. We are not told what was accomplished inside Jericho by the Lord. However, the writer does tell us what happens as He and the disciples are leaving Jericho. Bartimaeus is doing what he always does. Sitting on the curb begging for change. As the noise of the crowd intensifies, no doubt his thoughts were “Kaching! Gonna be a great day and I’m gonna eat good today.” Then he hears someone speak that name of Jesus and his heart leaps within him. He recalls the stories he has heard of the incredible miracles this one called Jesus has performed. Driven by desperation and encouraged by impractical faith he throws his cup to the side and stands to his feet.

It is while Jesus is being pushed along by the crowd that He suddenly hears a voice above all of the others: “Thou Son of David have mercy on me!” The Greek translation it means that he began to “scream or to shriek.” “Thou Son of David have mercy on me!” There was desperation in his voice. There was a hunger and a great desire to get the attention of Jesus. Jesus stood still, and commanded that he be brought to Him.

An interesting conversation now takes place. Looking into eyes that cannot see Him, Jesus asks the question: “What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?” WOW! In other words, Jesus was giving Bart a blank check! “Whatever you want, Bartimaeus, just name it.”

I wonder, what would you ask for today, if given the same opportunity? Bartimaeus, without hesitation, says, “Lord, that I might receive my sight.” “Open my eyes Jesus. I need to see.” “I am sick and tired of the darkness. I am weary of hearing the voices but not seeing the faces. I am weary of the touch without the vision.”

No matter how he said it, what Bartimaeus was really saying was “I AM BEGGING FOR CHANGE, JESUS!” “No, not the few meager coins that come my way and sustain me. But, Jesus, I need that change that will transform everything about me.”

Such faith and desperation moves Jesus with compassion. Hands of tender mercy are stretched out to touch vacant eye sockets. As He speaks the blinded eyes are open.

Incredible change has just taken place.

And now we know why He made the trip to Jericho. To find someone who was begging for change. To hear one cry of desperation from a life that wanted to be free of that thing that held it captive. Just as Jesus went to Jericho that day, He has made the journey to where you are today. I wonder who He will find on His way out of town today. Will He find someone like Bartimaeus, someone like you perhaps who is begging for change? Someone who today is weighed down and oppressed by the circumstances in their life?

Good news! He is waiting for your call of desperate, impractical faith. He has change in His hands.
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Old 05-15-2007, 07:34 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Great post, RRford. I have wondered what I would have asked that day.
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Old 05-16-2007, 05:47 AM
Tina Tina is offline

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Great post......
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Old 05-16-2007, 07:20 AM

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Excellent post, Fordieboy.

I really enjoyed that. I need the change too.
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Old 05-16-2007, 08:12 AM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Originally Posted by rrford View Post
Begging For Change

We are all born with different sensory perceptions. Each body has the sense of touch, taste, smell, hearing, speech and sight. Have you ever considered which one is the most valuable to you? I am sure it probably differs depending upon your perspective. Personally, I would hate to lose my sight.

We are introduced to Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52. This scripture setting gives us instant insight into the world of Bartimaeus, namely that he was blind. We are told that his fathers name was Timaeus. He spent most of his time on the edges of the city of Jericho. He did not just go there because it was his hobby. It was not where he worked. He did not go to meet friends and drink coffee and play checkers all day. He didn’t go there just because he liked the scenery. In fact, he had no idea what the scenery looked like. Plainly, the Bible tells us that he was blind.

And that is why he was here. No, it was not the school for the blind nor a home for the blind. Rather it was the place that he went to beg. It is where he would beg and try to eek out a meager existence from day to day. He was begging for the change in peoples pockets and was counting on their compassion and generosity.

On a given day Jesus comes to Jericho. We are not told what was accomplished inside Jericho by the Lord. However, the writer does tell us what happens as He and the disciples are leaving Jericho. Bartimaeus is doing what he always does. Sitting on the curb begging for change. As the noise of the crowd intensifies, no doubt his thoughts were “Kaching! Gonna be a great day and I’m gonna eat good today.” Then he hears someone speak that name of Jesus and his heart leaps within him. He recalls the stories he has heard of the incredible miracles this one called Jesus has performed. Driven by desperation and encouraged by impractical faith he throws his cup to the side and stands to his feet.

It is while Jesus is being pushed along by the crowd that He suddenly hears a voice above all of the others: “Thou Son of David have mercy on me!” The Greek translation it means that he began to “scream or to shriek.” “Thou Son of David have mercy on me!” There was desperation in his voice. There was a hunger and a great desire to get the attention of Jesus. Jesus stood still, and commanded that he be brought to Him.

An interesting conversation now takes place. Looking into eyes that cannot see Him, Jesus asks the question: “What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?” WOW! In other words, Jesus was giving Bart a blank check! “Whatever you want, Bartimaeus, just name it.”

I wonder, what would you ask for today, if given the same opportunity? Bartimaeus, without hesitation, says, “Lord, that I might receive my sight.” “Open my eyes Jesus. I need to see.” “I am sick and tired of the darkness. I am weary of hearing the voices but not seeing the faces. I am weary of the touch without the vision.”

No matter how he said it, what Bartimaeus was really saying was “I AM BEGGING FOR CHANGE, JESUS!” “No, not the few meager coins that come my way and sustain me. But, Jesus, I need that change that will transform everything about me.”

Such faith and desperation moves Jesus with compassion. Hands of tender mercy are stretched out to touch vacant eye sockets. As He speaks the blinded eyes are open.

Incredible change has just taken place.

And now we know why He made the trip to Jericho. To find someone who was begging for change. To hear one cry of desperation from a life that wanted to be free of that thing that held it captive. Just as Jesus went to Jericho that day, He has made the journey to where you are today. I wonder who He will find on His way out of town today. Will He find someone like Bartimaeus, someone like you perhaps who is begging for change? Someone who today is weighed down and oppressed by the circumstances in their life?

Good news! He is waiting for your call of desperate, impractical faith. He has change in His hands.
Awesome message here Bro. Ford!

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 05-16-2007, 08:15 AM
Brother Strange

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Very good.

I can certainly identify with some of this from time to time.

Thanks, brother FORD!
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Old 05-16-2007, 09:05 AM
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I have been multitasking with my work computer, paperwork, and the personal computer at AFF. For that reason I can't devote time for a serious study right now so I am printing this off and will read it as soon as I get a chance.

Thanks for posting some good thoughts for us!
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Old 05-16-2007, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by rrford View Post

We are all born with different sensory perceptions. Each body has the sense of touch, taste, smell, hearing, speech and sight.

Have you noticed how unreliable they can be?????

I know! Off subject.
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