Here is that revised post on
Malachi 3:6, which I changed after Praxeas pointed out a mistake.
“For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” (
Malachi 3:6, KJV).
This chapter deals from verse one, with God's specific prophecy concerning the messenger (John the Baptist) who will precede himself; the Messiah. It’s a message to Israel which is why verse six is addressed to the ‘Sons of Jacob.’ He then goes onto explain his future judgements upon the wicked in verses two to five. Nevertheless, this statement about his not changing in verse six, must to some extent refer to his own essential being and not just specifically to his covenantal promises with Israel. For although these covenantal promises with Israel are certainly the main focus of the unchangeableness of
Malachi 3:6, this steadfastness of his promises comes from the immutability of his own nature.
So God’s assurance to us at
Malachi 3:5 is that because he is an immutable being, who cannot change, learn or grow in wisdom and understanding just as we do. Therefore his promise of a Messiah (verse 1), and future punishment of the wicked (verses 2-5), is absolutely assured, because the actions and prophecies of such an immutable being would always be completely secure and trustworthy. So God is telling us at
Malachi 3:6, that we can trust him and rely upon his promises, because an unchanging God’s words and prophecies (re verses 1-5), will always come to pass exactly as he states them. So God’s word, which in this case is his covenantal promises with Israel are unchanging, because he himself is an immutable God.