Yeah, and Conservatives weren't consumed with Bill Clinton, with Howard Dean, with Barack Obama. It's politics! Neither side thinks their poop smells as bad as the others.
I'm pretty conservative politically --- and I grimace when I hear Sarah Palin speak... every time without fail.
So why are all the republicans here acting like their poop don't smell as bad as the democrats?
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
What is it? Not more than once have I talked to diehard Democrats and when you talk politics or offer a contrary view, they get angry. They get intense. They bristle. I have very strong political views and I feel passionate about them to a degree, but I don't get angry. I don't have a deeply rooted venom towards the people who embody opposing views.
What is the rationale behind the anger?
You are in the very small minority of republicans then!!