No, no, no.....There are limitations, intellectually, to where certain people at certain levels can develop. Some, because of their limitations, can never develop beyond a certain age no matter how old they get. To say a person that is 40, with an IQ of 70, is automatically developed to age 28, is comical.
I have no idea why I even argue with you because you routinely say the goofiest things on the internet. But I figured I would at least say something here just in case someone might believe you.
Good grief.
It seems you are ignorant regarding maths.
We use the word intelligence. Not development. Piagett and a couple others specialized in stages of development theory. Different theories.
A child with the age of 8 and the intelligence scores of a 10 year old has an Intelligence Quotient of what? 125 10 divided by 8 times 100 which is the case of 8 divided by 8. If the intelligence scores of an 8 year old are the same as the average 6 year old, his IQ is 75.
There is a math pattern here.
Big word allert is "Quotient"
Of all the moronic, stupid things you've said, this one just may take the trophy. So because she was 40 with an IQ of 70, you're saying she was mentally a 28-year-old??????
You, sir, have the developed intelligence of an imbecile.
This is seen as an example of people filled with hate.
Thanks for sharing this.
Another field is emotional IQ. When people grow up, they learn ways to not express hate. A 2 year old throws a tantrum. You lash out. As you mature, you may become better at holding your tongue.
Mr smith
Your argument style is a classic one and a very deceitful one. You use it all the time and you're doing it here. ##### gave a personal example, you argued with it, and how you're quoting things that never happened. I've watched you do this a million times, knowing that people won't go back and look. You are a deceiver which puts you in really wonderful company. And of course, in your dishonesty you accuse me of lying. And that is a lie. The liar makes accusations of lying, and now we are far from the point that was even being made in the first place which was, that ####### has heard hell and fear used on many, many, many occasions.
Enjoy your lying, delusion, and the making fun of things that should never be made fun of.
Is this warraented or necessary?
The woman in this thread was unable or unwilling to suppress her hate and killed her husband and son. Actually had two killers do the deed.
We use the word intelligence. Not development. Piagett and a couple others specialized in stages of development theory. Different theories.
A child with the age of 8 and the intelligence scores of a 10 year old has an Intelligence Quotient of what? 125 10 divided by 8 times 100 which is the case of 8 divided by 8. If the intelligence scores of an 8 year old are the same as the average 6 year old, his IQ is 75.
There is a math pattern here.
Big word allert is "Quotient"
Originally Posted by coadie
This is seen as an example of people filled with hate.
Thanks for sharing this.
Another field is emotional IQ. When people grow up, they learn ways to not express hate. A 2 year old throws a tantrum. You lash out. As you mature, you may become better at holding your tongue.
Is this warraented or necessary?
The woman in this thread was unable or unwilling to suppress her hate and killed her husband and son. Actually had two killers do the deed.
I have read a pretty detailed account of her crimes and they were cold blooded premeditated murder. Not some spontaneous crime of passion from some mentally disabled person.
While her stepson died quickly from the bullets from her young lovers gun her husband was shot with a shotgun and died a much slower agonizing death. He was still alive when the police got there and told them that his wife knew who shot him before he died.
The statement her attorney released after her death would be considered laughable except glorifying a double murderer is too sick to laugh at. He said - “Tonight, the machinery of death in Virginia extinguished the beautiful, childlike, and loving human spirit of Teresa Lewis."
Her deceased husband and stepson might differ a bit with that characterization of her but sadly they are not here to challenge it SINCE SHE KILLED THEM!!!!
Her execution was just punishment for a horrific crime. I hope she made things right with the Lord and is on the streets of glory. If not she not only met her earthly punishment for her actions but has now answered to the judge of us all for them as well.
__________________ "I think some people love spiritual bondage just the way some people love physical bondage. It makes them feel secure. In the end though it is not healthy for the one who is lost over it or the one who is lives under the oppression even if by their own choice"
Titus2woman on AFF
"We did not wear uniforms. The lady workers dressed in the current fashions of the day, ...silks...satins...jewels or whatever they happened to possess. They were very smartly turned out, so that they made an impressive appearance on the streets where a large part of our work was conducted in the early years.
"It was not until long after, when former Holiness preachers had become part of us, that strict plainness of dress began to be taught.
"Although Entire Sanctification was preached at the beginning of the Movement, it was from a Wesleyan viewpoint, and had in it very little of the later Holiness Movement characteristics. Nothing was ever said about apparel, for everyone was so taken up with the Lord that mode of dress seemingly never occurred to any of us."
Quote from Ethel Goss (widow of 1st UPC Gen Supt. Howard Goss) book "The Winds of God"
Yeppers. We watch this on teevee. If one sees 3200 murders in a lifetime on teevee, it doesn't require a rocket scientist to think you can do one to get rid of a person.
I will break it down for Jermyn. IQ means Intelligence Quotient. Her age is for example 40 but her developed intelligence level is that of a 28 year old. Is a 28 year old capable of.......??? 28/40 = 70
One thing that I love about AFF is the access to brilliant minds. I am not ashamed to say that Coadie is much more learned than I'll ever be. This revolutionizes my understanding of IQ. If her IQ of 70 at the age of 40 equates to a normal 28 year old, does that mean that she has the IQ of an 18 year-old Doogie Howser genius?
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
I do have a problem with this execution...I am pretty conflicted when it comes to capitol punishment anyway.
Me too, but she was guilty of murder; and despite her "IQ of 70" she was found to be mentally capable of organizing the brutal killings. Her statements in the papers appear to be those of a reasonably "aware" and cognizant person.
There have been several posters on AFF over the years who couldn't string together thoughts as coherently as this woman did.
I'm really am torn on this particular issue - Capital Punishment; but this person certainly appears to have deserved the punishment for the crime of First Degree Murder - whatever just and reasonable punishment the judge and the Commonwealth of Virginia decide is best for that particular crime.
Yeppers. We watch this on teevee. If one sees 3200 murders in a lifetime on teevee, it doesn't require a rocket scientist to think you can do one to get rid of a person.
I will break it down for Jermyn. IQ means Intelligence Quotient. Her age is for example 40 but her developed intelligence level is that of a 28 year old. Is a 28 year old capable of.......??? 28/40 = 70
Originally Posted by tstew
One thing that I love about AFF is the access to brilliant minds. I am not ashamed to say that Coadie is much more learned than I'll ever be. This revolutionizes my understanding of IQ. If her IQ of 70 at the age of 40 equates to a normal 28 year old, does that mean that she has the IQ of an 18 year-old Doogie Howser genius?
Yeah Stewie, case in point about what I meant in my last post when I said, "There have been several posters on AFF over the years who couldn't string together thoughts as coherently as this woman did."
I'm slow to buy this low IQ means you don't know your actions are wrong.
I.Q. is not always an indicator of ability to understand right from wrong. What was that guys name from the movie "the blind side" ? His "I.Q." went up 30 points with a college education.
I.Q. tests often return low scores for uneducated people, that doesn't make them unable to know right from wrong, stand trial, or know the consequences of their actions. In her case She was found to be competent both to stand trial and that she knew what she was doing when she planned the murder.
I believe justice was served in this case, I have no reservations. There was no doubt she organized and planned the death of two innocent people. In a case like this there was no doubt she was involved in the murder. The only ones claiming she was not responsible for her actions were people with an agenda, her lawyer and those who oppose the death penalty for any reason.
The fact that the other two only received a life sentence is not relevant. Each defendant is entitled to his or her own trial and the outcome need not be the same for justice to be served. Has anyone taken the time to see why they received life?
Oh and Codie do me a favor and just shut your pie hole. I hate having to defend a position after you come in and post the... the... the... stuff you do that just makes no sense at all. Talk about a legend in your own mind. sheesh.
"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow." ~Aesop
Last edited by Baron1710; 09-25-2010 at 05:04 AM.
Reason: My reason for editing? a disclaimer was necessary because Coadie posted on this thread.