Here's another true story too. I visited a UPC church with an old friend of mine and we were sitting in service and I was singing my usual alto to every song. She turned to me during service and said, I'm surprised you know the songs.
Duh, I didn't leave God or worshiping him.
Maybe she was referring to your age.......LOL!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Now you want to talk about typical? A weird look despite thanking you makes Apostolics still not nice people....
Ok, I guess you prove my point that you are a typical Apostolic.
It has nothing to do with being nice or not nice, I never said anything about that. Thank you with a smile is different than a Thank you, you crazy lunatic calling me brother/sister.
I know people that left the org or our local church or standards etc etc and they never got mistreated by me. Once again the sweeping generalization spirit is alive and well
There is a difference between mistreating someone and disregarding them, or treating them with indifference for the exact purpose of letting them know you disapprove that they are not in church.
Ok, I guess you prove my point that you are a typical Apostolic.
It has nothing to do with being noce or not nice, I never said anything about that. Thank you with a smile is different than a Thank you, you crazy lunatic calling me brother/sister.
You have a reading comprehension problem?.....I was NOT posting to you. I was posting to someone else and you butted in...what does that make you? A typical ____ ____?
Go read what Barb said. She said "unkind"..good grief. That's twice now I have told you I was not replying to you. I said SHE was assuming that when I pointed out YOU said they thanked you.
They didn't call you crazy lunatic. They thanked you and according to you they looked at you weird....what is weird? Well Barb assumed it meant they were unkind.
I think it's idiotic to assume because they were not jumping up and down like a lap dog that they were being unkind. Unkind people don't bother to thank someone for opening the door. Unkind people would ignore you or just say "What's it to you"
If you walked up to a baptist that never met you and said "Hey brother" and to his wife "Good to see you sister", I bet they'd look at you funny too, but I bet they would be cordial as well and not nasty.
There is a difference between mistreating someone and disregarding them, or treating them with indifference for the exact purpose of letting them know you disapprove that they are not in church.
I was born at night but not last night Prax.
There is a difference between thanking a total stranger for opening the door and between just ignoring that stranger when they opened the door. They thanked you, right? Did they mistreat you? Did they treat you in such a way to let YOU know they disapprove that you are not "in church"? How can that be when the never met you before? See you must be assuming things.
You have a reading comprehension problem?.....I was NOT posting to you. I was posting to someone else and you butted in...what does that make you? A typical ____ ____?
Go read what Barb said. She said "unkind"..good grief. That's twice now I have told you I was not replying to you. I said SHE was assuming that when I pointed out YOU said they thanked you.
They didn't call you crazy lunatic. They thanked you and according to you they looked at you weird....what is weird? Well Barb assumed it meant they were unkind.
I think it's idiotic to assume because they were not jumping up and down like a lap dog that they were being unkind. Unkind people don't bother to thank someone for opening the door. Unkind people would ignore you or just say "What's it to you"
If you walked up to a baptist that never met you and said "Hey brother" and to his wife "Good to see you sister", I bet they'd look at you funny too, but I bet they would be cordial as well and not nasty.
Calm down Prax, we understand your undying need to defend the conditioned behavior of your bretheren and sisteren.
I have walked up to baptist folks before and said "Praise the Lord!" They hugged me, and I liked it.
There is a difference between thanking a total stranger for opening the door and between just ignoring that stranger when they opened the door. They thanked you, right? Did they mistreat you? Did they treat you in such a way to let YOU know they disapprove that you are not "in church"? How can that be when the never met you before? See you must be assuming things.
No, I am beginning to think YOU are the one with the comprehension problem. For the tenth time, the story had little or nothing to do with the way they treated me. This story has to do with the acknowledgement of fellow Apostolic people or not despite a very cordial and holy ghost attitude.
They did not warm until they saw the apostolic FISH SIGN!
Calm down Prax, we understand your undying need to defend the conditioned behavior of your bretheren and sisteren.
I have walked up to baptist folks before and said "Praise the Lord!" They hugged me, and I liked it.
See this is exactly the nasty attitude I was referring to before. Maybe you should be looking in the mirror I bet if you were honest and objective you'd admit that you could walk up to a baptist and say "Hello there brother may I get the door for you" and they would look at you quizzically at first. And I bet, if you were an honest objective person, you'd do the same to an Apostolic and they would say "Thank you, are you a Christian too?"
It depends on the persons involved, the situations and their current mind set, not religion.
You are proving my point the more you open your mouth, or type with your fingers as it were. Though you became upset that you thought I was talking about you when I was replying to Barb, your subsequent answers only betray your underlying prejudice. That probably was your point all along considering the attitude you have displayed since then.