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Old 05-11-2010, 02:53 PM
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Re: Obama and His Entourage are Supposed to be Sma

Originally Posted by NewWine View Post
I wouldn't know I am not Black.
I didn't mean to say you black, I meant to say when you hear black people say white person, sorry.
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Old 05-12-2010, 11:34 AM
NewWine NewWine is offline
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Re: Obama and His Entourage are Supposed to be Sma

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
I didn't mean to say you black, I meant to say when you hear black people say white person, sorry.
I feel the same way when the situation is reversed. Those who personally know me have seen me "go-off" when this happens. I gets under my skin and is just wrong . If ethnicity isn't germane to the conversation then leave it out. People are people and shouldn't be classified as holding to any particular viewpoint because of their ethnicity. My viewpoint is that this strips a person of their autonomy, which is quite frankly ungodly. (Thank you for the clarification).
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Old 05-12-2010, 12:22 PM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Re: Obama and His Entourage are Supposed to be Sma

Originally Posted by Jeffrey View Post
Nothing new here. Talk Radio opener and a huge straw man (economics = political philosophy) Nice.
So your brilliant rebuttal is: "I hate Rush and Sean?"

And then you say economics and political philosophy have no correlation?

Ladies and Gentlemen: here's Exhibit A for how a first term Senator with no executive experience who had many ties to some of the most radical and fringe political, economic, judicial and religious leaders of our time gets elected leader of the free world and the greatest nation on the planet and begins almost immediately to dismantle it piece by piece. Blind leaders of the blind, millions of these voters will pretend that this is how America will maintain its peace and prosperity. And when presented with the facts, the only response they can muster is a sarcastic "nice". Then in November when the dust settles and their party is in ruins, the cry will be "racists!" But they will never concede that the overreaching and failed political/economic/cultural philosophies will be to blame.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 05-12-2010, 01:02 PM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Re: Obama and His Entourage are Supposed to be Sma

Originally Posted by NewWine View Post
There is no reason to mention that your friend is African American when stating that he supports President Obama. That was truly vacuous.
You assume you know the relationship between my friend and me. I mention his ethnicity because it is statistically factual that African Americans vote Democrat more than 85% of the time and in the election of 2008 they voted 93% for Obama. I mentioned his race to underscore that point without the long explanation, but since you asked...

What wearies me is the unwillingness among BO supporters to criticize anything he has done. I critiqued the Bush Admin many times, even wrote a letter to the RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman about how unhappy I was with their domestic agenda. I am a registered Republican but I have voted for conservative Democrats before and would again if they haven't become an extinct species.

Your offense at my statement is feigned simply because you don't know me, you don't know the nature of the relationship I have with my buddy, and frankly you don't have a clue.

But you are giving credence to the idea that when things don't go your way or your party loses or BOs policies sink us deeper into the abyss, you will get offended at anyone who criticizes this President under the flimsy umbrella of racism.

#1 - Your comment is extremely bigoted and is the equivalent of those that are racist against African Americans, yet, they try to disprove their racism by stating "I have Black friends".

You are amazing in that you can know so much about me from a simple internet post. Ask Jermyn if I'm racist. We had lunch together once. I gave him a tour of the church I pastor. Ask the two friends of my family (African American---I hope that doesn't offend you, but its true) who lived with my wife, son and I while they went to college for a few years. Ask their immediate families with whom we vacationed with one summer at their vacation home in Michigan. Ask the African American families who call me pastor. Ask the half African American/half Caucasian girl that I dated. Ask the African American music ministers I befriended and invited to our church to do music, choir clinics, and a combined mass choir. Ask the choir we traveled and sang with a few years ago. Ask Smokie Norfel who ate dinner with me and had fellowship. My list could go on and on.

You don't have a clue.

#2 - The manner is which you relayed this conversation insinuates that because your friend is African American he supports President Obama. Many people in this country have this same perception, namely that all African Americans support President Obama; which is racist and as a person just down right offensive.
Its not racist to assume that since African Americans supported BO to the tune of 93% in 2008 that most African Americans generally support BO. You just want to be offended so you jump on anything that can be taken that way.

#3 - Having stated the following above in #2, there are some African Americans that support/like President Obama solely on the basis of ethnicity. My opinion of that is people who voted based on ethnicity alone are politically ignorant (that applies to this past election or any other election).
I agree.
#4 - What difference does it truly make that your friend is African American? Can he not just like a political figure strictly based on their character and political ideologies? Unless he stated that he supports President Obama because of his ethnicity. In which case bringing up your friends ethnicity, and not mentioning the true reason why he supports President Obama is highly disingenuous on your part. Furthermore, it shows that to some degree you don't look at him as a person, but just as you described him, an African American.
My coffee drinking buddy has been to dinner with me, at my invitation. He has visited our church. He has such an interesting life story, I preached a message built around his determination through life not to give up or quit. I asked for his permission to use his story, preached the message and gave him a copy of the CD. His daughter a graduate of Columbia University and currently working at the State Department in Washington DC listened to the CD with him and loved it. He is retiring in June and moving out of state in September. I invited him to come and eat grilled burgers and brats on my deck before he moves. He said he would.

I don't see him just as an African American. He's my friend.

But that won't help you stay offended. So believe whatever you want. I know who I am and what I am. I also know what I'm not. You don't know me.

You don't have a clue.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 05-12-2010, 01:42 PM
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Re: Obama and His Entourage are Supposed to be Sma

Originally Posted by NewWine View Post
The founding fathers were after power and wealth; and that ideology has been woven into the foundation of this nation. We all know that our country has socialism in some form or another, but things will become worse in order for the will of God to be fulfilled. As people of God we should look at political developments as a sign that God is soon to take us out of this world.
You need to re-study your history, they were after power and money? Let me guess you learned that at some left wing liberal school right? You have clearly not learned the truth behind the founding of this country, and let me guess 90% of the founding fathers didnt believe in God right?
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Old 05-13-2010, 02:30 AM
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Re: Obama and His Entourage are Supposed to be Sma

Originally Posted by sbo1971 View Post
You need to re-study your history, they were after power and money? Let me guess you learned that at some left wing liberal school right? You have clearly not learned the truth behind the founding of this country, and let me guess 90% of the founding fathers didnt believe in God right?
Tigger stop bouncing it's bad for your brain!! It is my stance that the founding fathers had themselves in mind. Name one left-wing liberal school that would have Retired Gen. Alexander Haig as the graduation speaker? Well, he spoke at my graduation, and directed his speech towards the impending graduation and why we should not vote for Obama. It's the wrong direction for the country so on and so forth. So, the school I attended is not a "liberal left wing school". I know the truth, much more than one may think. But feel free to keep on the path that you are on and hold to whatever it is you have chosen to believe. That's your choice.
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Old 05-13-2010, 05:13 AM
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Re: Obama and His Entourage are Supposed to be Sma

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
I didn't mean to say you black, I meant to say when you hear black people say white person, sorry.
Is this deliberate or ebonics ?
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Old 05-13-2010, 07:28 AM
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Re: Obama and His Entourage are Supposed to be Sma

Originally Posted by oletime View Post
Is this deliberate or ebonics ?
Real "ebonics" is deliberate. You may perhaps be showing too much of your own "color"... or "stripe," I dunno.
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Old 05-13-2010, 07:49 AM
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Re: Obama and His Entourage are Supposed to be Sma

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I don't think Bush was the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I don't see writing a book being that difficult for him. In my opinion while Bush may not have been the most intelligent Republican to ever hold office, we must remember he doesn't represent all Republicans. I think Newt Gingrich is a brilliant policy writer and leader. I believe Gingrich is more intelligent than Bush and Obama put together. Oh well, sometimes I feel sorry for W.

I also don't think that Obama and his minions are all that stupid either. While you and I are sitting here wondering what they're thinking... they know what they're thinking. They have an agenda. I think it is to socialize the United States and to amass state power and wealth. It's a governmental power grab to further a globalist socialist agenda. The only thing that stands in their way is the libertarianism of freedom loving Republicans.
Look up some youtube vids of Bush running for Texas Gov. He sounded sharp back then (smart even! *gasp).

Slightly offtopic, but fun!
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Old 05-13-2010, 09:45 AM
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Re: Obama and His Entourage are Supposed to be Sma

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I don't think Bush was the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I don't see writing a book being that difficult for him. In my opinion while Bush may not have been the most intelligent Republican to ever hold office, we must remember he doesn't represent all Republicans. I think Newt Gingrich is a brilliant policy writer and leader. I believe Gingrich is more intelligent than Bush and Obama put together. Oh well, sometimes I feel sorry for W.

I also don't think that Obama and his minions are all that stupid either. While you and I are sitting here wondering what they're thinking... they know what they're thinking. They have an agenda. I think it is to socialize the United States and to amass state power and wealth. It's a governmental power grab to further a globalist socialist agenda. The only thing that stands in their way is the libertarianism of freedom loving Republicans.
It is so easy to be conditioned by the media, and develop a faulty opinion by the continual drip, "GWB is such a dumbbell".

Fact is GWB set goals and focused on those goals, and basically ignored the polls and the media. His focus had to change after 9/11, and he set new goals for the country. And what he never did was demonize the congress or the Democrats, he spend his time on what he believed was right for the country.

I recently read Karl Rove's book "Courage and Consequence" for a look at the inside of the Bush Administration. I believe GWB will be remembered as one of the great presidents in the tradition of John Adams (who had only one term, because he did what was good for America), Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan. These men were statesmen, before politics, many presidents have destroyed what these types have built, I just hope we can have another of these types often enough to prevent the BO types from destroying the US before her time.

GWB so respects the office of President, that he doesn't demonize anyone who fills the office, he is criticized by the right for not being mean enough to the Demo's. But the Demo's don't respect anything, that's why the government today is run by fools. Foxes guarding the hen house, that's my thought when I see Chris Dodd leading financial reforms, now that my friends is a joke of the highest order.

We are on the path of Western Europe, and it is clearly a path of ruin, someone has to make the really hard decisions and say NO, but I'm concerned that time is running out.

Yeah, I know Harry Truman was a Democrat, and I would take another one like him. But the liberal left has taken over the DNC, and we all know that liberalism (leftist) is a mental illness.
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Last edited by crakjak; 05-13-2010 at 09:48 AM.
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