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Old 04-26-2010, 07:33 PM
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Jesus' Name Pentecostal

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Something to think about

a recent email making the rounds

If you check Obama's last trip over seas, his wife left just after their visit to France as stated below. She has yet to accompany him to any Arab country. Think about it. This was sent to me from a very good and reliable friend. The pieces of the puzzle just keep on coming together!


Travel for Obama
I was at a Blockbusters renting videos, and as I was going along the wall, there was a video called "Obama". There were two men next to me. We talked about Obama. These guys were Arabs and I asked them why they thought Michele Obama headed home following her visit in France instead of
traveling on to Saudi Arabia and Turkey with her husband. They told me she couldn't go to Saudi Arabia , Turkey or Iraq . I said "Laura Bush went to Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Dubai ."

They said that Obama is a Muslim, and by Muslim law he would not be
allowed to bring his wife into countries that accept Sharia Law. I just
thought it was interesting that two Arabs at Blockbusters accept the idea
that we're being led by a Muslim who follows the Islamic creed.

They also said that's the reason he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia .
It was a signal to the Muslim world..

Just thought you would like to know.

When I received this it made sense to me, but there were also a couple
blank spots. Thus, I sent it to a friend who is a Middle Eastern
and expert, Dr. Jim Murk. Here is his explanation that states a little
clearer what the Arabs at Blockbuster were saying..

"An orthodox Muslim man would never take his wife on a politically
oriented trip to any nation which practices shari'ah law, which
includes Saudi Arabia . This is true and it is why Obama left Michelle
in Europe
or at home when he went to especially Arab countries. He knows Muslim
protocol; this included his bowing to the Saudi king.. Obama is
as a Muslim in these countries simply because he was born to a Muslim
father. Note that he has downplayed his Christianity--even spoke of his
Muslim faith with George Stephanopoulus --by not publicly joining a
Christian church in D.C., but simply attending the chapel or services
Camp David . He also played down the fact that the USA was a Christian
country and said, unbelievably, that it was one of the largest Muslim
nations in the world, which is nonsense. He has also publicly taken the
part of the Palestinians in the conflict with Israel . Finally he
the National Day of Prayer.

He is bad newsl He is God's judgment on America ." Jim Murk

Thus once again ACTIONS speak louder than words. Check out Obama's. Do
they appear treasonous to you or is it just millions of us who think
God help us!

Have you wondered why Barack Hussein Obama has insisted that the U.S.
Attorney General hold the trials for the 911 Murdering Muslims
in Civilian Courts as Common Criminals instead of as Terrorists who
attacked the United States of America ?

Think about this: If the Muslim Terrorists are tried in Military
Tribunals, convicted, and sentenced to DEATH by the Military Tribunal,
BY LAW of the United States , Barack Hussein Obama, as President of the
United States, would be required to SIGN their Death Warrants before
could be EXECUTED. He would not be required to sign the death warrants
sentenced to death by a Civilian Court . Think about the Muslim
Major Hassan who slaughtered his fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood , Texas
Major Hassan did not want to go to Afghanistan and be a part of
that could lead to the deaths of fellow Muslims. He stated that
Muslims could not and should not KILL FELLOW MUSLIMS.

Is the motive for Barack Hussein Obama's decision to make sure he
have to sign the death warrants for the Muslim Terrorists? Why would
as President of the United States, not want to sign the death warrants
Muslim Terrorists who attacked the United States and MURDERED over
3,000 innocent United States Citizens on 9/11? Could it be that he is
FORBIDDEN BY HIS RELIGION to have anything to do with the execution of

THINK ABOUT IT!!! Join me in opening our ears, eyes and minds to what
THEIR President is doing. PLEASE pass this along to your friends if you
agree that this sounds reasonable.

John W. King, Attorney at Law
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Old 04-26-2010, 08:44 PM
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Twisp Twisp is offline
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Re: Something to think about

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
a recent email making the rounds

If you check Obama's last trip over seas, his wife left just after their visit to France as stated below. She has yet to accompany him to any Arab country. Think about it. This was sent to me from a very good and reliable friend. The pieces of the puzzle just keep on coming together!


Travel for Obama
I was at a Blockbusters renting videos, and as I was going along the wall, there was a video called "Obama". There were two men next to me. We talked about Obama. These guys were Arabs and I asked them why they thought Michele Obama headed home following her visit in France instead of
traveling on to Saudi Arabia and Turkey with her husband. They told me she couldn't go to Saudi Arabia , Turkey or Iraq . I said "Laura Bush went to Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Dubai ."

They said that Obama is a Muslim, and by Muslim law he would not be
allowed to bring his wife into countries that accept Sharia Law. I just
thought it was interesting that two Arabs at Blockbusters accept the idea
that we're being led by a Muslim who follows the Islamic creed.

They also said that's the reason he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia .
It was a signal to the Muslim world..

Just thought you would like to know.

When I received this it made sense to me, but there were also a couple
blank spots. Thus, I sent it to a friend who is a Middle Eastern
and expert, Dr. Jim Murk. Here is his explanation that states a little
clearer what the Arabs at Blockbuster were saying..

"An orthodox Muslim man would never take his wife on a politically
oriented trip to any nation which practices shari'ah law, which
includes Saudi Arabia . This is true and it is why Obama left Michelle
in Europe
or at home when he went to especially Arab countries. He knows Muslim
protocol; this included his bowing to the Saudi king.. Obama is
as a Muslim in these countries simply because he was born to a Muslim
father. Note that he has downplayed his Christianity--even spoke of his
Muslim faith with George Stephanopoulus --by not publicly joining a
Christian church in D.C., but simply attending the chapel or services
Camp David . He also played down the fact that the USA was a Christian
country and said, unbelievably, that it was one of the largest Muslim
nations in the world, which is nonsense. He has also publicly taken the
part of the Palestinians in the conflict with Israel . Finally he
the National Day of Prayer.

He is bad newsl He is God's judgment on America ." Jim Murk

Thus once again ACTIONS speak louder than words. Check out Obama's. Do
they appear treasonous to you or is it just millions of us who think
God help us!

Have you wondered why Barack Hussein Obama has insisted that the U.S.
Attorney General hold the trials for the 911 Murdering Muslims
in Civilian Courts as Common Criminals instead of as Terrorists who
attacked the United States of America ?

Think about this: If the Muslim Terrorists are tried in Military
Tribunals, convicted, and sentenced to DEATH by the Military Tribunal,
BY LAW of the United States , Barack Hussein Obama, as President of the
United States, would be required to SIGN their Death Warrants before
could be EXECUTED. He would not be required to sign the death warrants
sentenced to death by a Civilian Court . Think about the Muslim
Major Hassan who slaughtered his fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood , Texas
Major Hassan did not want to go to Afghanistan and be a part of
that could lead to the deaths of fellow Muslims. He stated that
Muslims could not and should not KILL FELLOW MUSLIMS.

Is the motive for Barack Hussein Obama's decision to make sure he
have to sign the death warrants for the Muslim Terrorists? Why would
as President of the United States, not want to sign the death warrants
Muslim Terrorists who attacked the United States and MURDERED over
3,000 innocent United States Citizens on 9/11? Could it be that he is
FORBIDDEN BY HIS RELIGION to have anything to do with the execution of

THINK ABOUT IT!!! Join me in opening our ears, eyes and minds to what
THEIR President is doing. PLEASE pass this along to your friends if you
agree that this sounds reasonable.

John W. King, Attorney at Law
The rest of it is supposition and heresy, but the bold part is not true.

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